Category Archives: Ardbrae 2017


Dances for December 4, 2017

Video: The Reverend John MacFarlane

Video: The Reverend John MacFarlane

The Reverend John MacFarlane
Book XXXVII No. 1

1 – 8 1st woman dances a reel of three on the men’s side with 2nd and 3rd men, while 1st man dances a reel of three on the women’s side with 2nd and 3rd women. (Fig.) 1st couple finish in partner’s place.

9 – 12 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple.

13 – 16 1st couple, joining both hands dance four slip steps down the middle to third place and then set with hands still joined. (1st man sets to the left and then to the right.) 2nd and 3rd couples step up and 4th couple step in to meet on bars 15-16.

17 – 24 1st and 4th couples poussette.

25 – 28 2nd couple with 3rd couple and 4th couple with 1st couple dance right hands across once round to places.

29 – 32 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 1st couples turn partners once round with the left hand.

Repeat with a new top couple.

This dance commemorates the 150th anniversary of the founding in Wellington of New Zealand’s first Scots Church, later known as St. Andrews.

The Rev. John MacFarlane, the first minister of Martyr’s Memorial Church, Paisley, arrived in New Zealand on 20th February, 1840 and he held the first service on the beach at Petone on Sunday 23rd February.

Devised by Gary W. Morris (New Zealand Branch).

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 29-32 3rd man must complete the left hand turn politely before entering the reel at the beginning of the repetition. 3rd woman acknowledges, but continues to dance out.
9-12 On bar 12, 1st cpl finish on sidelines. Do not anticipate entry into bar 13.
29-32 On bar 32, 3rd man, returning to sideline, makes a complete left about turn, ready to dance out & up into
bar 1 of reel with new top cpl.




Sorry, No video for this one.

Cloud Cover
by Sue McKinnell
3X32 Strathspey for 3C
(Set Dance)

1-8 1C set and turn BH once round then dance down between 2C and 3C and cast up to 2nd place to end facing 1st corners. 2C step up on bars 3-4.

9-16 1C set to and turn 1st corners BH to face 2nd corners; set to and turn 2nd corners BH and pass RS to end in 2nd place on own sides.

17-24 2C and 1C dance the knot.

25-32 1C, 2C, and 3C dance a three-couple bourrel: 1M and 2W, similarly 2M and 3W, set advancing to each other and turn BH halfway then away from each other to end back to back in the center of the set, woman facing up and man facing down. Meanwhile, 1W and 3M chase a little more than halfway CCW around the set to end facing new partners. All set to partners and turn them BH to their own sides.

Note: To dance with chosen partners, 2W and 3W should change places at the start of the dance. Suggested music is Set of Strathspeys from Terpsichore by Elke Baker and Liz Donaldson. This dance was written when we finally had an overcast day after a long, hot summer drought.



Video: Best Set in the Hall

Best Set in the Hall
RSCDS Book 46
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple set and 1st woman, followed by her partner, casts off two places, crosses over below 3rd couple, casts up and dances in to face first corner. 1st man dances up the middle of the set to face his first corner. 2nd couple step up on bars 7-8.

9 – 12 1st couple and first corners set and, 1st couple, pulling back by the right, dance around each other and out to finish in partner’s first corner position. At the same time, first corners dance in towards each other and, pulling back by the right, finish back to back in the middle facing own places.

13 – 16 1st couple and first corners set and first corners, pulling back by the right, dance around each other and out to finish in opposite corner’s position. At the same time, 1st couple dance towards each other and, pulling back by the right, finish back to back in the middle facing second corners.

17 – 24 1st couple repeat bars 9-16 with second corners and pass each other by the right to finish in second place on opposite sides. 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples face clockwise.

25 – 28 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance clockwise halfway round the set.

29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn once round.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Helen Greenwood, Auckland, New Zealand.
Note: the movement in bars 9-24 was devised by the late Alec Hay.

Notes Compiled by teachers, Summer School , St Andrews 2010
15-16 1st couple turn on the spot.
TACNotes:1-8 1st woman dances straight in on bar 8 to face 1st corner.

Dances for November 27, 2017

Video: The Flight of the Falcon

The Flight of the Falcon
Anniversary Tensome by Barry Priddey
a 32-bar Jig for 3 couples

1 – 4 1st couple set and cast a place, 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 1st couple turn with left hands one and a quarter times so that 1st man finishes facing 3rd lady and 1st lady finishes behind him and ready to follow him.

