Dances for February 11, 2019

Video: Capelthwaite

by Claudette Sigg

32 bar reel for two couples

Music: King’s Reel (Traditional tune)

1 – 8 1st man and 2nd woman turn by the right hand for 4 bars and dance in a clockwise direction around their partner’s position to finish in each other’s place.

Meanwhile, 1st woman and 2″‘1 man set twice to each other on the diagonal and advance and retire.

9 – 16 Repeat bars 1 – 8 from opposite positions:
1st woman and 2ml man turn by the right hand for 4 bars finishing facing out, and dance in a clockwise direction to finish in each other’s place.

Meanwhile, 1st man and 2nd woman set twice to each other on the diagonal and advance and retire.

17 – 24 2nd and 1st couples, on opposite sides, dance a chain progression (see below).

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couple change places with a poussette.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Chain Progression:
17—18 Turn partner 3/4 by the right hand.

19—20 1st man and 2nd woman turn half-way with the left hand, while 1st woman and 2nd man dance half-way round in clockwise direction to meet partners. 1st couple are now in top place and 2nd couple in second place, in a line down the center of the set.

21—24 Turn partner 1 1/4 times with right hand, ending ready for poussette.

Capelthwaite is named to honour San Francisco Branch dancer Cap Moran (August 8, 1954-April 3, 1993). This dance was created not so much in memory of Cap but more to celebrate the generous energy that infused him. A believer in the waxing and waning of the seasons of life as observed in the rituals surrounding the Summer and Winter solstices, Cap created himself. “Cap” was the abbreviation for “Captain’: a nickname he was known by in scouting. When it became politically expedient in his student radical days to change his name, he came across “Capelthwaite” in a name book and took it as his own. “Moran” was the name of the town that his father, Carl Anderson, came from. Thus, Michael Anderson was reborn as Capelthwaite Moran – or Cap as we all knew him — the Captain of his own soul and the Captain of his life’s joumey, even though that journey ended too soon.

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Berwickshire Round Reel
64 bar reel for 4 couples in a square se

1 – 2 1st and 3rd couples advance towards each other with nearer hands joined. (2 skip change of step).
3 – 4 1st woman and 3rd man take nearer hands and set to 4th couple. 1st man and 3rd woman take nearer hands and set to 2nd couple.
5 – 6 Releasing hands, 1st and 3rd couples curve back to places. (2 skip change of step).
7 – 8 All face partners and set.

9 – 12 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 1 – 4, setting to 1st and 3rd couples.
13 – 14 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 5 — 6.
15 – 16 All face partners and set.

17 – 24 All pass partner giving right hands. All turn the next person once round by the left hand. (e.g. 1st woman and 2nd man; 1st man and 4th woman). All pass partner giving right hands. All tum the next person by the left hand to finish in own place. the women facing out and the men facing in.

25 – 32 Men’s chain. across the set and back, i.e. the men dance half left hand wheel while the women dance into their partner’s place; the men then turn the woman opposite by the right hand. Repeat back to own places, all finish facing in.

33 – 34 Men dance into the centre to face the next woman on the right. (1st man faces 4th woman, 2nd man faces 1st woman etc.)
35 – 36 All set.
37 – 38 All turn by the right hand to finish — men in women’s places and women in the centre facing own partner.
39 – 40 All set.

41 – 44 All turn by the right hand, the men dance into the centre to face the woman on the right and all set.
45 – 48 Repeat bars 37 — 40: on bar 48. women pull back right shoulders to give right hands across in a wheel and give left hands to partner.

49 – 52 All dance half wheel to finish in original places.
53 – 56 All set to and turn partners by the right hand.

57 – 64 Eight hands round and back.

For Muriel Johnstone
Tune: Thar & Richard’s Rant (Muriel Johnstone)