Dances for April 13, 2015 – Glashan School

Bonnie Ina Campbell

1–8        1st couple turn once round with the right hand, lead down the middle, dance out below 3rd couple, cast up to second place on own sides and turn with the left hand to finish with 1st woman in the middle of the dance in top place facing 2nd man and 1st man in the middle in third place facing 3rd woman. 2nd couple step up on bars 3–4.

9–16    1st couple dance reels of three across the dance with 2nd and 3rd couples, 1st woman giving left shoulder to 2nd man to begin, and 1st man giving left shoulder to 3rd woman. 2nd and 3rd couples dance complete reels but, on bar 12, 1st couple turn each other with the right hand to continue in the track of each other’s reel. At the end, 1st couple meet in the middle in second place and pull right shoulders back to face first corners.

17–18    1st couple change places with their first corners giving right hands while second corners set facing each other.

19–20    First corners turn with the left hand three quarters round, while 1st couple and second corners dance round clockwise to the next corner position.

21–22    1st couple change places with their first corners in person giving right hands while second corners set facing each other.

23–24    1st couple turn with the left hand one and a quarter times to face first corner positions, while the corners dance round clockwise to the next corner position.

25–28    Giving right shoulder to person in first corner position, 1st couple dance a half reel of four with first corners. At the end, 1st couple pass by the right to face second corner positions.

29–32    Giving right shoulder to the person in second corner position, 1st couple dance a half reel of four with second corners. At the end, 1st couple pass by the right to second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by George Will (Vancouver Branch)
9-16    Note that 1st woman dances towards men’s side for both half reels, while 1st man dances towards women’s side for both.

Polharrow Burn
RSCDS Three Dances by Hugh Foss
32-bar reel for five couples in a five-couple longwise set

1–4        1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place. 2nd and 4th couples step up on bars 3-4.

5–8        1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple while 3rd couple dance a half figure of eight round 4th couple.

9–16    1st and 3rd couples turn with the right hand once round, then with the left hand to finish facing first corner positions. At the same time 2nd couple, giving right hands, cross over and 2nd man, followed by his partner, dances down behind the women’s line and across at the foot of the set to finish in fifth place on own side of the dance. Similarly, 5th couple, giving right hands, cross over and 5th woman, followed by her partner, dances up behind the men’s line and across to finish in first place on own  side of the dance.

17–20    1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four with the dancers in first corner positions. To finish they pass by the left shoulder to face second corner positions.

21–24    1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four with the dancers in second corner positions. To finish, they pass by the left shoulder to face their partners’ first corner positions.

25–28    1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four with the dancers in their partners’ first corner positions and finish, passing by the left shoulder to second and fourth place on own sides of the dance. The order is now 2, 1, 4, 3, 5.

29–32    1st and 3rd couples turn with the left hand and cast off one place on own sides. 4th and 5th couples step up on bars 31-32.

Repeat from new posititions.

Originally published as Glendarroch Sheet No. 18
Original tune:  Miss Clementina Loughan (Nathaniel Gow) From Old Scottish Music by Annie Shand