Dances for June 12, 2014


32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set by Barbara Anglin

1–8         1st couple, giving right hands, cross to opposite sides and cast off behind 2nd couple who step up on bars 3-4. 1st couple cross down between 3rd couple and cast up behind them to second place on own sides.

9–12    1st couple dance right hands across with the couple on their right; i.e. 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple. 1st couple finish in the middle, left shoulder to left shoulder.

13–16    1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a snake pass, as follows:
1st man, followed by 3rd couple, dances out to the women’s side and up, across the top of the set, and down to second place on his own side.  Meanwhile, 1st woman, followed by 2nd couple, dances out to the men’s side and down, across the bottom of the set, and up to second place on her own side. The two ‘snakes’ pass by the left.  All finish on own sides in order 3, 1, 2 with women facing up and men facing down.

17–24    All chase counter clockwise round the set. On bar 24, all dance into the middle to take promenade hold, facing up.

25–32    3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance allemande.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

As I was walkin’ doon yon hill, O but she was neatly dressed,
It was on a summer’s evening, She neither needed hat nor feather,
T’was there I met a bonnie lass, She was a queen amang them a’,
Skippin’ barfit throw the heather. Skippin’ barfit throw the heather.

“Skippin’ Barfit Thro’ the Heather”, traditional Scottish folk song

While the traditional song tune is not a jig, I thought that jig tempo better suited my image of
“skipping barefoot through the heather.”   BA

RASCAL FAIR (S6x32) 2C (3C set)
G Thomas From the Redwood Forest
1-4        1s cross RH and cast off 1 place to face up with NH joined, while 2s set and dance up 1 place to face down with NH joined
5-6        1s+2s set
7-8        1s+2s change places with partner, W turning counterclockwise under arm on bar 7; change to RH in RH and turn 1⁄2 way on bar 8, 1M face down and 1W face up
9-10    W turn LH 3⁄4 to end 1 place clockwise (1W face up, 2W down) while M dance 1 place clockwise
11-12     M turn LH 3⁄4 to end 1 place clockwise and face in while W dance one place clockwise
13-16     Repeat bars 5-8 to end in a line in the middle 1s above 2s women in the middle
17-24     1⁄2 reel of 4, set and 2s turn RH to own sides while 1s turn LH to own sides
25-32     2s+1s poussette

Barren Rocks of Aden, 32R 3C (4C Set)
J. MItchell, Wheatherly Book 15
1-2        1st couple cast off into second place
3-4        1st couple cross giving left hand to face 1st corners.
5-6        1st couple change places with their 1st corners giving right hand
7-8        2nd man & 3rd woman (1st corners) turn 3/4 with the left hand to face their partners

9-10    2nd and 3rd couples change places with partner giving right hand
11-12    2nd woman & 3rd man turn (2nd corners) turn with the left hand 3/4 to face the 1st couple
13-14    1st woman with 3rd man & 1st man with 2nd woman, change places givign right hand.
15-16    1st couple turn with the left hand to finish back to back, 1st woman facing up, 1st man facing down, 2nd & 3rd men face down, 2nd & 3rd woman face up.

17-24    Ruptured Triangles:
17-18    All join nearer hands in triangle formation and set
19-22    1st woman dances up and casts off into 2nd place on own side, whilst the 1st man dances down and casts up into 2nd place on own side, they pass by the left to finish to finish back to back in the center of the set, 1st man facin gthe women’s side and 1st woman facing the men’s side; At the same time 2nd and 3rd couples dance half right and lefts giving right hands on teh sides to commence;
23-24    1st man joins hands with the 3rd couple on the women’s side and 1st woman joins hands with 2nd couple on the men’s side in triangle formation.

25-28    1st couple dance a hlaf reel of four with the 2nd woman & 3rd man, who are in 1st corner positions; 1st couple finish in 2nd place on own side facing out.

29-32    half reels of three on own side of the set, to commence the 1st and 3rd man pass by the right, as do the 1st and 2nd women; 1st coupel finish in 2nd place facing out ready to start again.

Repeat from 2nd place, the 1st coupel finish in 2nd place facing out and cast to the foot as the next couple starts.

The Black Craig of Dee, 32R 2C (4C Set)
H. Foss

1-4        1st woman casts off one place and crosses to below 2nd man, while 1st man follows, crossing, casting off and ending below 2nd woman (2nd couple step up on 3-4)

5-8        1st man casts off one place and crosses to below 3rd man, while 1st woman follows, crossing, casting off and ending below 3rd woman (3rd couple move up on 7-8)

9-14    All six dancers follow each other round once counter-clockwise to where the started

15-16    1st couple lead up to face 1st corners (3rd couple move down)

17-24    1st couple set to and turn corners, ending between them.

25-26    Taking hands at the sides, all set.

27-28    1st couple turn each other half way round by the right hand, while 2nd and 3rd set again.

29-32    1st couple continue their turn and 2nd and 3rd couples taking partners by the right hand all turn once ot own sides.