Video: Mrs Stewart of Fasnacloich
Mrs Stewart of Fasnacloich
RSCDS Leaflet – No. 18
1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples petronella turn into centre to face partners and set.
5 – 6 1st and 2nd couples turn partners by right hand three-quarters way round, then, retaining partners’ hands.
7 – 8 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across halfway round to finish, 2nd couple in first place and 1st couple in second place, on own sides.
9 – 16 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. To begin, 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over to third place. (Fig. 1). 1st couple finish facing second corners; 2nd and 3rd couples dance the long way round into place.
17 – 20 1st couple dance half a diagonal reel of four with second corners. Then 1st couple turn each other by the left hand to face first corners.
21 – 24 1st couple dance half a diagonal reel of four with first corners, passing left shoulders. Then 1st couple pass each other by the left to finish back to back in the centre, 1st man facing up, 1st woman facing down.
25 – 27 1st man dances three hands round with 3rd couple, while 1st woman dances three hands round with 2nd couple.
28 – 30 Releasing left hand, 1st man leads his circle down the women’s side, while 1st woman leads her circle up the men’s side to form a large circle. Six hands round to the left. (Fig. 2).
31 – 32 All 3 couples set.
19-20 1st cpl dance a wide LH turn instead of passing L shoulder.
24 1st cpl pass L shoulder.
25-30 Controlled slip steps. If 1st cpl release LH in the small circles at end of bar 27, then large circle may be formed by end of bar 28.
Video: 12 Coates Crescent
12 Coates Crescent
RSCDS Book 40 — No. 5
1 – 4 All four couples, joining hands on the sides, set to partners and cross over giving right hands.
5 – 8 Repeat bars 1–4.
9 – 10 1st couple, giving nearer hands, dance down between 2nd couple. At the same time, 4th couple, giving nearer hands, dance up between 3rd couple.
11 – 12 1st and 4th women, giving nearer hands, dance out between 2nd and 3rd women and cast back to original places. At the same time, 1st and 4th men, giving nearer hands, dance out between 2nd and 3rd men and cast back to original places.
13 – 16 1st couple lead down to fourth place. 2nd, 3rd and 4th couples step up on bars 15–16.
17 – 24 3rd and 4th couples dance rights and lefts.
25 – 32 2nd couple with 3rd couple and 4th couple with 1st couple dance four hands across and back.
Repeat, with a new top couple.
Devised by the Publications and Research Committee, 1998.
Tune: The Glendale Strathspey (Copyright R. Mathews).
The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 13–16 1st couple dance straight into fourth place.
13–16 1st cpl dance towards partner to begin & and finish by dancing straight into 4th place.
Video: A Wee Nothin’
A Wee Nothin’
32 Bar jig for 2 couples
1 – 8 1st and 2nd couples dance Right Hands across and Left Hands back to place.
9 – 14 1st Lady followed by the 2nd Lady dance across the top of the set, behind the men’s line, 1st Lady dances below the 2nd man, and 2nd Lady dances between the two men, and across to their own side, both pull LEFT shoulders back.
15 – 16 1st and 2nd ladies join hands and Set. (Men do not set back)
17 – 22 1st Man followed by the 2nd Man dance across the top of the set, behind the ladies’ line, 1st Man dances below the 2nd lady’s position, 2nd Man dances between the two ladies, and across to their own side, both pull RIGHT shoulders back.
23 – 24 1st and 2nd Men join hands and Set. (Ladies do not set back)
25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance Rights and Lefts.
Devised by Elaine Brunken as a wee warm up dance.
Note: Please include the polite turns at the end of Rights and Lefts, prior to entry to the wheels.
Suggested tune: Miss Hannah of Elgin
Video: Flowers of Edinburgh
Flowers of Edinburgh
RSCDS Book 1 – No. 6
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set
1 – 6 1st woman casts off two places, crosses to the opposite side and dances up behind 2nd and 3rd men to her partner’s original place. 1st man follows his partner, crossing over and dancing behind 2nd and 3rd women, and up the middle to his partner’s original place.
7 – 8 1st couple set to each other.
9 – 14 1st couple repeat bars 1-6, with 1st man casting off and 1st woman following. 1st couple finish in original places.
15 – 16 1st couple set to each other.
17 – 24 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish facing each other in the middle of the set with both hands joined. 2nd couple step in.
25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Kate Hughes’ Dancing Book (MS), Dundalk 1867.
Original tune: Flowers of Edinburgh (Traditional)