Dances for February 6, 2023
Video: Maxwell’s Rant
Maxwell’s Rant
RSCDS Book 18 – No. 10
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set
1 – 16 1st couple, with 2nd and 3rd couples, dance reels of three on opposite sides and then on own sides. 2nd and 3rd couples remain on own sides throughout.
17 – 20 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.
21 – 24 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple.
25 – 28 1st couple dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to second place on own sides.
29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn once round.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Rutherford: Compleat Collection of 200 of the most celebrated Country Dances both old and new… Vol 1, London, c. 1755 as Maxwill’s Rant.
Original tune: Maxwell’s Rant (Traditional)
Video: Hooper’s Jig
Hooper’s Jig
Miss Milligan’s Miscellany of Scottish Country Dances
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set
1 – 4 All clap and 1st couple, passing right shoulders, cross over and cast off one place on opposite sides. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.
5 – 8 1st and 3rd couples dance right hands across once round.
9 – 12 All clap and 1st couple, passing by the right, cross over and cast up to original places. 2nd couple step down on bars 11-12.
13 – 16 1st and 2nd couples dance left hands across once round.
17 – 18 1st man and 3rd woman, giving right hands, change places.
19 – 20 1st woman and 3rd man, giving right hands, change places, while 1st man and 3rd woman dance round ready to cross back.
21 – 22 1st man and 3rd woman, giving right hands, change places and 1st man faces out. At the same time, 1st woman and 3rd man dance round ready to cross back.
23 – 24 1st woman and 3rd man, giving left hands, cross over with 3rd man guiding 1st woman into second place while 1st man casts off to second place. 2nd couple step up.
25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Rutherford, D: Compleat collection of 200 of the most celebrated country dances, both old and new, c. 1756, London
Customary tune: Peter’s Peerie Boat (Tom Anderson)
Video: Fair Donald
Fair Donald
RSCDS Book 29 – No. 4
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set
1 – 4 1st couple dance down between 2nd couple and cast up to meet in the middle of first place, facing down.
5 – 8 1st couple dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to face 1st corners. 2nd couple step up on bars 7-8.
9 – 16 1st couple dance a reel of four with first corners. 1st couple pass each other by the left to face second corners.
17 – 24 1st couple dance a reel of four with second corners. 1st couple finish between 2nd couple facing up.
25 – 26 1st couple cast off one place on own sides.
27 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set and, giving both hands, turn once round.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Original tune: Lady Dick Lauder’s Strathspey (James Taylor, A Collection of Strathspeys and Reels, Volume 2, 1845).
Video: Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan
Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan
14 Social Dances for 2000, by Roy Goldring
32 bar reel for 5 couples
1 – 4 1st couple set and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3 – 4.
5 – 8 1st couple, followed by 3rd couple, dance up between 2nd couple and cast off. 1st couple finish in 3rd place, 3rd couple finish in 2nd place.
9 – 16 1st, 4th and 5th couples dance reels of three on the sides. To begin:- 1st couple cross down to 4th place, 4th couple dance out and up, 5th couple dance in and up.
17 – 24 1st, 3rd and 2nd couples dance reels of three on the sides. To begin:- 1st couple cross up to second place on own side, 3rd couple dance out and down, 2nd couple dance in and down.
25 – 28 1st couple set and cast off one place. 4th couple step up on bars 27 – 28.
29 – 32 1st couple, followed by 5th couple, dance up between 4th couple and cast off. 1st couple finish in 5th place, 5th couple finish in 4th place.
Repeat from new positions
Note: 1st couple should begin and end each reel in 3rd place in the sidelines.
For Muriel
Tune: The Ardrossan Hornpipe by Muriel Johnstone