Dances for July 11, 2019

Video: The Aviator
Video: The Aviator

The Aviator
Carola Fischer – RSCDS Book 52
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

Bars Description

1 – 4 1st couple lead down the middle. On bar 4, 1st man brings his partner in front of him to face the men’s side while he moves slightly towards the women’s side. 2nd couple step up on bars 3 – 4.

5 – 8 1st woman, followed closely by her partner, dances out and up behind the men’s side and in between 2nd and 3rd men to face 3rd woman.

9 – 12 Passing 3rd woman by the right shoulder to begin, 1st couple, in tandem, dance half a diagonal reel of three with 3rd woman and 2nd man, changing lead on the corner. See notes.

13 – 16 1st man (now leading) completes the reel with 3rd woman and 2nd man while 1st woman and 3rd man turn with the left hand. 1st couple finish in the middle of the set facing up with the man in front of his partner.

17 – 24 1st couple repeat the pattern of bars 9 – 16 with 2nd woman and 3rd man, passing 2nd woman by the right shoulder to begin the reel. After the first half of the reel, 1st woman (now leading) completes the reel with 2nd woman and 3rd man while 1st man and 3rd woman turn with the left hand. 1st couple finish in second place on opposite sides, 1st woman facing out.

25 – 30 1st couple dance round 2nd couple by the right shoulder to the top of the set, 1st woman going behind 2nd man, 1st man in front of 2nd woman. 1st man followed by 1st woman dances down behind 2nd woman and across the set to finish 1st couple in second place on own sides. (Figs)

31 – 32 Taking hands on the sides, all three couples set.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Carola Fischer, RSCDS Central Germany Branch, 2011.

Devised for Hans Prade 0n the occasion of his 80th birthday. Hans was keen on flying gliders and the deviser’s father nicknamed him ”the aviator”. Hans once had the wonderful experience of being joined by a blizzard which flew at his wingtip and mirrored his movements. This dance depicts Hans taking off, banking round, enjoying his flight with the blizzard and then landing safely.

Notes: There is no fixed distance for dancing down the middle (bars 1 – 4). Where there is more than one set, the dancing couple may, on bar 5, dance out through the men’s side below fourth couple, or even in the set below. Regarding bars 9 – 12 and 17 – 20, reels where dancers change lead are known in some areas as “dolphin reels”.

No Video

The Bridge City Strathspey
A strathspey for three couples, in a triangular set, in 32 bars

The strathspey part of a triptych of dances for the Saskatchewan Centennial

Craig Williams
February, 2004
1-8 All 3 couples Set and link twice. Finish facing partner.

9-12 All Set to partner, turn by the right hand ¾, bringing the women into the centre. Women retain right hand with partner and give left hands in the middle.
13-16 Highland Schottische balance in line with partner.

17-24 Targe in strathspey time.
Women LH across 2/3 way around (2 bars), while men dance 1/3 way clockwise around the outside of the set. All couples turn partner with the right hand (2 bars).Repeat the previous 4 bars finishing facing partner with women in the centre and men on the sides of the set.

25-26 All set advancing to pass back to back, pulling back RS to face partner
27-28 All turn partner ¾ with 2 hands out to places on the sides.
29-30 All pass partner right shoulder to meet a new partner and take promenade hold, women on the right of their new partner, facing counter clockwise. (The women will be leading the men to their new position.)
31-32 All dance counter clockwise to finish in new places.

Repeat twice more to meet your original partner.

No Video

MacPhail’s Rant

32 Bar Reel for Three Couples

1 – 8 First couple, casting quickly to begin, and touching hands whenever possible, dance a figure eight on their own sides, round the standing second and third couples. First cast off into second place on 7 & 8 as second couple step up.

9 – 12 Second and third couples advance for two skip change retire for two, while first couple, in middle, advance turning half turn both hands, then retire into second place, opposite sides.

13 – 24 Three couple rights and lefts, first couple finish back to back facing first corners i.e.

13 – 14 All cross, giving right hands to partners.

15 – 16 All change places, giving left hands; second man and third woman diagonally, the others on the sides (second woman with first man, first woman with third man).

17 – 18 All cross, giving right hands to person opposite.

19 – 20 All change places, giving left hands; first couple diagonally, the others on the sides with (partners).

21 – 22 All cross giving right hands to person opposite.

23 – 24 All giving left hands, third man and second woman change places diagonally, the others turn on the sides (first woman with second man, third women with first man). The first couple finish back to back facing first corners.

25 – 26 First couple set to first corners and partner (hello/goodbye)

27 – 28 Using skip change first couple turn by the right hand to face second corners.

29 – 32 Then repeat with second corners to finish in second place on own side, facing out.

Repeat having passed a couple

Inscribed To Dana & David MacPhail of Nanoose, Vancouver Island B. C. Music – Heather Hill, Susan C. MacLean, Jackie Coleman, Spootiskerrv,

Bobby Brown C.D. (For Old Times Sake)
Wesley Clindinning – Vancouver Island 2002