9 – 16 1st man followed by his partner, begins to dance a diagonal “reel of three” with 1st corners. At the end of bar 10 having passed 3rd lady by the right, 1st man and 1st lady each turn “right about” to continue the reel with 1st lady leading, then at the end of bar 14, having passed 3rd lady by the left, they each turn “left about” to complete the reel with 1st man leading.

17 – 24 1st man followed by his partner, begins to dance a diagonal “reel of three” with 2nd corners. At the end of bar 18 having passed 3rd man by the right, 1st man and 1st lady each turn “right about” to continue the reel with 1st lady leading, then at end of bar 22, having passed 3rd man by the left, they each turn “left about” to complete the reel with 1st man leading, dancing to the centre of the set to face 1st corners.

25 – 28 1st couple turn first corners with the right hand then pass each other by the right to face 2nd corners (corners dance for 4 bars)

29 – 32 1st couple turn 2nd corners with right hand then pass each other by the right to finish in 2nd place on own sides (corners again dance for 4 bars)



Video: Lady Mary Menzies’ Reel

Lady Mary Menzies’ Reel

32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across for three steps and left hands back. 1st couple cast off one place on own sides and 2nd couple dance up to first place.

9 – 12 1st couple lead up the middle to finish back to back between 2nd couple, 1st man facing 2nd woman and 1st woman facing 2nd man. 1st and 2nd couples set.

13 – 16 1st couple lead down the middle to finish back to back between 3rd couple, 1st man facing 3rd woman and 1st woman facing 3rd man. 1st and 3rd couples set.

17 – 20 1st couple turn first corners with the right hand 1st man finishing between 3rd couple facing up and 1st woman between 2nd couple facing down. 1st couple set and advance toward second corners.

21 – 24 1st couple turn second corners with the right hand finishing between corners. 1st couple set to each other.

25 – 30 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. 1st couple pass first corners by the left to begin.

31 – 32 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over to second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

The Register of Dances at Castle Menzies, 1749.
Original tune: Lady Mary Menzies’ Reel (Bremner, 1761)

13-16 Nearer hand lead. 1st woman, maintaining eye contact with 3rd man, finishes first setting step facing up towards 2nd man & uses the second setting step to advance towards him a little. 1st man moves slightly up on second setting step.
19-20 Set to partner while advancing to face 2nd corner.

Dances for November 20, 2017


Sorry, No video for this one.

Cloud Cover
by Sue McKinnell
3X32 Strathspey for 3C
(Set Dance)

1-8 1C set and turn BH once round then dance down between 2C and 3C and cast up to 2nd place to end facing 1st corners. 2C step up on bars 3-4.

9-16 1C set to and turn 1st corners BH to face 2nd corners; set to and turn 2nd corners BH and pass RS to end in 2nd place on own sides.

17-24 2C and 1C dance the knot.

25-32 1C, 2C, and 3C dance a three-couple bourrel: 1M and 2W, similarly 2M and 3W, set advancing to each other and turn BH halfway then away from each other to end back to back in the center of the set, woman facing up and man facing down. Meanwhile, 1W and 3M chase a little more than halfway CCW around the set to end facing new partners. All set to partners and turn them BH to their own sides.

Note: To dance with chosen partners, 2W and 3W should change places at the start of the dance. Suggested music is Set of Strathspeys from Terpsichore by Elke Baker and Liz Donaldson. This dance was written when we finally had an overcast day after a long, hot summer drought.


Video: Best Set in the Hall

Best Set in the Hall
RSCDS Book 46
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple set and 1st woman, followed by her partner, casts off two places, crosses over below 3rd couple, casts up and dances in to face first corner. 1st man dances up the middle of the set to face his first corner. 2nd couple step up on bars 7-8.

9 – 12 1st couple and first corners set and, 1st couple, pulling back by the right, dance around each other and out to finish in partner’s first corner position. At the same time, first corners dance in towards each other and, pulling back by the right, finish back to back in the middle facing own places.

13 – 16 1st couple and first corners set and first corners, pulling back by the right, dance around each other and out to finish in opposite corner’s position. At the same time, 1st couple dance towards each other and, pulling back by the right, finish back to back in the middle facing second corners.

