Dances for May 2, 2016


Video: The Inimitable Derek

The Inimitable Derek
TSCDS Three Dances, 2006
(32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple set)

1–4    1st and 2nd women, giving left hands, and 1st and 2nd men, giving right hands turn one and a quarter times to finish in a line across the dance with 1st couple back to back in the middle.

5–6    1st and 2nd couples set.

7–8    1st and 2nd women, giving right hands, and 1st and 2nd men, giving left hands, turn three quarters to finish with 1st couple in second place and 2nd couple in first place, facing out.

9–16    Reels of three on the sides. To begin, 2nd and 1st women and 1st and 3rd     men pass right shoulders.

13–14    1st woman crosses down to third place on the opposite side and 1st man crosses up to first place on the opposite side.
15–16  1st woman and 3rd man and 1st man and 2nd woman (second corners) turn with the right hand to finish in balance in line position, while 2nd man and 3rd woman (first corners) curve into place.

17–18    1st couple and second corners balance in line.

19–20    1st couple turn with the left hand to finish in balance in line position with    first corners.

21–22    1st couple and first corners balance in line.

23–24    1st couple turn with left hands to finish side by side in the middle of the set, woman facing up and man facing down.

25–28    1st woman with 2nd and 3rd women and 1st man with 2nd and 3rd men, dance right hands across once round to finish with 1st woman facing up and 1st man facing down.

29–32    1st woman dances up to the top and casts off round 2nd woman while 1st man dances down and casts up round 3rd man to second place on their    own side.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by:   Roy Goldring, 2005
Original Tune:   The Woody Woodpecker, Donald Ridley
In memory of the greatly gifted Derek Haynes.
1-4 Cpls finish in a straight line across the set between 1st & 2nd positions.

A Trip to Ottawa

Malcolm Brown

1-4    1s Set, cast one place (2s step up)

5-8    1s ½ figure of eight up through 2s

9-16    1s & 2s Helice
1-2    1s & 2s ¾ turn partners RH, to finish in promenade hold, top couple (2s) facing men’s side, bottom couple (1s) facing ladies side, forming a line up and down the dance
3-4    1s & 2s promenade ½ way round anticlockwise (not too close togeher)
5-6    1s & 2s still in promenade hold, turn to finish in middle of set facing partners – 1s above  2s, [top couple on own side (1s), bottom couple on opposite side (2s)]
7-8    1s & 2s pull back R Sh and cast into sidelines

17-24    2s set, cast up one place (1s step down), ½ figure of eight down through 1s, All finish in middle, (1s & 3s dance in on left foot), ready for

25-32    1s 2s 3s Promenade

* Helice is pronounced “hell-eese” (eese as in (g)eese
September 2008
Version B – 2 couple dance
Version C – 3 couple set (1s cast to 3rd place on bar 32, while 3s dance up to 2nd place)