Category Archives: Jigs



Dances for Spetember 30, 2024

Ardbrae Dancers of Ottawa

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The Borussia Strathspey
Duncan Brown, The Bovey Collection
32 bar Strathspey for three couples in a four couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st couple, giving right hand, cross down below 3rd couple and cast up one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 1st couple dance half a figure of eight, 1st woman up through 2nd couple and 1st man down through 3rd couple, finishing by passing each other left shoulder to face 1st corners.

9 – 12 1st couple dance the path of ‘Corners Pass and Turn’, but on bar 12 pull back right shoulders to finish with 1st man facing down and 1st woman facing up. At the same time, 1st corners dance half turn and twirl with right hands to change places.

13 – 16 1st couple repeat bars 9-12 with 4th corners (partner’s 2nd corner person), finishing facing 3rd corner position (own 1st corner person). At the same time, 4th corners dance half turn and twirl with right hands to change places.

17 – 22 1st couple dance ‘Hello-Goodbye’ setting to finish facing up and down the dance.

23 – 24 1st couple dance a petronella turn to 2nd place, opposite sides.

25 – 32 Taking hands, 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance set and link for three, twice.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised for Petra Dolata of Calgary, Canada (formerly of Dortmund, Germany). Petra is one of Borussia Dortmund Football Club’s biggest fans, hence the Borussia in the title

Recommended tune: Beeswing Village (J McNab) Kinpurnie Collection

Video: The Montgomeries’ Rant

The Montgomeries’ Rant
RSCDS Book 10
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place on opposite sides. 1st couple, giving left hands, cross over and 1st woman casts up one place while 1st man casts off one place. 1st woman finishes between 2nd couple facing 2nd man with 1st man between 3rd couple facing 3rd woman. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

9 – 16 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple dance reels of three across the set. 1st woman and 2nd man and 1st man and 3rd woman pass by the right to begin. On bar 16, 1st couple, with nearer hands joined, face 2nd woman.

17 – 24 1st couple set to 2nd woman. 1st couple turn towards each other and change hands to face 3rd man and set. 1st couple move round to face 3rd woman and set. 1st couple turn towards each other and change hands to face 2nd man and set. 1st couple finish facing second corners.

25 – 30 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. 1st couple pass second corners by the right to begin.

31 – 32 1st couple, giving right hands, cross to second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

The Register of Dances at Castle Menzies, 1749.

Original tune: Lord Eglintoune (John Riddell, c. 1766) but usually danced to Lady Montgomerie (Lord Eglintoune, 1796).

17-24 1st woman is on her partner’s left to begin &, on bar 24, turns L about, with assistance from her partner, to face her second corner.

Video: Pint O’ Ale Is Fain

Pint O’ Ale Is Fain
Bob McMurtry, Devil’s Quandry
32 bar Jig for 3 couples

1 – 4 All three couples turn by the right hand and out to place, to end facing clockwise round the set, men facing toward the top and women toward the bottom.

5 – 8 Dance clockwise, 3rd woman followed by 2nd and 1st women, to men’s side of the dance. 1st man dances the same to women’s side followed by 2nd and 3rd men.

9 – 12 All three couples turn by the left and out to place.

13 – 16 Dance anti-clockwise back to original positions at the beginning of the dance, women following, 1st woman and men following 3rd man.

17 – 24 1st couple dances a figure of eight on their own sides with 2nd and 3rd couples, giving left shoulders to 2nd couple to begin. For more advanced dancers, a reel of three on the sides may be substituted.

25 – 32 1st couple leads down the middle for three bars and back for three, cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 31&32.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Music: Pint o’ Ale by Bob McMurtry

Dances for September 23, 2024

Ardbrae Dancers of Ottawa

Video: The Australian Ladies

The Australian Ladies
THE GLASGOW ASSEMBLY and other Scottish Country Dances by Bob Campbell. Oakville, Ontario
A reel for three couples

1–4 First couple cross over giving the right hand and cast off two places. Second and third couples step up.

