Monthly Archives: July 2014


Dances for July 24, 2014


32-bar jig for two couples in a three or four-couple longwise set                by Elaine Hoag

1–2         1st and 2nd couples set advancing to join right hands with partners, 1st woman and 2nd man joining left hands in balance-in-line formation.

3–4        1st and 2nd couples balance in line.

5–6        1st and 2nd couples turn partners with the right hand half way round.

7–8        1st man and 2nd woman turn with the left hand three quarters of the way round while 1st woman and 2nd man dance clockwise one quarter of the way round them to finish facing partners in a line across the dance.

9–16    1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of four across the dance. On bars 15-16, 1st woman and 2nd man, having briefly passed left shoulders on bar 14, curve towards the right to finish at the ends of a line of four up and down the middle of the dance. While 1st man and 2nd woman complete the reel by briefly passing left shoulders with one another on bar 16 to face partners. (Fig. 2) All finish in a line up and down the middle of the dance facing partners, women facing up and men facing down. (Fig. 3)

17–24    2nd and 1st couples dance a reel of four up and down the middle of the set.

25–28    2nd and 1st couples set to partners and dance a petronella turn to own sides.

29–32    2nd and 1st couples turn partner with the right hand once round.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Dedicated to Ardbrae member Deborah Connors who dances in “purdy” hot pink shoes and brings so much energy and joy to her dancing.

Suitable recorded music (6 x 32 bars):
‘Purdy Pink Band Shoes’ by The Music Makars on , Catch the Wind, Track 9.

Alex Gray, The Tweeddale Collection, Vol. 4
A 32 bar strathspey for three couples in a four couple set

1-8    1st couple cross down giving right hands between the 2nd couple, cast round th e3rd couple on the opposite side, cross giving right hands between the 3rd couple and cast round the 2nd couple to own place

9-16    1st, 2nd and 3rd couples turn partner right hand (4 steps), and then turn left hand.

17-24    1st and 2nd couples dance the helix (Set advancing towards partner and passing by the left shoulder finish back to back, cast by the right round each other towards own position, half turn partner right hand, 1st and 2nd ccouples hald right hands across to finish on own sides)

25-32    1st, 2nd and 3rd couples six hands round and back.


1- 8    1M and 2W dance across the set passing their standing partner by the right shoulder and cast, man down and woman up, to changes place.  They turn 1-1/2 times with the right hand to return to places.

9 -16    1W and 2M repeat bars 1 – 8 but pass partner left shoulder before casting.  Thy turn 1-1/2 times with the left hand to return to places.

17-24    1C, joining both hands, slip down the middle and up, finishing in the centre ready for:

25-32    Poussette

Dances for July 17, 2014


The Double Dragon
32bar Reel for 3 couples – Bob McMurtry, Dragon Fly

1-8        1st couple dance a figure of eight on own sides, begin by dancing down between the 2nd couple.

9-16    1st couple lead down the middle and back, 2nd couple step in on bar 16

17-24    1st and 2nd couples dance an Allemande.

25-32    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance a mirror reel of three on the sides. 1St couple begin by dancing between the 3rd couple.

Untitled Dance
32 bar reel for 3 couples, Craig Williams

1-8    1st couple turn with the right hand and stay together right hands joined facing down. 1st couple lead down, cross over and cast up around 3rd couple to 2nd place and dance in to finish back to back facing 1st corners. 2nd couple step up on 3 & 4

9-16    1st couple set to corners and partner. Finish by pulling back right shoulder to face 2nd corner

17-20    1st couple & 2nd corners dance a 1/2 reel of four, at the end 1st couple give left hands to turn to face 1st corners
21-24    1st couple & 1st corners dnace a 1/2 reel of four at the end 1st couple give left hands to turn to 2nd place on own side

25-28    3rd, 1st and 2nd couples chase clockwise 1/2 way round the set
29-32    1st couple turn 1 1/2 times with right hand.

The Hypochondriac’s Delight
A 32 Bar Strathspey for Three Couples
Devised by Claudette Sigg, California Gold

1-6    1st couple cast into 2nd place, while 2nd couple step up. 1St couple dances a half figure of eight around 2nd couple, crossing up to begin and finishing in 2nd place on opposite sides of the dance.

