Dances for July 17, 2024

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A Trip to Ottawa
Malcolm Brown

1-4 1s Set, cast one place (2s step up)

5-8 1s ½ figure of eight up through 2s

9-16 1s & 2s Helice
1-2 1s & 2s ¾ turn partners RH, to finish in promenade hold, top couple (2s) facing men’s side, bottom couple (1s) facing ladies side, forming a line up and down the dance
3-4 1s & 2s promenade ½ way round anticlockwise (not too close togeher)
5-6 1s & 2s still in promenade hold, turn to finish in middle of set facing partners – 1s above 2s, [top couple on own side (1s), bottom couple on opposite side (2s)]
7-8 1s & 2s pull back R Sh and cast into sidelines

17-24 2s set, cast up one place (1s step down), ½ figure of eight down through 1s, All finish in middle, (1s & 3s dance in on left foot), ready for

25-32 1s 2s 3s Promenade

  • Helice is pronounced “hell-eese” (eese as in (g)eese

September 2008

Version B – 2 couple dance

Version C – 3 couple set (1s cast to 3rd place on bar 32, while 3s dance up to 2nd place)

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32 bar jig for 4 couples in a square set

1 – 8 First and third couples dance a Ladies’ Chain.

9 – 16 Second and fourth couples dance a Men’s Chain. On bar 16, second and fourth women finish facing out and first and third women turn about to face out as well. All the men face in.

17 – 24 All dance 8 bars of Schiehallion reels as follows:
17 – 20 All four men dance on to the position of the woman on their right in two long steps and then, with two short steps, dance a small loop into the man’s position to face in. Meanwhile, the women dance a small loop into their partner’s place and then follow their partners into the woman’s position to their right and stay facing out.
21 – 24 Repeat to finish opposite the original position, women still facing out.

25 – 32 All turn partners with the right hand into promenade hold, women on the right, facing clockwise. All promenade one place on, turning to face in, and all set. All are now in one position to the right of their original place.

Bars 17 – 24 are taken from the dance, Schiehallion, by Hugh Thurston where the full reel for 4 couples takes 16 bars. Schiehallion is a mountain in the middle of Scotland. The reels are danced in a square shape, presumably around the mountain.
The title refers to Parliament Hill in Ottawa as well as the hill, or brae where the first Ardbrae classes were held.

Suggested Music: Celtic Fire in the Music, Disc 1, track 10, Bobby Brown and the Scottish Accent

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The Cairn Strathspey
Roy Goldring, Auld Friends Meet
32 bar strathspey for 4 couples

1 – 4 1 couple with 2nd couple (also 3rd couple with 4th couple) dance right hands across opening out into:

5 – 8 Eight hands round halfway.
Finish 4, 3, 2, 1 all on opposite sides.

9 – 12 4th woman with 3rd woman (also 2bd Woman with 1st woman) nearer hands joined, dance between their partners, divide, dance back to the men’s side. 4th and 3rd women face each other, 2nd and 1st women face each other ready for:

13 – 16 Half reel of four, passing right shoulders to begin.

17 – 24 All four men repeat bars 9 -16. (Men dance between the women opposite — not their partners. )

25 – 28 1st couple cross giving right hands and cast to 4th place while. 2Nd, 3rd and 4th couples set and cross up one place giving right hands.

29 – 32 All four couples turn once round with both hands.

Repeat from new positions.

For Shirley Shields and the Cairn Dancers.

Tune: Falkland Palace (Nancy Dickson)

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Jackie Stewart’s Reel
A 32 bar reel for 3 couples.
Music: The Flying Scotsman 8x32r

1-8: 1st couple cross with left hands, cast and meet in the middle to turn by the left hands 1½ times for 4 bars to face out on own sides. 2nd couple steps up on bars 3-4.

9-16: 1st couple dance around the person on their left in 2 bars and meet In the middle (with man facing up and woman facing down) to turn by the left hands 1½ times for 4 bars, then dance around the person on their left in 2 bars to finish in 2nd place on their own sides.
Meanwhile, on bars 9-10 3rd man and 2nd woman exchange places, passing left shoulders. On bars 15-16 3rd woman and 2nd man exchange places, passing left shoulders.

17-24: 1st couple leads down and back. On bars 21-22, 3rd and 2nd couple cross by the left hands halfway round and step in on bars 23-24 to prepare for an allemande.

25-32: 3rd, 1st, and 2nd couples dance an allemande.
On the second time through, replace every occurrence of “left” with “right”.

Notes for Jackie Stewart’s Reel
Start your engines…

Brid 24-05