5–8 First and third couples dance right hands across once round, first couple finishing in the middle facing up with right hands joined.

9–12 First couple lead up, cross over and cast off round second couple to finish in second place on own sides. Third couple step down.

13-16 First and second couples dance left hands across once round.

17-20 First couple cross over giving the right hand and cast round first corner’s position to finish, first man between third couple facing up, first woman between second couple facing down. At the same time second and third couples set to partner then cross over giving the right hand, second couple to face down, third couple up. See Figure 1.

21-24 First couple change places giving the right hand and cast round second corner’s position to finish in second place on opposite sides. At the same time second and third men, and women, set to each other then change places giving the right hand to finish facing partner across the dance. See Figure 2 for bars 23-24.

25-28 First couple cross back to own sides giving the right hand and cast round partner’s first corner’s position to finish, first man between third couple facing down, first woman between second couple facing up. At the same time second and third couples set to partner then cross back to own sides giving the right hand, second couple to face up, third couple down.

29-32 First c First couple change places giving the right hand and cast round partner’s second corner’s position to finish on own sides in second place. At the same time second and third men, and women, set to each other then change places giving the right hand. (Second woman and third man make a ‘polite’ turn at the end of bar 32.)

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Video: Autumn Celebration

Autumn Celebration
Trudy Roughgarden
strathspey for 3 couples in a 3 couple set

1 – 8 All set twice ; all ½ turn RH | cast away to opp side

9 – 16 All chase ½ way clw (3,2,1) ; 1c ½ turn BH moving up while{2} 2c dance down to 2pl. 1c dance RSh round P to face 1cnr

17 – 24 1c+1cnrs Corner Pass & Turn ; 1c+2cnrs repeat, 1c end on own side

25 – 32 Circle6 to L & back (3,1,2)

No Video

The 27th of October
by Sue McKinnell
8X32 Jig for 3C

1-4 1W, followed by 2W, dance across the set, between 1M and 2M, up behind 1M, across the set and down the women’s side (the women have changed places).

5-8 1C and 2C RH across.
9-12 1M, followed by 2M, dance across the set, between 2W and 1W, up behind 2W, across the set and down the men’s side (the men have changed places).

13-16 2C and 1C LH across. 1C end facing down.

17-24 Parallel reels of three on the sides, 1C passing 3C RS to begin. 1W end facing out.
25-32 1W, followed by 1M, cast off behind 3W, up the center of the set to above 2C. 1C cast off to 2nd place on own sides.

Suggested music is Flights of Fancy from Celebrate 50 Years with the Boston Branch.
Written in honor of Doug Schneider’s 70th Birthday on the 27th of October 2013.

Dances for September 16, 2024

Ardbrae Dancers of Ottawa

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Wild Creek

32 bar Jig for 3 couples – Bob McMurtry 1998

1-4 1st couple cross by the right hand and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bar 3 & 4

5-8 1st couple turn with left hands once and three-quarters, end with 1st man facing down between 3rd couple and 1st woman facing up between 2nd couple

9-16 1st man with 3rd couple and 1st woman with 2nd couple dance a 6 bar left shoulder reel of three across the dance. 1st couple pass left shoulders with first corners to begin. 1st couple cross to opposite side, passing right shoulders on bars 15-16. 1st man face out.

17-24 2nd and 1st couple dance Ladies Chain

25-28 1st couple dance a half figure of eight between 3rd couple.

29-32 1st couple turn with left hands once round and end in second place.

Repeat having passed a couple

Dance Notes: The turn on bars 5-8 may be anticipated a bit and should flow right into the reels of three

Music: Cock o’ the North

No Video

a 32-bar strathspey for 3 couples in a 3-couple set

1 – 8 First and second couples set and rotate.
9 – 10 All three couples turn partners with the right hand three-quarters of the way round into a line up and down the middle of the set, women facing down, men facing up.
11 – 16 All dance a half reel of six. (As in a reel of four, on odd bars, all pass right shoulders. On even bars, dancers at the ends of the reel dance a small loop while the others pass the dancer they face by left shoulders. After 6 bars, all will be facing their partners.)