17 – 24 1st couple repeat bars 9-16 with second corners and pass each other by the right to finish in second place on opposite sides. 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples face clockwise.

25 – 28 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance clockwise halfway round the set.

29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn once round.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Helen Greenwood, Auckland, New Zealand.
Note: the movement in bars 9-24 was devised by the late Alec Hay.

Notes Compiled by teachers, Summer School , St Andrews 2010
15-16 1st couple turn on the spot.
TACNotes:1-8 1st woman dances straight in on bar 8 to face 1st corner.

Dances for November 13, 2017

Video: The Black Black Oil


Reel: 5-couple set: 32 bars
Tune: “Fitful Head” by Tom GeorgesonThe Duke of Edinburgh’s Welcome to Shetland (Shetland Times Ltd.)

1–4 1st couple half-turn by the right hand, moving down to face one another across the centre of the dance in second place, then they set to one another. 3rd couple, similarly, half-turn down to fourth place and set. (2nd and 4th couples move up one place each on Bars 1-2)

5–8 1st couple, giving left hands in passing, cross to own sides, then 1st lady casts up round 2nd lady, and dances into the centre of the dance to face 2nd man, while 1st man casts off behind 4th man, and dances into the centre to face 4th lady. 3rd couple dance similarly, 3rd lady finishes facing 4th man, and 3rd man finishes facing 5th lady. (1st man and 3rd lady pass one another by the left between 4th couple)

9–16 1st lady dances a reel of three across the dance with 2nd couple, passing 2nd man by the right. 1st man and 3rd lady dance a reel of four across the dance with 4th couple. 3rd man dances a reel of three across the dance with 5th couple, passing 5th lady by the right. 1st and 3rd couples finish the reels in the centre of the dance between their first corners. (1st man and 3rd lady pass by the right)

17–18 1st and 3rd couples give left hands to partners and right hands to their first corners and they balance in line.

19–20 1st and 3rd couples turn their first corners by the right hand into the centre of the dance, where the corners join left hands.

21–22 They balance in line again.

23–24 1st and 3rd couples turn their first corners by the right hand out to the sides, and finish facing second corners.

25–28 Second corners “pass and turn”. At the end, 1st and 3rd couples turn partners by the right hand half-way round (i.e. to own sides), and retain hold of right hands.

29–32 1st and 3rd couples continue turning partners by the right hand once round, then cast off one place each on own sides.

Repeat with a new top couple, and with original top couple in third place.


Video: City of Belfast

Video: City of Belfast

City of Belfast
32-bar Strathspey for three couples in a three-couple set

1–4 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple to finish in partner’s place.

5–8 1st man and 2nd woman with left hands, 1st woman and 2nd man with right hands, turn one and a quarter times to finish with 1st couple in the middle back to back, 1st man facing 2nd woman, 1st woman facing 2nd man.

9–16 1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of four across the dance in second place, 2nd couple finish in first place and 1st couple passing left shoulders, face 1st corners.

17–20 1st couple set to first corners, set to second corners and pulling back right shoulders, finish on the opposite side between corners.

21–24 All three couples join hands and set, 1st couple cross giving right hands to finish in second place on own side.

25–32 1st and 3rd couples dance the Espagnole. Finish in order 2,3,1.


The Espagnole (devised by John Drewry)

1 – 2 1st and 3rd women, joining right hands, dance towards the men’s side. On the second step, 1st woman crosses 3rd woman in front of her so that 3rd woman dances out and up towards second place while 1st woman dances out and down towards third place. Meanwhile 1st and 3rd men dance across to the women’s side passing on the outside of their partners.

3 – 4 1st and 3rd men joining right hands, dance back towards their own side passing between their partners. On the fourth step 1st man crosses 3rd man over in front of him so that 3rd man dances out and up towards second place while 1st man dances out and down towards third place. Meanwhile 3rd and 1st women cross back to their own side passing on the outside of their partners.

5 – 8 3rd couple turn with the right hand while 1st couple turn with the left hand.

Original Tune composed by Marian Anderson
Dance devised by Lucy Mulholland

Dances for November 6, 2017

Sorry, No video for this one.

