Dances for January 30, 2012


This class will be a combined class with the intermediate class. In the past the intermediate class has been small immediately after the Ardbrae Ball. We have chosen four dances that should be new to most of the dancers. All of these dances are from the Beginner Ball and the March Social.

There is a new formation for the beginner class – Set to and turn corners. See you tonight!

THE GREENBURN BOOK, A Collection of Scottish Country Dances by JOHN DREWRY, 1997 – 1998 devised in September 1997 for Campbell and Isobel Barclay of Kippford and for the dancers in Korea

Jig –  2 couples – 32 bars


1 – 4    1st couple, joining nearer hands, dance down between 2nd couple and then cast up back to place.

5 – 8    1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across.

9 – 16    1st couple dance a figure of eight round 2nd couple’s places. At the same time, 2nd couple set to each other, cross giving right hands, set on opposite sides and cross back to own sides giving right hands. 2nd couple stay facing out.

17 – 20    1st couple lead down the middle and 2nd couple dance up on the sides to first place and then follow 1st couple down the middle.

21 – 24    2nd couple, followed by 1st couple, lead up the middle and stay in the middle ready for : –

25 – 32    2nd and 1st couples dance a two-couple promenade.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Jimmy’s Fancy
RSCDS Book 14 – No. 11
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

Bars                        Description

1 – 8    1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across for three steps and left hands back. 1st couple cast off one place on own sides while 2nd couple dance up to first place.

9 – 16    1st woman with 2nd couple, 1st man with 3rd couple dance three hands round and back. 1st couple finish facing first corners.

17 – 24    1st couple set to and turn corners to finish between them.

25 – 32    1st couple lead down between 3rd couple, cross over to own sides, cast up round 3rd couple, dance up between 2nd couple and cast off to second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Thompson’s Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances c. 1755.
Original tune: Lord Seaforth (Surenne)
TACNotes:’    29-30   Nearer hand lead up.

Beach Dancer
A 32 bar Jig for 3 couples in a 4 couple longwise set
For Margaret Blackhall, a teacher at Kamo Club who lives on the coast at Ngunguru.
Devised by Eddy West 2003.

1-4    First couple set and cross giving right hand.
5-8    First couple set to second couple and change places on the side giving left hands (men remain facing out).

9-16    Second and first couples dance a ladies chain, first man finishes facing out. First couple must continue into the next figure without hesitation.

17-20    First man casts down round third lady and crosses to third place, own side then casts up behind third man to second place, first lady follows to own side third place then dances up the middle to second place on own side.

21-24    First and second ladies, and at the same time first and second men, turn giving left hands.

25-32    Second, first and third couples dance reels of three on the sides, first couple passing third couple right shoulder to start.

Repeat having passed a couple
Suggested recorded music “Over the Pond II” – Sound Company CD “On Track”.

The Wellingtonia Reel
12 Scottish Country Dances  devised by Mervyn Short
32 bar Reel for 3 couples


1 – 4    1C & 2C set and link, 1M finish facing out.
5 – 8    1M, followed by partner, casts up and dances down the middle to finish facing 3M, 1W faces 2M.

9 – 16    1M with 3C and 1W with 2C dance reels of three across, passing right shoulders to begin; finish as started.

17 – 20    1M & 3M and 1W & 2M turn right hands.
21 – 24    1M & 3W and 1W & 2W turn left hands, 1C finish in the centre facing down, (1M between 3C, 1W between 2C).

25 – 28    1M followed by partner, casts up one place on men’s side and dances across to the opposite side in second place. 1W finishes in second place on the men’s side.
29-32    1C turn right hands one and a half times, to finish in second place own sides.

Repeat having passes a couple.

This dance was inspired by the magnificent Wellingtonia trees near Finchampstead, Berkshire which I regularly travel past on the way to class.

Tune:  The Burnt Leg