17 – 18 All three couples turn partners with the right hand three-quarters of the way round to finish on own sides ready to flow into…

19 – 24 All dance six hands once round to the left. Order is now 3,1,2.

25 – 28 First couple (in second place), followed by second couple, dance up between the standing third couple at the top and cast off to finish in the order 3,2,1. (First and second couples dance straight down behind the lines and turn into place together on bar 28.)

29 – 32 Second couple, followed by third couple, dance down between first couple, (now at the bottom), and cast up to finish the dance in order 2, 3, 1.
(The pattern is continuous for 2nd couple who turn in on bar 28 and dance down immediately, followed by 3rd couple. As in the previous four bars, the dancers casting up dance in a straight line and turn in together on bar 32.)

Suggested music: October in Rechberg, Muriel Johnstone, Dancing on Air

This dance was written to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Ardbrae – the half reel of six and the circle represent 60. The first classes in 1964 were held at Ridgemont High School. Hence, the Scottish group name, Ardbrae – high or top (ard) hill (brae).
The pattern of the last 8 bars appears in the dance, Seagreen, by John Drewry.
• Devised by Barbara Anglin

Video: The Deil amang the Tailors

The Deil amang the Tailors
RSCDS Book 14 – No. 7
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set to partners and dance right hands across halfway round.

5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples set to partners and dance left hands across halfway round to original places.

9 – 16 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in the middle of the set facing up. 2nd couple step in.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Dale’s Collection of Reels and Dances c. 1799.
Original tune: The Deil amang the Tailors (Gow)

Video: The Australian Ladies

The Australian Ladies
A reel for three couples
THE GLASGOW ASSEMBLY and other Scottish Country Dances by Bob Campbell. Oakville, Ontario

1–4 First couple cross over giving the right hand and cast off two places. Second and third couples step up.

5–8 First and third couples dance right hands across once round, first couple finishing in the middle facing up with right hands joined.

9–12 First couple lead up, cross over and cast off round second couple to finish in second place on own sides. Third couple step down.

13-16 First and second couples dance left hands across once round.

17-20 First couple cross over giving the right hand and cast round first corner’s position to finish, first man between third couple facing up, first woman between second couple facing down. At the same time second and third couples set to partner then cross over giving the right hand, second couple to face down, third couple up. See Figure 1.

21-24 First couple change places giving the right hand and cast round second corner’s position to finish in second place on opposite sides. At the same time second and third men, and women, set to each other then change places giving the right hand to finish facing partner across the dance.

25-28 First couple cross back to own sides giving the right hand and cast round partner’s first corner’s position to finish, first man between third couple facing down, first woman between second couple facing up. At the same time second and third couples set to partner then cross back to own sides giving the right hand, second couple to face up, third couple down. .

29-32 First couple change places giving the right hand and cast round partner’s second corner’s position to finish on own sides in second place. At the same time second and third men, and women, set to each other then change places giving the right hand. (Second woman and third man make a ‘polite’ turn at the end of bar 32.)

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Dances for July 24, 2024

No Video

The Jam on Jerry’s Rock
A 32 bar jig for 3 couples in a 4 couple set

Craig Williams
August 2023

1 – 8 1st couple cross down to dance a reel of 3 on the opposite sides with 2nd & 3rd couples. 1s finish in partners place

9 – 12 1st couple cross giving right hands & cast off one place.

13 – 16 1st couple set advancing and 1/2 turn 2 hands, cast to opposite side using with pas de basque. Finish facing out.

17 – 18 1st couple turn 3rd couple 3/4, 1st man & 3rd woman with the right hand, 1st woman & 3rd man with the left hand. 3rd couple return to place. 1st couple finish with nearer hand joined between 3rd couple

19 – 20 1st couple, with nearer hands joined, dance up the middle.