The Peat Road
8×32 Reel (3 couples in a 4 couple set)

1 – 8 1st & 2nd couples dance the Bourrell
1st man * 2nd woman: set advancing, turn two hands (using pas de basque step) 1/2 way pulling back right shoulder and finish back to back in the centre of the set with the 2nd woman facing up and the 1st man facing down. At the same time, 1st woman and 2nd man dance contra-clockwise round the set to finish facing their partner in a line up and down the dance. All set. All turn partner 3/4 with the right hand, to finish with 1st couple facing out in second place & 2nd couple facing in and down in top place.

9 – 12 Half a Reel of three on the sidelines, with 1st woman passing 3rd woman by the right shoulder to begin and 1st man passing 2nd man by the right shoulder. Order is now 3, 1, 2 & 1st couple face out in 2nd place on their own sides, flowing into

13 – 16 1st woman & 3rd woman turn once with the left hand, while 1st man & 2nd man turn once with the left hand. 1st couple faces out in 2nd place on their own side of the set.

17 – 20 Half a Reel of three on the sidelines, with 1st woman passing 2nd woman by the right shoulder and 1st man passing 3rd man by the right shoulder. Order is now 2, 1, 3 & 1st couple face out on won side of the set, flowing into

21 – 24 1st woman & 2nd woman turn once with the left hand, while 1st man & 3rd man turn once with the left hand. All three couples finish facing in.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st & 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat having passed a couple

Deirdre MacCuish Bark 2011

Suggested music: Vintage Goldring: Muriel Johnstone & Keith Smith: track #1 “Crossing the Brook”

The Peat Road: is a narrow, single track road that twists & turns with few passing places & is the “short cut” between Finsbay & Leverburgh in South Harris.


Video: May Yarker’s Strathspey

May Yarker’s Strathspey

1 – 2 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and face out.

3 – 8 1st and 3rd couples dance three quarters of a figure of eight. To begin, 1st couple cast off to third place an d3rd couple cross up to the top. Both couples finish on own sides having changed places.

9 – 10 2nd and 1st couples, giving right hands, cross to opposite sides, releasing hands.

11 – 12 2nd and 1st couples dance right hands across, half way.

13 – 16 3rd and 1st couples repeat bars 9 – 12 and curve out to the sides (order now 1, 3, 2).

17 – 20 1st and 3rd couples dance four hands round to the left. 1St couple finish in the middle, facing down; 3rd couple finish in the side lines.

21 – 24 1st couple dance down between 3rd and 2nd couples, divide and cast up to second place on own sides. 3rd couple step up on bars 23 – 24.

25 – 32 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance the knot

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Dedicated to May Yarker of the Worthing Branch, a Society member since 1958, who was very involved with the Summer Schools for many years. This dance was written to celebrate the award of the Society’s Scroll to her in 1995.

Devised by Roy Goldring, Leeds.

Dances for October 30, 2017

Video: The Countess of Dunmore’s Reel

Video: The Countess of Dunmore’s Reel

VIdeo: The Countess of Dunmore’s Reel

The Countess of Dunmore’s Reel
RSCDS Book 49
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 6 1st couple set, dance down between 2nd and 3rd couples and cast up to second place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3–4.

7 – 8 1st couple set advancing, passing by the left to face first corners.

9 – 16 1st couple turn first corners with the right hand, pass partner by the right, turn second corners with the right hand and, passing partner by the right, face out in second place on own sides. Corners dance for four bars.

17 – 24 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance a chain progression for three couples, all finishing facing clockwise.

25 – 28 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance clockwise halfway round the set.

29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set and, giving right hands, cross to own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Deirdre MacCuish Bark, Toronto Branch.

In the mid 19th century, the Earl of Dunmore owned the whole of the Island of Harris. After the passing of the 1872 Education (Scotland) Act, Catherine, Countess Dowager of Dunmore, gave lands in favour of the School Board of the Parish of Harris for the building of schools. These included Finsbay School, which was attended by members of the deviser’s family.



Video: The Glenora Ferry

The Glenora Ferry
An Itch to Dance, A Collection of Scottish Country Dances by Terry Glasspool

A 40 bar jig for 3 couples
by Terry Glasspool

1 – 8 First couple set and cast then dance half rights and lefts below with the third couple.

9 – 16 Second couple set and cast then dance half rights and lefts below with the first couple.

► The order is now 3 1 2, with third and second couples crossed over.

17 – 24 First couple dance down the middle and up, finishing in second place in the center of the dance, facing up in promenade hold.

