Dances for May 15, 2014

The Comeback Jig, 32J 3C (4C Set)
Elaine Brunken, Moments in Time

1-4        1st couple dance a 1/2 figure of eight down around 2nd couple
5-8        1st couple dance a 1/2 figure of eight down around the 3rd couple, end couple step up on bars 7 & 8, 1st couple finifh in 2nd place on own side.

9-12    All 3 couples dance around their partner, passing right shoulder to gypsy right, finish on own side.
13-16    All three couples dance a track, clockwise, 1/2 way around, all finish on opposite side, order 3, 1, 2

17-20    Three hands across, 1st lady down with the 2nd couple (in 3rd place), 1st man up with the 3rd couple (in 1st place).
21-24    Three hands across, 1st lady up with the 3rd couple, 1st man down with the 2nd couple.

25-28    All three couples dance a track, anti-clockwise, 1/2 way, around, all finish on own side, order 2,1,3
29-32    All three couples dance around their partner, passing left shoulder to gypsy left, finish on own side, order 2, 1, 3

The Millville Grange, 32S 3C (4C Set)
Ron Wallace, The San Andreas Collection

1-7        1st couple set advancing, turn two hands once round, dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to 2nd place on own side, 2nd couple step up on bars 5-6
8        All three couples dance into the middle left foot to join right hands with partner and face up.

9-16    3 couple allemande, on bars 7-8 1st couple turn by the right hand to end 1st woman between 3rd couple (in 1st place) facing 3rd woman and 1st man between 2nd couple (in 3rd place) facing 2nd man.

17-22    Right shoulder reels of three across the set, finishing as at the start of the reel.

23-24    1st couple cast right around partners’ 2nd corner position to end back to back, 1st woman facing up and 1st man facing down. While 3rd and 2nd couples advance and retire (1 step each way) with partner

25-32    1st woman with 3rd couple (in 1st place) and 1st man with 2nd couple (in 3rd place) circle 3 hands round to the left, 1st couple release left hands and circle 6 hands round to the left to opposite sides of the set, then all three couples cross over to own side with right hand to partner

Cooper’s Hornpipe, 32R 3C (4C Set)
Wallace Mitchel, Whetherly Book 8

1-4        1st couple set and cross ofer giving right hands
5-8        1st couple cast off into 2nd place on the opposite side and turn with the left hand to finish facing 2nd corners, 2nd couple stepping up on bars 5 & 6

9-16    Corner pass and turn with the left hand
9-12    2nd corners dance in passing the dancing couple by the left, turn with the left hand and dance out to place, meanwhile the 1st couple dance out passing their corners by the left, cast round to the left to meet and give left hands to turn halfway to face their 1st corners
13-16    Repeat with 1st corners, but again finish facing 1st corners

17-22    1st couple dance reels of three on the sides with their corners, passing 1st corners by the left to commence and finishing in 2nd place
23-24    1st couple cross back to own side giving right hands in passing.

25-32    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back

Culloden’s Fancy, 16R 2C (3C Set)
RSCDS Book 5

1-4        1st couple set and, giving both hands, turn once round.
5-8        1st and 2nd couples dance half rights and lefts.

9-12    2nd and 1st couples, giving both hands, turn partners to own sides. 1st coupel finish in the middle of the set, facing up with nearer hands joined.
13-16    1st couple dance up the middle and cast off to second place on own sides