21 – 22 1st couple turn 2nd couple 3/4, 1st man & 2rd woman with the right hand, 1st woman & 2nd man with the left hand. 2nd couple return to top place

23 – 24 1st couple dance through 2nd place and pass right shoulder to own side.

25 – 32 All 3 couples circle 6 hands round & back

I discovered the folk song, “The Jam on Jerry’s Rock”, while reading about the history of the Ottawa area. Like many other areas in North America, logging was a key industry. The song tells the tragic tale of a six of young men and foreman young Monroe, sent to break a log jam on a river.

Video: The Pirate

The Pirate
RSCDS Sir Walter Scott, The Heart of Midlothian
The Dance – 1822 and 2021
24-bar reel for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1822 Instructions

The 2d Gentm and 1st Lady turn to right and set at top and bottom, turn to right
again into each other’s places (in the dance) set
the 1st Gentm and 2d Lady do the same
Poussette at top

2021 Reconstruction

1 – 4 1st woman and 2nd man, using travelling step and pulling right shoulders back, dance into the middle to face each other and set. 1st woman facing down and 2nd man facing up.

5 – 8 1st woman and 2nd man using travelling step, pass by the left, and pulling right shoulders back, dance to each other’s original places and set.

9 – 12 1st man and 2nd woman, using travelling step, pass by the left, and pulling right shoulders back dance into the middle and set. 2nd woman facing down and 1st man facing up.

13 – 16 2nd woman and 1st man using travelling step and pulling right shoulder back, dance to each other’s original places and set. At the end of bar 16, 1st couple are in 2nd place opposite side. The 2nd couple are in 1st place opposite side.

17 – 24 2nd and 1st couples dance a waltz poussette to finish back on own sides.

Note: In the 1822 leaflet this is a 24-bar dance for 2 couple. As 24-bar 2-couple dances are not that common today, an additional optional 8 bars have been added below should you wish to dance this as a 32-bar dance for three couples.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance a grand chain. Repeat having passed a couple.

Repeat, having passed a couple.


  1. The movements in bars 1 — 16 are similar to a petronella turn. Travelling step is recommended,
  2. As it is clear that the progression takes place during bars 1 – 16, the poussette must be a full poussette, but starting from the opposite sides. See page 61.

The Waltz Poussette

Starting from sidelines and using waltz turns throughout the dancers should follow the general pattern below:

Bar 1 Dance in and meet in waltz hold (two hand hold may also be used).

Bar 2 – 4 Dance out to the sides (couple in second place to woman’s side and couple in 1st place to men’s side) and continuing dancing waltz turns round other couple and back into centre in progressed position.

Bar 5 – 7 Repeat bars 2 – 4 to finish in centre in original positions

Bar 8 Retire

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Diamond of the Water
A 3 couple strathspey for a 3 couple set
Jayne Irwin, July 2024

1 – 4 All 3 couples turn with both hands once round and set.

5 – 8 All 3 couples dance in and take nearer hands, facing up.
1st couple casts off to 3rd place.
2nd couple dance up and cast of to original places.
3rd couple dance and cast into 1st place.
On bar 8 all three couples dance in to take promenade hold.

9 – 16 3rd, 2nd & 1st couples dance a 3 couple promenade, 3rd couple casts of to 2nd place and 2nd couple dance to the top on the last two bars.

17 – 18 2nd, 3rd & 1st couple turn once round with both hands
19 – 20 All advance for one step & retire one step
21 – 24 All dance back to back

25 – 32 All circle to the left and back

Repeat from new positions

Our canoe, gliding gently in the reflective water and watching the fish below swishing to and fro.

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Further Ado
Lydia Hedge, Further Ado
32 bar Reel for 3 couples in a 4 couple longwise set
devised by Lydia Hedge 2019.

1 – 8 1s set, cross down between 2s (as 2s step up), cast behind 3s, dance up between 3s to 2nd place in the centre.

9 – 16 2s, 1s and 3s dance mirror reels of 3 (1s out and up, 2s in and down, 3s in and up) 1s finish back to back facing opposite sides.