On bar 24, third and second couples step in to the middle of the dance to take promenade hold with partner, facing down.

25 – 32 Third, first, and second couples dance a circulating allemande:
First couple dances the center couple’s part of a “normal” three couple allemande to end in second place on own side
while third and second couples change places by dancing the lead and trailing couple’s parts of an “upside down” three couple allemande:
Third and second couples, after dancing out to their own right, dance down the men’s side of the dance, across the bottom, and up the women’s side.

► The order is now 2 1 3, with second and third couples crossed over.

33 – 36 First couple dance a half figure of eight up through the second couple, while second couple set and cross giving right hands in passing.

37 – 40 First couple dance a half figure of eight down through the third couple, while third couple set and cross giving right hands in passing.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

This dance is dedicated to Sheila Keller and the Picton, Ontario, Scottish Country Dancers for their patience and warm welcome.

While driving from Kingston to Picton on a balmy summer evening, Kay “Pretty Face” Munn took us by way of the Glenora ferry. Halfway to to the Island of Prince Edward County she turned to me and said, “You should write a dance about this ferry.” My immediate response was, “The wind is so pleasant the dance will need a down the middle and up.”

The figures of the final dance represent a trip across the Bay of Quinte. First, the cars arrive at the dock and drive on to the open ferry deck. (There are two ferries, one on each side of the bay.) During the voyage you can leave your car and stand on the deck with the wind in your hair while you watch the ferries pass each other in mid-channel. Finally, the ferries unload on the opposite shore.

Music: Any good jig, not too fast.
For example: “The Golden Pheasant” on Scottish Dances Vol. 4 by Ian Holmes and his Scottish Dance Band with Ian Powrie, Highlander Music, HRMCD504.

Notes: To work, the circulating allemande requires only that the dancers trust their body to dance a three couple allemande correctly. This variation of the allemande does, however, enforce the initial step to the right and looks best when the men advance while turning the women under so that all three couples are lined up in the middle and can retire together.

To introduce the circulating allemande I suggest having the top three couples of a set step in to walk a normal three couple allemande. Then have all three couples cross over to partners side and walk an upside down allemande. Finally, have only the middle couple cross back to their own side and, after the couples step in and have a moment to get their bearings, walk the circulating allemande by telling them to “do what you just did.”


Dances for October 23, 2017

Video: The Kelloholm Jig

Video: The Kelloholm Jig

RSCDS Leaflet 32, Four Modern Dances, 1997

1 – 4 1st couple set to each other and cast off to second place. 2nd couple step up on Bars 3–4.

5 – 8 Staying in the side lines, 1st couple set to first corners, and then, giving right hands, change places with them.

9 – 12 On opposite sides, 1st and 3rd women, and 2nd and 1st men, set to each other, and then, giving left hands, change places.

13 – 16 1st couple turn each other with the right hand one and a half times to finish in second place on own sides.

17 – 20 Staying in the side lines, 1st couple set to second corners, and then, giving right hands, change places with them.

21 – 24 On opposite sides, 1st and 3rd men, and 2nd and 1st woman, set to each other, and then giving left hands, change places.

25 – 32 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples, joining nearer hands, advance and retire and then dance six hands round half way to the left.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Peter Hyssett of Ayr, who also composed the tune.
5-8 1st cpl finish by turning R about, 1st woman to face down & 1st man up.
17-20 Second corners finish by turning R about. 3rd man to face up & 2nd woman down.


Video: Culla Bay

Video: Culla Bay

Video: Culla Bay

Culla Bay (Strathspey)
Book 41 – No. 2

Dancers arranged in a square set as for the Eightsome Reel.

1 – 4 1st man and 3rd woman, and 1st woman and 3rd man, turn with the right hand half way round to face each other then, pulling back right shoulders, cast out to opposite places and remain facing out.

5 – 8 1st and 3rd couples continue dancing on clockwise one place round the set, curving in to finish back to back in the centre of the set, 1st couple facing fourth place, and 3rd couple facing second place. Meanwhile, 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 1-4.

N.B. on bars 7 – 8, 1st and 2nd women, 1st and 2nd men, 3rd and 4th women and 3rd and 4th men dance in a curve round each other to new places, passing right shoulder.

9 – 16 All dance reels of four across the set.

17 – 20 2nd and 1st couples, and at the same time 3rd and 4th couples, dance four hands once round to the left.

