Dances for December 4, 2023


Video: The Elusive Muse

The Elusive Muse
32 bar jig for a 3 couple set
by Tim Wilson, March 5, 2003

1 – 4 1st woman dances around her partner giving right shoulder to finish in the center of the dance, beckoning him to follow.

5 – 8 1st woman, followed closely by 1st man, dances a half reel of three across the dance with 2nd couple, giving left shoulder to 2nd woman to begin. 1st couple finish ready to dance down, woman on man’s right. 2nd couple finish in first place.

9 – 16 1st couple dance down the middle for 4 bars with nearer hands joined, on bars 13-14 1st woman dances under their raised arms and in front of her partner (as he dances below her) to switch places and face up, on bars 15-16 they dance up to third place to face 3rd woman.

17 – 20 1st woman, followed closely by 1st man, dances a half reel of three across the dance with 3rd couple, giving right shoulder to 3rd woman to begin.

21 – 24 1st couple dance up with nearer hands and cast off around 2nd couple to finish in second place on opposite side.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set and link for three couples twice, as in bars 25-32 of Gang the Same Gate (RSCDS Bk. 36).

Ends 312 ready for a new couple to begin.

Music: “Calliope House” by David Richardson
Note: For Bruce Herbold on the occasion of his 50th birthday. A wonderful teacher, fellow dance devisor, and fish biologist, I had intended to surprise him with a dance on his 49th birthday but the muse was too elusive. This time she stayed just long enough. This dance pays homage to two of his fishy favourites: The Duran Ranger and The Salmonfield Poacher. “Easily Led” is a reference to one of his favourite teaching exercises which is to brief either the women or the men and have them lead their partners through a dance with non-verbal cues.

Copyright © 2003 by Tim Wilson. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for verbatim reproduction and non-profit distribution of this leaflet provided that this notice remains intact.

Video: The Waternish Tangle

The Waternish Tangle
8 x 32 Jig

1 – 4 1st couple giving right hands cross down to 2nd place and set. 2nd couple move up on bars 1 and 2.

5 – 8 1st couple giving left hands cross down to 3rd place and set. 3rd couple move up on bars 5 and 6.

9 – 12 1st couple cross giving right hands then change places on the sides with the 3rd couple giving left hands.

13 – 16 2nd and 1st couples cross with the right hands then giving left hands on the sides turn 3/4 to finish in a line across the dance with the women in the middle, right hands joined.

17 – 24 The Targe danced as follows:

17 – 18 1st and 2nd women, in the middle, dance a 3/4 turn while 1st and 2nd men dance anticlockwise round them for a 1/4 of a circle.
19 – 20 1st man and 2nd woman, and at the same time 1st woman and 2nd man, turn once around giving left hands.
21 – 22 1st and 2nd women dance a 3/4 turn giving right hands while 1st and 2nd men dance anticlockwise round them for a 1/4 of a circle.
23 – 24 1st man and 2nd woman, and at the same time 1st woman and 2nd man, turn giving left hands so that 2nd couple finish in top place and 1st couple finish facing down the dance on opposite sides.

25 – 32 1st couple dance down crossing below 3rd couple, cast up round them, dance up between 2nd couple and cast down to 2nd place on own sides.

Repeat from 2nd place.

Devised by Andrea Barfoot, Isle of Skye Branch.