17 – 22 2s, 1s and 3s dance 6 bars of double triangles.

23 – 24 1s petronella turn out to own sides in 2nd place.

25 – 32 2s, 1s and 3s circle 6 hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple

Tune: Further Ado by M. G. Hughes 2017

Dances for July 17, 2024

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A Trip to Ottawa
Malcolm Brown

1-4 1s Set, cast one place (2s step up)

5-8 1s ½ figure of eight up through 2s

9-16 1s & 2s Helice
1-2 1s & 2s ¾ turn partners RH, to finish in promenade hold, top couple (2s) facing men’s side, bottom couple (1s) facing ladies side, forming a line up and down the dance
3-4 1s & 2s promenade ½ way round anticlockwise (not too close togeher)
5-6 1s & 2s still in promenade hold, turn to finish in middle of set facing partners – 1s above 2s, [top couple on own side (1s), bottom couple on opposite side (2s)]
7-8 1s & 2s pull back R Sh and cast into sidelines

17-24 2s set, cast up one place (1s step down), ½ figure of eight down through 1s, All finish in middle, (1s & 3s dance in on left foot), ready for

25-32 1s 2s 3s Promenade

  • Helice is pronounced “hell-eese” (eese as in (g)eese

September 2008

Version B – 2 couple dance

Version C – 3 couple set (1s cast to 3rd place on bar 32, while 3s dance up to 2nd place)

No Video

32 bar jig for 4 couples in a square set

1 – 8 First and third couples dance a Ladies’ Chain.

9 – 16 Second and fourth couples dance a Men’s Chain. On bar 16, second and fourth women finish facing out and first and third women turn about to face out as well. All the men face in.

17 – 24 All dance 8 bars of Schiehallion reels as follows:
17 – 20 All four men dance on to the position of the woman on their right in two long steps and then, with two short steps, dance a small loop into the man’s position to face in. Meanwhile, the women dance a small loop into their partner’s place and then follow their partners into the woman’s position to their right and stay facing out.
21 – 24 Repeat to finish opposite the original position, women still facing out.

25 – 32 All turn partners with the right hand into promenade hold, women on the right, facing clockwise. All promenade one place on, turning to face in, and all set. All are now in one position to the right of their original place.

Bars 17 – 24 are taken from the dance, Schiehallion, by Hugh Thurston where the full reel for 4 couples takes 16 bars. Schiehallion is a mountain in the middle of Scotland. The reels are danced in a square shape, presumably around the mountain.
The title refers to Parliament Hill in Ottawa as well as the hill, or brae where the first Ardbrae classes were held.

Suggested Music: Celtic Fire in the Music, Disc 1, track 10, Bobby Brown and the Scottish Accent

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The Cairn Strathspey
Roy Goldring, Auld Friends Meet
32 bar strathspey for 4 couples

1 – 4 1 couple with 2nd couple (also 3rd couple with 4th couple) dance right hands across opening out into:

5 – 8 Eight hands round halfway.
Finish 4, 3, 2, 1 all on opposite sides.

9 – 12 4th woman with 3rd woman (also 2bd Woman with 1st woman) nearer hands joined, dance between their partners, divide, dance back to the men’s side. 4th and 3rd women face each other, 2nd and 1st women face each other ready for:

13 – 16 Half reel of four, passing right shoulders to begin.

17 – 24 All four men repeat bars 9 -16. (Men dance between the women opposite — not their partners. )

25 – 28 1st couple cross giving right hands and cast to 4th place while. 2Nd, 3rd and 4th couples set and cross up one place giving right hands.

29 – 32 All four couples turn once round with both hands.

Repeat from new positions.

For Shirley Shields and the Cairn Dancers.

Tune: Falkland Palace (Nancy Dickson)

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Jackie Stewart’s Reel
A 32 bar reel for 3 couples.
Music: The Flying Scotsman 8x32r

1-8: 1st couple cross with left hands, cast and meet in the middle to turn by the left hands 1½ times for 4 bars to face out on own sides. 2nd couple steps up on bars 3-4.

