Dances for February 22, 2016

Sorry, no videos are available of either dance this week.

The Engine Room
32 bar reel for 3 couples in a 4-couple set

1–8        1st , 2nd and 3rd couples set and mirror reels of three on sides; on bar one, all join hands, on bar two, drop hands to face the direction to start the mirror reels, 1st couple in and down, 2nd couple out and up, 3rd couple in and up

9–16    1st couple back to back, cast off one place as 2nd couple step up, and cross with RIGHT hands to face out.

17-20    1st couple dance around 1st corners, pull back RIGHT shoulders to end back to back, 1st woman facing up, 1st man facing down while: 1st corners dance back to back on the diagonal

21–24    1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance half double triangles up and down (corners set 4 bars)

25–28    1st couple dance around 2nd corners, pull back RIGHT shoulders to end back to back facing opposite sides while: 2nd corners dance back to back on the diagonal

29–32    1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance half double triangles; 1st couple finish on own sides second place (corners set 4 bars)

Repeat having passed a couple

Note:  On Bars 31-32 of the second repetition, 1st couple finish the half double triangles by dancing to the bottom of the set as 3rd couple moves up with pas de basque

Devisor:  Ron Wallace and Gary Thomas, 2007
Music:  “The Engine Room” by Muriel Johnstone, To Dance To!

This dance was written for Muriel Johnstone for the occasion of her 60th birthday, and presented to her at the Santa Rosa Class’s annual Beginners Ball.

The Jubilee Greeting
(32-Bar Strathspey for Three Couples)

1–4        1st couple turn with both hands halfway round and, staying in the middle (close enough to join hands), set to each other.

5–8        1st couple, giving right hands, cross back to own sides and cast off to face first corners. 2nd couple step up on bars 7-8.

9–12    1st couple turn their first corners with both hands three quiarters round and open out to face diagonally across the dance with nearer hands still joined. (The corners are on the right of 1st man or woman.) 1st couple and their corners then set.

13–16    1st couple and first corners advance diagonally, pass the opposite person by the left shoulder and then, staying in the middle, dance left hands across part way round. The corners return to place while 1st couple finish in the middle facing second corners. The dancers should retain hold of nearer hands during bar 13.

17–24    1st couple repeat bars 9-16 with second corners. At the end, 1st couple finish facing partner’s first corner.

25–32    1st man dances a reel of three across the dance with 2nd couple. He begins by giving right shoulder to 2nd man. 1st woman, similarly, dances a reel of three across the dance with 3rd couple. She begins by giving right shoulder to 3rd woman. At the end 1st couple dance to second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

This dance was devised by John Drewry, and the music composed by Moira Reekie,
for the 1991 Silver Jubilee of the Ottawa Branch of
the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.

It was performed for the first time in public in Ottawa,
at the Ottawa Branch Homecoming Dance
on 16 November 1991.