21 – 24 Joining nearer hands with partner, all set, then 1st and 2nd couples and, at the same time, 3rd and 4th couples, dance right hands across half way.

25 – 28 2nd and 4th couples dance left hands across once round, to finish facing out.

29 – 32 2nd and 4th couples, passing 1st and 3rd couples by the right shoulder, dance out and progress on one place clockwise to finish with 2nd couple in first place and 4th couple in third place. All couples have now progressed one place anti-clockwise round the set.

Repeat, with original 2nd and 4th couples leading.

Culla Bay (pronounced ‘coola’) is on the island of Benbecula where Sheila Jupp spent part of her childhood.
Devised by Ann Dix, London Branch.
Tune: The Macaulays of Benbecula (copyright Frank Reid).

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 5–8 2nd and 4th couples finish facing in.
5–8 2nd & 4th cpls finish facing in on bar 8.
23–24 2nd & 4th cpls shorten steps in order to flow directly into LH across on bar 25.

Dances for October 16, 2017

No Video

Le Petit Chat Celtique
32 bar Jig for 3 couples – McMurtry – 2006

1–8 1st couple dance a figure of eight on their own side. 1st couple dance between the 2nd couple to begin, taking nearer hands briefly wherever possible.

9–16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a mirror reel of three on the sides, 1st couple dancing in and down, 2nd couple up and out and 3rd couple in and up to begin.

17–24 1st couple dance down for three steps, back for three steps and cast off one place, 2nd couple stepping up on bars 23 & 24.

25–28 1st man with 3rd couple and 1st woman with 2nd couple dance right hands across, passing right shoulders on the last bar to change places.

29–32 1st man with 2nd couple and 1st woman with 3rd couple dance left hands across. 1st couple finish in second place on own sides.

Repeat having passed a couple.

Dance Notes: 1st couple phrase step to finish on the sidelines at the end.
Recommended Recording: Track #8 Just in Time on CD, Campbell’s Birl with Muriel Johnstone and Keith

Try to say the title quickly, 3 times in a row.


Video: Maxwell’s Rant

Maxwell’s Rant
Book 18 – No. 10
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1–16 1st couple, with 2nd and 3rd couples, dance reels of three on opposite sides and then on own sides. 2nd and 3rd couples remain on own sides throughout.

17–20 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.

21–24 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple.

25–28 1st couple dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to second place on own sides.

29–32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn once round.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Rutherford: Compleat Collection of 200 of the most celebrated Country Dances both old and new… Vol 1, London, c. 1755 as Maxwill’s Rant.
Original tune: Maxwell’s Rant (Traditional)


Video: The Saint John River

The Saint John River
The New Brunswick Collection of Scottish Country Dances
Dance devised by Prudence Edwards, 1966

32 bar Strathspey for 4 couples in a 4 couple set.

1–8 1st woman casts off one place, crosses and casts behind 3rd man, crosses and casts behind 4th woman and crosses to finish below 4th man on opposite side of the dance; 1st man follows his partner to finish below 4th woman on opposite side of the dance.

9–16 1st couple, with nearer hands joined, dances up under the arch formed by 4th couple, turns one and a half times with two hands, then dances up under the arch formed by 2nd couple, finishing in first place on own sides of the dance. 4th couple holds the arch on bars 9–10 only and 2nd couple makes the arch on bars 15–16.

17–24 1st couple leads down the middle and up, followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th couples: 2nd couple dances up for two bars, leads down for two bars, up for two bars and dances down to place for two bars; 3rd couple dances up for three bars, leads down for one bar, up for one bar and dances down to place for three bars; 4th couple dances up for four bars to meet at the top of the set but does not join hands, then casts out and dances down to place for four bars.

25–28 All four couples dance back-to-back.

29–32 1st couple wends its way down own sides of the dance, changing places with 2nd couple with right hands, 3rd couple with left hands and 4th couple with right hands to finish in fourth place, 1st man and 4th woman making polite turns.

Repeat with new top couple.

The Chase (bars 1–8) describes the meandering course of the River.
The Bridges and Pools (bars 9–16) is explained by its title.
The Reversing Falls (bars 17–24) describes the reversing falls at Saint John; when the tide is ebbing, the River runs downstream over a shallow waterfall and when the tide comes in, it forces the River to flow upstream up the fall.
The River Meets the Sea (bars 25–32) is described in the wave-like back-to-back movement of all four couples, and the 1st couple wending its way down to fourth place describes the River disappearing into the sea.