9-16: 1st couple dance around the person on their left in 2 bars and meet In the middle (with man facing up and woman facing down) to turn by the left hands 1½ times for 4 bars, then dance around the person on their left in 2 bars to finish in 2nd place on their own sides.
Meanwhile, on bars 9-10 3rd man and 2nd woman exchange places, passing left shoulders. On bars 15-16 3rd woman and 2nd man exchange places, passing left shoulders.

17-24: 1st couple leads down and back. On bars 21-22, 3rd and 2nd couple cross by the left hands halfway round and step in on bars 23-24 to prepare for an allemande.

25-32: 3rd, 1st, and 2nd couples dance an allemande.
On the second time through, replace every occurrence of “left” with “right”.

Notes for Jackie Stewart’s Reel
Start your engines…

Brid 24-05

Dances for July 10, 2024

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Walking the Dogs
Ron Wallace and Gary Thomas, Give it a Whirl
32 bar reel for three couples in a three-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple, giving RIGHT hands, half turn, moving down one place. 2nd couple steps up on bars 1-2. 1st couple, giving RIGHT hands, half turn, moving down below 3rd couple, facing out. 1st couple cast up around the 3rd couple to 2nd place on own side, turn by the RIGHT hand three-quarters to face up the middle. 1st woman followed by 1st man.

9 – 12 Half dolphin reel across the set, RIGHT shoulder to 2nd woman, 1st man takes the lead on bar 10. Finish with 1st couple in the middle back to back, 1st woman having turned right about.

13 1st couple join hands as for double triangles and all set onto RIGHT foot.
14 Releasing hands, all pas de basque onto LEFT foot, 1st couple moving to their RIGHT one quarter, remaining back to back.
2nd and 3rd couples set turning to face up and down.
15 All join hands as for crown triangles and set onto RIGHT foot.
16 Releasing hands, all set onto LEFT foot. 1st woman remains facing down as 1st man turns right about.

17 – 20 1st couple repeat bars 9-12 above with 3rd couple giving a RIGHT shoulder to 3rd man. 1st man takes the lead on bar 18. Finish with 1st couple in the middle back to back, 1st woman having turned right about.

21 – 24 As bars 13-16 above. 1st couple turn right about to face their first corners, who are in their partner’s first corner position.

25 – 32 1st couple half reel of 4 with first corners. 1st couple pass right shoulders in the middle to dance a half reel of 4 with second corners. 3 1 2

Repeat from new positions.

Deviser: Ron Wallace and Gary Thomas
Music: Walking the Dogs, Muriel Johnstone

For dear friend, Emily Evans, whose generosity and friendship helped pave our way into California and sustain us for many years! Dedicated to all who spend hours and hours in that loftiest of pursuits, walking the dog!

Video: The Pirate

The Pirate
RSCDS Sir Walter Scott, The Heart of Midlothian
The Dance – 1822 and 2021
24-bar reel for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1822 Instructions

The 2d Gentm and 1st Lady turn to right and set at top and bottom, turn to right
again into each other’s places (in the dance) set
the 1st Gentm and 2d Lady do the same
Poussette at top

2021 Reconstruction

1 – 4 1st woman and 2nd man, using travelling step and pulling right shoulders back, dance into the middle to face each other and set. 1st woman facing down and 2nd man facing up.

5 – 8 1st woman and 2nd man using travelling step, pass by the left, and pulling right shoulders back, dance to each other’s original places and set.

9 – 12 1st man and 2nd woman, using travelling step, pass by the left, and pulling right shoulders back dance into the middle and set. 2nd woman facing down and 1st man facing up.

13 – 16 2nd woman and 1st man using travelling step and pulling right shoulder back, dance to each other’s original places and set. At the end of bar 16, 1st couple are in 2nd place opposite side. The 2nd couple are in 1st place opposite side.

17 – 24 2nd and 1st couples dance a waltz poussette to finish back on own sides.