7-8    1st couple dance around each other by the left shoulder, ending facing 1st corner

9-16    1st couple set to corners and partner, and finish back to back in the center of the dance facing 2nd corners

17-20    Giving right shoulder to 2nd corners, 1st couple dance a half reel of three on the side of the dance with their corners

21-24    While corners continue the reel of three on the side, 1st lady crosses up into 1st place on the ladies’ side of the dance and 1st man crosses down into 3rd place in men’s side of the dance; lady casts down and mand casts up into second place on their own sides of the dance, thus completing the second half of the reel

25-28    1st couple dance back to back while 2nd and 3rd couples set twice

29-32    1st couple sets twice while 2nd and 3rd couple dance back to back.

Dancing with Deirdre
32 bar Jig for 2 couples – Bob McMurtry, Dragonfly

1-6    1st woman casts off one place, dances below 2nd couple, across to opposite side, casts up round 2nd man, to end in the middle, behind partner, facing women’s side. Meanwhile 1st man dances down between the 2nd couple, casts right sround 2nd man, to end at the top in the middle facing woman’s side of the dance, his partner behind him

7-8    1st couple set, turning to face down, ending in promenade hild on the last step.

9-16    1st couple dance a reel of three across the dance with the 2nd couple. 1st couple begins by passing left shoulders with 2nd woman and end in the middle, top place, facing down.

17-20    1st couple, releasing hands, dance between the 2nd couple and cast up one place to partner’s side.

21-24    1st couple dance a half figure of eight between the 2nd couple, ending in the middle with both hands joined, 2nd couple step in on the last bar joining both hands.

25-32    1st and 2nd couple dance a poussette

Dances for July 10, 2014


Wild Creek
32 bar Jig for 3 couples – Bob McMurtry 1998

1-4    1st couple cross by the right hand and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bar 3 & 4

5-8    1st couple turn with left hands once and three-quarters, end with 1st man facing down between 3rd couple and 1st woman facing up between 2nd couple

9-16    1st man with 3rd couple and 1st woman with 2nd couple dance a 6 bar left shoulder reel of three across the dance. 1St couple pass left shoulders with first corners to begin. 1St coupel cross to opposite side, passing right shoudlers on bars 15-16. 1st man face out.

17-24    2nd and 1st couple danc eLadies Chain

25-28    1st couple dance a half figure of eight between 3rd couple.

29-32    1st coupel turn with left hands once roundand end in second place.

Repeat having passed a couple

Dance Notes: The turn on bars 5-8 may be anticipated a bit and should flow right into the reels of three

Music: Cock o’ the North

Chesterton or The Spinning Wheel
Strathspey – 2 couples (8×32)

1-4    1st and 2nd couples set to each other in the side lines, then set to partner

5-8    1st couple turn right hand once and a half and cast off into 2nd place  on the opposite side while 2nd couple turn right hand once round and lead up into top place.

9-16    1st and 2nd couples dance the Spinning Wheel: 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across and back with the left: on bar 2 and again on bar 4 women cast behind men and rejoin the wheel, and on bar 5 and again on bar 7 men cast behind women and rejoing the wheel. All finish this movement where they began it.

17-24    1st and 2nd couples dance ladies chain.

25-28    1st couple dance half a figure of eight through 2nd couple

29-32    1st couple rith right hand once round

Jackie Johnstone – Loreburn Dances – Book 2

Claymore and  Thistle
32Reel for 2 Couples – Bob McMurtry 1998

1-8    1st couple followed by the 2nd couple lead down the middle and back. 2Nd couple separate and follow as 1st couple lead back to the top.

9-12    1st and 2nd couples cross giving right hands with partners and set.

13-16    1st and 2nd couples petronella into the middle and set to partners. Men are facing down and women are facing up.

17-24    1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of four in the middle. 1st woman and 2nd man pass right shoulders on bar 24 to face partner

25-28    Both couples petronella turn to own sides and set.