The Saint John River won first place in a contest to select a Scottish country dance to commemorate Canada’s Centennial in 1967. Organized by the Deep River Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, this group published the twenty-one dances submitted in Scottish Country Dances – A Centennial Collection. Unfortunately this publication is now out of print. Music for the dance was recorded in 1970, helping to make The Saint John River popular with Scottish country dancers around the world. A former member of the Fredericton Scottish Country Dance Group, Pru Edwards is now living in British Columbia.


Video: The Reel of the Royal Scots

Video: The Reel of the Royal Scots

The Reel of the Royal Scots
Leaflet – No.7

1–2 1st and 2nd women turn with the left hand, while 1st and 2nd men turn with the right hand, 1st couple finishing back to back in the centre of the set in second place.

3–4 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set as in double triangles.

5–6 1st and 3rd women turn with the right hand, while 1st and 3rd men turn with the left hand to change places.

7–8 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples set as in double triangles.

9-16 1st couple followed by 3rd couple, dance up between the 2nd couple and cast off, then dance down to third place and cast up to second place, 3rd couple finishing in original places. (1st and 3rd couples join nearer hands with partner on every occasion when dancing up or down in the centre). (Fig.).

17–24 1st couple turn first corners with right hands. 1st couple pass each other by the right shoulder.
1st couple turn second corners with right hands. 1st couple passing right shoulders cross to second place on own sides.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Roy Goldring to celebrate the 350th Anniversary of The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) in 1983.

17-24 Corners dance for 4 bars.

Dances for October 2, 2017

Video: Lady Mary Menzies’ Reel

Lady Mary Menzies’ Reel
Book 7 – No. 5
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1–8 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across for three steps and left hands back. 1st couple cast off one place on own sides and 2nd couple dance up to first place.

9–12 1st couple lead up the middle to finish back to back between 2nd couple, 1st man facing 2nd woman and 1st woman facing 2nd man. 1st and 2nd couples set.

13–16 1st couple lead down the middle to finish back to back between 3rd couple, 1st man facing 3rd woman and 1st woman facing 3rd man. 1st and 3rd couples set.

17–20 1st couple turn first corners with the right hand 1st man finishing between 3rd couple facing up and 1st woman between 2nd couple facing down. 1st couple set and advance toward second corners.

21–24 1st couple turn second corners with the right hand finishing between corners. 1st couple set to each other.

25–30 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. 1st couple pass first corners by the left to begin.

31–32 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over to second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

The Register of Dances at Castle Menzies, 1749.
Original tune: Lady Mary Menzies’ Reel (Bremner, 1761)
13-16 Nearer hand lead. 1st woman, maintaining eye contact with 3rd man, finishes first setting step facing up towards 2nd man & uses the second setting step to advance towards him a little. 1st man moves slightly up on second setting step.
19-20 Set to partner while advancing to face 2nd corner.



Video: Strathglass House

Video: Strathglass House

Strathglass House
Book 13 – No. 9
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1–4 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set and dance six hands round to the left halfway.

5–8 3rd, 2nd and 1st couples repeat bars 1-4 to original places, again moving to the left.

9–12 1st couple lead down, cross over below 2nd couple and dance behind 3rd couple to meet below them facing up.

13–16 1st couple lead up to the top and cast off one place on opposite sides to face first corners. 2nd couple step up on bars 15-16.

17–24 1st couple turn first corner with right hand, partner with the left hand, second corner with the right hand, partner with the left hand to finish between corners.

25–28 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples advance and retire.

29–32 1st couple, giving both hands, turn one and a half times to finish in second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

R Bremner:
A Second Collection of Scots Reels or Country Dances c. 1765.

Original tune:
Mr Muir Mackenzie’s Favourite (Mr Sharpe of Hoddom)

1 – 8 On second setting step (bars 2 & 6) 1st man & 3rd woman must begin to move into circle shape so that the half circle is completed in two steps (bars 3-4 & 7-8).
13 – 16 Nearer hand lead. 2nd cpl step up on bars 15-16.



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32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set by Barbara Anglin

1–8 1st couple cross, giving right hands, and cast off one place as 2nd couple step up.
1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 3rd couple to finish in second place on own sides.