Note: In the 1822 leaflet this is a 24-bar dance for 2 couple.As 24-bar 2-couple dances are not that common today, an additional optional 8 bars have been added below should you wish to dance this as a 32-bar dance for three couples.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance a grand chain. Repeat having passed a couple.

Repeat, having passed a couple.


  1. The movements in bars 1 — 16 are similar to a petronella turn. Travelling step is recommended,
  2. As it is clear that the progression takes place during bars 1 – 16, the poussette must be a full poussette, but starting from the opposite sides. See page 61.

The Waltz Poussette

Starting from sidelines and using waltz turns throughout the dancers should follow the general pattern below:

Bar 1 Dance in and meet in waltz hold (two hand hold may also be used).

Bar 2 – 4 Dance out to the sides (couple in second place to woman’s side and couple in 1st place to men’s side) and continuing dancing waltz turns round other couple and back into centre in progressed position.

Bar 5 – 7 Repeat bars 2 – 4 to finish in centre in original positions

Bar 8 Retire

Video: The Northern Lights

TAC Silver Anniversary
3 x 32 Bar Strathspey

1 – 4 1st Man and 2nd Lady set to each other advancing, then turn each other with both hands (3/4 turn) to finish back to back in the centre, Man facing down, Lady facing up (they release hands and pivot right about on Bar 4 – i.e. Bob Campbell’s “Birl” from Frae A’ The Airts) Meanwhile: 2nd Man and 1st Lady dance around anticlockwise to finish facing their partner in a line up & down in the centre of the dance

5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples set to partners and turn with both hands to finish on own side of the dance, 1st couple now in 2nd place, 2nd couple in 1st place

9 – 16 1st couple repeat Bars 1 – 8 with 3rd couple. On bars 15 and 16 they turn with both hands finishing in position ready for Allemande. On bar 16, 2nd couple (at top) dance in to position for Allemande.

17 – 24 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples dance Allemande

25 – 28 1st and 2nd couples (top and bottom) dance Half Rights and Lefts; WHILE the 3rd couple (in 2nd place) set and cross over giving Right hands

29 – 32 All 3 couples set and cross to own sides giving Right hand to partner

Repeat with new top couple

Dedicated to the Ladies of Prince George, B.C.
Devised by Chas. F. Dobie of Carisbrooke S.C.D.C.

NOTE: The following note appears in the back of Glasgow Assembly and other Scottish Country Dances by Bob Campbell (Fifth Printing, 1990):

This progression, first used in Campsie Glen, also appears in The Northern Meeting and Frae A’ The Airts and was originally known as the Birl. As birling, in its strict sense, does not occur in our dancing the term Bourrel has been substituted.”

No Video


A JIG for 3 couples in a 4 couple set; (J 8×32)

1 – 8 1C dance clockwise round set: 1W casts off on own side while 1M crosses set and follows 1W. 1C return to original positions, 1W facing out
Meanwhile; 2C and 3C turn RH round and LH back to place.

9 – 16 1C continue dancing ¾ figure of 8 on own side; 1W casts RSh round 2W then LSh round 3W to end in 2nd place as 2W steps up on bars 3-4.
1M casts RSh round 2M then LSh round 3M to end in 2nd place as 2M steps up on bars 3-4..
1C set to each other (in 2nd place)

Couples position: 2 – 1 – 3

17 – 24 1C turn LH round and RH back to 2nd place Meanwhile; 2C and 3C chase clockwise round set.

25 – 32 2C, 1C and 3C all dance 6 hand round and back.

Note; dancers are dancing around the set or inside the set, in a circular movement….to show the movements of the sun and the moon in an eclipse.

