Dances for March 16, 2015 – Churchill Recreation Centre


32-bar reel for three couples in a four couple longwise set 

1-8    1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance crossover reels of 3, all couples crossing to the opposite sides when they reach the top.

9-12    As 2nd couple continue to dance up into 1st place, 1st couple cross down, giving left hands, through 2nd place and cast to their right, 1st woman down around 3rd man (in 3rd woman’s place) and 1st man up around 2nd woman (in 1st man’s place).

13-16      1st couple, giving right hands, change places up and down the middle of the set and cast to their right, 1st woman casting between 2nd couple and 1st man between 3rd couple.   They finish with left hands joined in a diagonal line between 2nd corner positions   (1st woman is above her partner; hands are not joined with 2nd man and 3rd woman).

Corner Targe 
17-18     1st couple turns by the left 3/4, while corners dance clockwise to the next corner.
19-20    1st couple turns the person in 1st corner positions by the right hand once round (1st man with 3rd woman, 1st woman with 2nd man). 3rd man and 2nd woman set.
21-22    1st couple turn by the left hand 3/4, while the corners dance clockwise to the next corner.
23-24    1st couple turn the person in 2nd corner position by the right hand once round (1st man with 3rd woman, 1st woman with 2nd man). 3rd man and 2nd woman set. 1st couple finish in 2nd place on opposite sides.

25-28    1st couple dance half reels of 3 on the sides, 1st woman giving left shoulder to 3rd man to begin, 1st man giving left shoulder 2nd woman to begin.  1st couple finish in 2nd place on opposite sides.

29-32    1st man dances a half figure of eight around 2nd couple, while 1st woman dances a 1/2 figure of eight around 3rd couple.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Craig Williams, Ottawa.  Inscribed to the Belleville Scottish Country Dance Group for their wonderful workshops.

The Bridge City Strathspey
A strathspey for three couples, in a triangular set, in 32 bars

1-8        All 3 couples Set and link twice. Finish facing partner.

9-12    All Set to partner, turn by the right hand ¾, bringing the women into the centre. Women retain right hand with partner and give left hands in the middle.

13-16    Highland Schottische balance in line with partner.

17-24     Targe in strathspey time. Women LH across 2/3 way around (2 bars), while men dance 1/3 way clockwise around the outside of the set. All couples turn partner with the right hand (2 bars).
Repeat the previous 4 bars finishing facing partner with women in the centre and men on the sides of the set.

25-26    All set advancing to pass back to back, pulling back RS to face partner
27-28    All turn partner ¾ with 2 hands out to places on the sides.
29-30    All pass partner right shoulder to meet a new partner and take promenade hold, women on the right of their new partner, facing counter clockwise. (The women will be leading the men to their new position.)
31-32 All dance counter clockwise to finish in new places.

Repeat twice more to meet your original partner.

Craig Williams
February, 2004