9–12 1st couple dance right hands across with the couple on their right; i.e. 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple.
1st couple finish in the middle, left shoulder to left shoulder.

13–16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a snake pass, as follows: 1st man, followed by 3rd man and 3rd woman, dances out to the women’s side and up, across the top of the set, and down to second place on his own side. 3rd couple finish in top place. Meanwhile, 1st woman, followed by 2nd woman and 2nd man, dances out to the men’s side and down, across the bottom of the set, and up to second place on her own side. 2nd couple finish in 3rd place. The two ‘snakes’ pass by the left. All finish on own sides in order 3, 1, 2 with women facing up and men facing down.

17–24 All chase counter clockwise round the set. On bar 24, all dance into the middle to take promenade hold, facing up.

25–32 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

As I was walkin’ doon yon hill, O but she was neatly dressed,
It was on a summer’s evening, She neither needed hat nor feather,
T’was there I met a bonnie lass, She was a queen amang them a’,
Skippin’ barfit throw the heather. Skippin’ barfit throw the heather.

“Skippin’ Barfit Thro’ the Heather”,
traditional Scottish folk song

While the traditional song tune is not a jig, I thought that jig tempo better suited my image of
“skipping barefoot through the heather.” BA


Dances for September 25, 2017

Video: General Stuart’s Reel

General Stuart’s Reel or
The New Way of Gildon (Reel)
Book 10 – No. 3

1 – 4 1st man sets to 2nd woman and casts off one place. 2nd man steps up on bars 3–4.

5 – 8 1st woman sets to 2nd man and casts off to second place. 2nd woman steps up on bars 7–8.

9 – 12 1st couple turn first corners with the right hand then, passing each other by the right shoulder, face second corners.

13 – 16 1st couple turn second corners with the left hand then, passing each other by the right shoulder, face first corners.

17 – 24 1st couple set to first corners, set to each other across the dance, set to second corners, then set to each other up and down the dance and finish man facing up and woman facing down the dance. 1st couple turn by the right throughout.

25 – 30 1st couple dance reels with their corners. 1st couple begin the reels by giving right shoulders to second corners.

31 – 32 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over to own sides in second place.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Source: The Register of Dances at Castle Menzies, 1749.
Music: The Stuarts’ Rant, Bremner, 1768.

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 9-16 Corners dance two steps when turning.
9-16 Corners must dance into middle to meet 1st cpl on bars 9 & 13 then out to places on bars 10 & 14 releasing 1st cpl to face up & down the set.


Video: Wisp of Thistle

Video: Wisp of Thistle

Wisp of Thistle
Book XXXVII No.4

1 – 4 1st and 3rd couples dance “Petronella turns” into the middle of the dance (1st man and 3rd woman back to back) and set to partners.

5 – 8 1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four.

9 – 10 3rd and 1st couples dance “Petronella turns” to own sides. (3rd couple are in first place and 1st couple in third place.)

11 – 12 3rd, 2nd and 1st couples set joining nearer hands on the sides.

13 – 16 3rd, 2nd and 1st couples turn partners with right hand to finish ready for allemande.

17 – 24 3rd, 2nd and 1st couples allemande.

25 – 28 1st couple cross over giving right hands and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 27–28.

29 – 32 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Note: At the end of their second turn at the dance, 1st couple finish the half figure of eight by dancing down to fourth place while 4th couple step up to third place on bars 31–32.

Choreographed by Pat Kent in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, who, when she had seen the Scottish Country dancers perform in the Tattoo in Nova Scotia, stated that they looked like “wisps of thistle”.

Devised by Pat Kent (Nova Scotia Branch).


Video: The Wild Geese

Video: The Wild Geese

The Wild Geese
Book 24 – No. 3
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 3rd couples set advancing to join nearer hands in a line up and down the set, men with partners on their right. 1st and 3rd couples set.

5 – 8 1st couple, retaining right hands, turn three quarters and cast off to third place on own sides and, at the same time, 3rd couple turn with the right hand and lead up to first place.

9 – 16 3rd and 1st couples repeat bars 1-8 but in bars 15-16, 3rd couple cast off and 1st couple lead up to places.

17 – 24 1st couple lead down the middle and up to second place on own sides.
2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.

25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Collected by Miss Jenny MacLachlan.
Original tune: Mrs MacPherson of Cluny (Joseph Lowe)