Dances for July 10, 2024
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Walking the Dogs
Ron Wallace and Gary Thomas, Give it a Whirl
32 bar reel for three couples in a three-couple longwise set
1 – 8 1st couple, giving RIGHT hands, half turn, moving down one place. 2nd couple steps up on bars 1-2. 1st couple, giving RIGHT hands, half turn, moving down below 3rd couple, facing out. 1st couple cast up around the 3rd couple to 2nd place on own side, turn by the RIGHT hand three-quarters to face up the middle. 1st woman followed by 1st man.
9 – 12 Half dolphin reel across the set, RIGHT shoulder to 2nd woman, 1st man takes the lead on bar 10. Finish with 1st couple in the middle back to back, 1st woman having turned right about.
13 1st couple join hands as for double triangles and all set onto RIGHT foot.
14 Releasing hands, all pas de basque onto LEFT foot, 1st couple moving to their RIGHT one quarter, remaining back to back.
2nd and 3rd couples set turning to face up and down.
15 All join hands as for crown triangles and set onto RIGHT foot.
16 Releasing hands, all set onto LEFT foot. 1st woman remains facing down as 1st man turns right about.
17 – 20 1st couple repeat bars 9-12 above with 3rd couple giving a RIGHT shoulder to 3rd man. 1st man takes the lead on bar 18. Finish with 1st couple in the middle back to back, 1st woman having turned right about.
21 – 24 As bars 13-16 above. 1st couple turn right about to face their first corners, who are in their partner’s first corner position.
25 – 32 1st couple half reel of 4 with first corners. 1st couple pass right shoulders in the middle to dance a half reel of 4 with second corners. 3 1 2
Repeat from new positions.
Deviser: Ron Wallace and Gary Thomas
Music: Walking the Dogs, Muriel Johnstone
For dear friend, Emily Evans, whose generosity and friendship helped pave our way into California and sustain us for many years! Dedicated to all who spend hours and hours in that loftiest of pursuits, walking the dog!
Video: The Pirate
The Pirate
RSCDS Sir Walter Scott, The Heart of Midlothian
The Dance – 1822 and 2021
24-bar reel for two couples in a four-couple longwise set
1822 Instructions
The 2d Gentm and 1st Lady turn to right and set at top and bottom, turn to right
again into each other’s places (in the dance) set
the 1st Gentm and 2d Lady do the same
Poussette at top
2021 Reconstruction
1 – 4 1st woman and 2nd man, using travelling step and pulling right shoulders back, dance into the middle to face each other and set. 1st woman facing down and 2nd man facing up.
5 – 8 1st woman and 2nd man using travelling step, pass by the left, and pulling right shoulders back, dance to each other’s original places and set.
9 – 12 1st man and 2nd woman, using travelling step, pass by the left, and pulling right shoulders back dance into the middle and set. 2nd woman facing down and 1st man facing up.
13 – 16 2nd woman and 1st man using travelling step and pulling right shoulder back, dance to each other’s original places and set. At the end of bar 16, 1st couple are in 2nd place opposite side. The 2nd couple are in 1st place opposite side.
17 – 24 2nd and 1st couples dance a waltz poussette to finish back on own sides.
Note: In the 1822 leaflet this is a 24-bar dance for 2 couple.As 24-bar 2-couple dances are not that common today, an additional optional 8 bars have been added below should you wish to dance this as a 32-bar dance for three couples.
25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance a grand chain. Repeat having passed a couple.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
- The movements in bars 1 — 16 are similar to a petronella turn. Travelling step is recommended,
- As it is clear that the progression takes place during bars 1 – 16, the poussette must be a full poussette, but starting from the opposite sides. See page 61.
The Waltz Poussette
Starting from sidelines and using waltz turns throughout the dancers should follow the general pattern below:
Bar 1 Dance in and meet in waltz hold (two hand hold may also be used).
Bar 2 – 4 Dance out to the sides (couple in second place to woman’s side and couple in 1st place to men’s side) and continuing dancing waltz turns round other couple and back into centre in progressed position.
Bar 5 – 7 Repeat bars 2 – 4 to finish in centre in original positions
Bar 8 Retire
Video: The Northern Lights
TAC Silver Anniversary
3 x 32 Bar Strathspey
1 – 4 1st Man and 2nd Lady set to each other advancing, then turn each other with both hands (3/4 turn) to finish back to back in the centre, Man facing down, Lady facing up (they release hands and pivot right about on Bar 4 – i.e. Bob Campbell’s “Birl” from Frae A’ The Airts) Meanwhile: 2nd Man and 1st Lady dance around anticlockwise to finish facing their partner in a line up & down in the centre of the dance
5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples set to partners and turn with both hands to finish on own side of the dance, 1st couple now in 2nd place, 2nd couple in 1st place
9 – 16 1st couple repeat Bars 1 – 8 with 3rd couple. On bars 15 and 16 they turn with both hands finishing in position ready for Allemande. On bar 16, 2nd couple (at top) dance in to position for Allemande.
17 – 24 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples dance Allemande
25 – 28 1st and 2nd couples (top and bottom) dance Half Rights and Lefts; WHILE the 3rd couple (in 2nd place) set and cross over giving Right hands
29 – 32 All 3 couples set and cross to own sides giving Right hand to partner
Repeat with new top couple
Dedicated to the Ladies of Prince George, B.C.
Devised by Chas. F. Dobie of Carisbrooke S.C.D.C.
NOTE: The following note appears in the back of Glasgow Assembly and other Scottish Country Dances by Bob Campbell (Fifth Printing, 1990):
This progression, first used in Campsie Glen, also appears in The Northern Meeting and Frae A’ The Airts and was originally known as the Birl. As birling, in its strict sense, does not occur in our dancing the term Bourrel has been substituted.”
No Video
A JIG for 3 couples in a 4 couple set; (J 8×32)
1 – 8 1C dance clockwise round set: 1W casts off on own side while 1M crosses set and follows 1W. 1C return to original positions, 1W facing out
Meanwhile; 2C and 3C turn RH round and LH back to place.
9 – 16 1C continue dancing ¾ figure of 8 on own side; 1W casts RSh round 2W then LSh round 3W to end in 2nd place as 2W steps up on bars 3-4.
1M casts RSh round 2M then LSh round 3M to end in 2nd place as 2M steps up on bars 3-4..
1C set to each other (in 2nd place)
Couples position: 2 – 1 – 3
17 – 24 1C turn LH round and RH back to 2nd place Meanwhile; 2C and 3C chase clockwise round set.
25 – 32 2C, 1C and 3C all dance 6 hand round and back.
Note; dancers are dancing around the set or inside the set, in a circular movement….to show the movements of the sun and the moon in an eclipse.
Suggested music: THE HAPPY MEETING 8×32 bars JIG from “The Bobby Brown Collection” of Bobby Brown and the Scottish Accents; CD disc #1. Tune #3
Devised by Deborah Connors
April, 2024