Dances for April 8, 2024
Video: Best Set in the Hall
Best Set in the Hall
RSCDS Book 46
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set
1 – 8 1st couple set and 1st woman, followed by her partner, casts off two places, crosses over below 3rd couple, casts up and dances in to face first corner. 1st man dances up the middle of the set to face his first corner. 2nd couple step up on bars 7-8.
9 – 12 1st couple and first corners set and, 1st couple, pulling back by the right, dance around each other and out to finish in partner’s first corner position. At the same time, first corners dance in towards each other and, pulling back by the right, finish back to back in the middle facing own places. (Fig.)
13 – 16 1st couple and first corners set and first corners, pulling back by the right, dance around each other and out to finish in opposite corner’s position. At the same time, 1st couple dance towards each other and, pulling back by the right, finish back to back in the middle facing second corners.
17 – 24 1st couple repeat bars 9-16 with second corners and pass each other by the right to finish in second place on opposite sides. 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples face clockwise.
25 – 28 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance clockwise halfway round the set.
29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn once round.
Repeat, having passed a couple.

For Campbell Mackay of Auckland who, when counting lines, encourages dancers to make up numbers by joining the ‘best set in the hall’.
Devised by Helen Greenwood, Auckland, New Zealand.
Note: the movement in bars 9-24 was devised by the late Alec Hay.
Notes Compiled by teachers, Summer School , St Andrews 2010
15-16 1st couple turn on the spot.
TACNotes:1-8 1st woman dances straight in on bar 8 to face 1st corner.
Video: The Piper and the Penguin
The Piper and the Penguin
The Scotia Suite of Scottish Country Dances devised by Roy Goldring
(Reel for Four Couples in a Square Set)
1 – 4 The women dance round their corners, passing in front of them to begin.
5 – 8 The women dance right hands across and remain in the centre.
9 – 12 The women dance round their partners, passing in front of them to begin.
13 – 16 The women dance left hands across and finish in original places.
17 – 32 The men repeat bars 1–16, but dance in front of partners before dancing right hands across, and in front of their corners before dancing left hands across.
33 – 36 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn partners one and a quarter times.
37 – 40 1st man, followed by his partner, dances between 4th couple and cast back to place. Similarly, 3rd couple dance between 2nd couple and cast back to place.
41 – 48 1st and 3rd couple dance rights and lefts.
49 – 64 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 33–48, 2nd couple dancing between 1st couple and 4th couple dancing between 3rd couple.
65 – 72 The women dance in and pull back right shoulders (2 bars), dance out (2 bars), and cast clockwise half way round the set to opposite woman’s place.
73 – 80 The men repeat bars 65–72, but pull back left shoulders at the end of bar 74, and cast anticlockwise.
81 – 84 All turn partners with the right hand, just over once round, to finish in promenade hold facing anticlockwise.
85 – 88 All promenade halfway round the set. On bar 87, all release right hands and the men lead their partners to original places ready for the bow and curtsey.