29-32    1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across hld way and turn partner by th eright hand back to own side.

Repeat having passed a couple.

Last Exit to Soquel, 32J 3C (4C Set)
Paula Jacobson, Devil’s Quandry

1-8        1st couple dacne a figure of eight on their owne sides, start by passing right shoulder with 2nd couple person

9-16    1st couple dance a right shoudler reel of three on the sides of the dance, passing right shoudler with 2nd couple to begin.

17-24    1st couple lead down the middle and back.

25-32    1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette

Dances for July 3, 2014 – California Night


Cross Links, 32J 4C (4C Set)
Gary Thomas, The San Andreas Collection

1-2        1st couple turn right hands hald way moving down themiddle while 4th couple do the same moving up; 2nd couple step up and 3rd coupel step down.

3-4        1st and 4th couples right hands across hald way to the end on the sides of the set, 1st man with 4th woman, and 1st woman with 4th man, retaining right hands.

5-8        1st and 4th couples half turn, then pass nearest corner by the left shoulder and dance around and in to join right hands across, join nearer hands with corners.

9-12    All set and link, 2nd and 3rd couples end left hands joined across

13-16    2nd and 3rd couples dance left hands across once round while: 1st and 4th couples dance clockwise half way round the outside, turning back over right shoulder to join the 2nd and 3rd couples.

17-20    All set and link, 2nd and 3rd couples end facing clockwise.

21-24    1st and 4th couples dance left hands across once round to end on the sides of the set, 1st man with 4th woman and 1st woman with 4th man retaining left hands while: 2nd and 3rd couples dance clockwise half way round the outside an remain facing clockwise.

25-28    1st and 4th couples half turn, then pass nearest corner by the right shoulders and dance around and in to finish left hands joined across while: 2nd and 3rd couples dance clockwise into the middle – women from the sides, men from the ends – to dance left hands across hlaf way to the opposite corner.

29-32    1st and 4th couples left hands across half way, then cross with left hands with partner to sides of set.

The Flourish, 32S 3C (4C Set)
Tim Wilson, Measures of Pleasure

1-8        1st couple turn with both hands once round to face up and cast off once place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4. 1st couple turn one and a half times with right hands to flow into:

9-16    Reels of three across the dance: 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple. 1st woman gives right shoulder to 2nd woman to begin, 1st man gives right shoulder to 3rd man to begin. 1st couple finish in the center back to back facing first corners.

17-20    1st couple with first corners set advancing, pass by and pull back right shoulders to face at theend of bar 18, and change places with right hands; 1st couple finish by pulling back right shoulders for:

21-24    Left hands across: 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple. On bar 24,1st couple pass right shoulders to face second corners.

25-28    1st couple repeat bars 17-20 with second corners.

29-32    Left hands across: 1st couple with their corners. On bar 32, 1st couple pass right shoulders to finish in second palce on own side inside the setlines ready to repeat. at the end of their second time through, th e”old” 1st couple may repeat bars 1-4 as the new 1st couple starts.

Kittens in the Hoose, 32R 3C (4C Set)
Bob McMurtry

1-8        1st couple leads down the middel for three bars and back for three, cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 7 & 8

9-16    1st couple dance right hands across, 1st man with 3rd couple and 1st woman with 2nd couple, passing irght shoulders in the middle to dance

13-16    1st couple left hands across, 1st man with 2nd couple, 1st woman with 3rd couple, passing left shoulders to end facing first corners.

17-24    1st couple set to first corners, then to each other across the set. 1st couple set to second corners, then to each other up and down the set. Petronella turn to own side.

25-32    1st couple dances down between 3rd couple and cast up. 1st couple then dances up between 2nd couple and casts off, ending in second place.

Last Exit to Soquel, 32J 3C (4C Set)
Paula Jacobson, Devil’s Quandry

1-8        1st couple dacne a figure of eight on their owne sides, start by passing right shoulder with 2nd couple person

9-16    1st couple dance a right shoudler reel of three on the sides of the dance, passing right shoudler with 2nd couple to begin.

17-24    1st couple lead down the middle and back.

25-32    1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette