Dances for November 5, 2018

Video: Old and Dangerous

Old and Dangerous
San Andreas Collection
32 bar strathspey for 2 couples in a 4-couple

1-4 1st & 2nd couples set, 1st woman cast down, 2nd man cast up as 1st man and 2nd woman pass LEFT shoulders to face partners on the 1st corner diagonal

5-8 1st & 2nd couples dance half reel of four

9-16 Revolving chain:

Bar 1 1st and 2nd couples turn partner with RIGHT hand half way
Bar 2 1st woman and 2nd man turn LEFT hand as 1st man and 2nd woman travel 1/8 on outside (line is up and down the set)
Bars 3-6 Repeat bars 1-2 twice more (end of bar 4 – line is on 2nd corner diagonal; end of Bar 6 – line is across the set)
Bars 7-8 Men turn with RIGHT hands ¾ to progressed positions while women do the same, 1st man and 2nd woman remain facing out

17-24 1st man cast up and 2nd woman cast down, dance back to back and set while: 1st woman & 2nd man dance back to back, then set twice advancing, passing retiring 2nd woman and 1st man respectively, then passing each other to face partner, still on the diagonal

25-32 1st & 2nd couples turn partner two hands once round (2 bars), half poussette (4 bars), and set (2 bars)

Repeat having passed a couple

Devisor: Gary Thomas, 2007
Music: “Old and Dangerous” by Gary Thomas

The dance is named after the windows in the building where we practice. There are signs that
say not to use them as they are “old and dangerous”. Sometimes we feel the same way.

Video: The White Cockade

The White Cockade
RSCDS Book 5 – No. 11
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set and, giving right hands, cross over. They repeat back to places.

9 – 16 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in first place in the middle of the set. (Fig.)

17 – 20 1st couple cast off to second place on own sides. 2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.

21 – 24 1st and 3rd couples dance four hands once round to the left.

25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

William Campbell: 3rd Book of New and Favourite Country Dances and Strathspey Reels, London c.1782.

Original tune: The White Cockade (Traditional, earliest version Aird 1782 as
The Ranting Highlandman)