Video: The Dean Bridge of Edinburgh
The Dean Bridge of Edinburgh
RSCDS Book 23 – No. 4
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set
1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set and link.
5 – 8 1st and 3rd couples set and link.
9 – 12 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples advance one step and retire one step and, giving both hands to partners, half turn to face partners in the middle of the set.
13 – 16 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples set and cast by the right to opposite sides. 2nd couple face each other, 3rd couple face down and 1st couple face up.
17 – 18 2nd couple, giving right hands cross over. 3rd and 1st women, 3rd and 1st men, giving right hands, change places.
19 – 20 2nd man and 1st woman, 2nd woman and 1st man, giving left hands, change places. 3rd couple, giving left hands, cross over.
Finish in the order 1,2,3, 1st couple on opposite sides.
21 – 24 1st and 2nd couples set and link. 1st couple finish back to back in the middle of the set facing opposite sides.
25 – 28 1st man with 2nd and 3rd women, 1st woman with 2nd and 3rd men advance one step and retire one step. 1st couple advance one step and turn right about to face in. 2nd and 3rd couples advance one step and turn right about to finish back to back facing own sides. (Note)
29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples repeat bars 25 to 28, 1st couple, giving right hands on bars 31-32, to cross to second place on own sides.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Devised by Alec Hay, Auckland, New Zealand.
Original Tune: The Dean Bridge of Edinburgh (Traditional)
Note: The deviser did not intend that hands be given in bars 25-28.
Video: Jeannie o’ the Witchin’ E’e
Jeannie o’ the Witchin’ E’e
RSCDS: Scottish Dances collected by Mary Isdal MacNab
l – 4 1st woman advances to partner and sets to him.
5 – 6 1st woman dances round behind 2nd man and faces him. Fig. 1.
7 – 8 1st woman sets to 2nd man
9 – 12 1st woman gives right hand to partner then left hand to 2nd man and all three set twice.
13 – 16 1st man turns his partner under his right arm to finish in allemande position facing 2nd woman. 2nd couple step up on bars 15-16.
17 – 22 1st couple dance a figure of eight round 2nd couple, passing 2nd woman with right shoulder to begin. Fig. 2.
23 – 24 1st man turns his partner under his right arm to finish back to back in the middle of the set, 1st man facing 2nd woman and 1st woman facing 2nd man, ready for a reel of four.
25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of four across the dance, 1st couple finish facing each other in the middle having passed each other with right shoulders.
33 – 40 1st couple set twice then turn one and a half times with the right hand to finish on own sides in second place.
Repeat having passed a couple
Dedicated to my friend Miss Jean Milligan
Collected originally in Ayrshire but gifted by Mrs Fassiefern Bain of Vancouver, late of Appin, daughter of the Rev. W. Stewart, Nether Lochaber
RSCDS: Scottish Dances collected by Mary Isdal MacNab