Suggested music: THE HAPPY MEETING 8×32 bars JIG from “The Bobby Brown Collection” of Bobby Brown and the Scottish Accents; CD disc #1. Tune #3

Devised by Deborah Connors
April, 2024

Dances for July 3, 2024

No Video

The Mill Pond Stroll
A 32 bar Strathspey for 3 couples in a 4 couple set
Craig Williams, March 2024

1 – 4 1st couple dance a 1/2 figure of eight, across the set, around the 2nd couple.
5 – 8 1st couple, with nearer hands joined, dance down the middle, cross below the 3rd couple and cast up to 2nd place on own sides. 2nd couple step up on bars 7 – 8.

9 – 16 2nd, 1st & 3rd couples dance bars 1 – 6 of a 3 couple knot. On bars 7 – 8 1st man with 3rd couple, 1st woman with 2nd couple, dance 1/2 left hands across to finish in lines of 3 across the set facing up/down

17 – 18 All Set in lines across,
19 – 20 All change places, up/down, giving right hand.
21 – 22 1st couple cast to their right to 2nd place on own sides, while 2nd & 3rd couples advance for 1 bar & retire for 1 bar on the diagonal.
23 – 24 All set on the sides

25 – 28 Six hands round to the left. On Bar 30, all dance into the centre, pulling right shoulders back to face out.
29 – 30 All spiral out clockwise (in a chase) to own sides,
31 – 32 All set on the sides

Jayne and I were out for an early spring hike in the Mill Pond Conservation area, During the hike, we came upon several areas where the air was incredibly perfumed. Looking down we saw thousands of hepatica in bloom. It’s hard to believe that such as a small flower could have such a dramatic effect.

The Mill Pond Conservation area is south of Smiths Falls on the Rideau River.

Recommended Tune: Springtime Bliss by Karen Steven

Note: Bars 25-30 have been taken from the dance Huntly Castle by John Drewry.

Video: Kenilworth

RSCDS Sir Walter Scott, The Heart of Midlothian
The Dance — 1822 and 2021
24-bar jig for two couples in a four-couple set

1822 Instructions :

The 1st Gentm changes sides with his partner, giving right hand, then turn with left full round
The 1st Gentm gives the right hand to the 2d Lady, the 1st Lady gives the right hand to the 2d Gentm, set four holding hands.
The 1st Gentm turns his partner with left hand to her own side, down a couple. Poussette at top

2021 Reconstruction

1 – 8 Giving right hands, 1st couple cross over and cast off into second place. (2nd couple step up). Giving left hands,1st couple turn, moving up slightly and finish between second couple. Retaining left hands, 1st man gives right hand to 2nd woman and 1st woman gives right hand to 2nd man.

9 – 16 1st and 2nd couples set twice. 1st couple turn one and a half times, to finish in 2nd place own side.

17 – 24 2nd and 1st couple dance a waltz poussette.

Note In the 1822 leaflet this is 24-bar dance for 2 couples.
As 24-bar 2-couple dances are not that common today, an additional optional 8 bars have been added below should you wish to dance this as a 32-bar dance for three couples.

25 – 32 Using skip change of step, 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat having passed a couple.


1, The progression in the source instructions is very clear and occurs before the poussette. This means the poussette must be a full poussette. See page 61.

The Waltz Poussette

Starting from sidelines and using waltz turns throughout the dancers should follow the general pattern below:

Bar 1 Dance in and meet in waltz hold (two hand hold may also be used).

Bar 2 – 4 Dance out to the sides (couple in second place to woman’s side and couple in 1st place to men’s side) and continuing dancing waltz turns round other couple and back into centre in progressed position.

Bar 5 – 7 Repeat bars 2 – 4 to finish in centre in original positions

Bar 8 Retire

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Waterlily Ballet

A 32 bar reel for 3 couples in a 3 couple set
Jayne Irwin, May 2024

1 – 8 1st couple dance a figure of eight around the 2nd & 3rd couples on the sides. 1st couple begin by dancing out & down.

9 – 16 1st, 2nd & 3rd couples dance a mirror reel of three on the sides. Right shoulder on the women;s side, left shoulder on the men’s side. 1st couple dance out & down, 2nd couple in and up, 3rd couple out & up

17 – 20 1st man with 2nd man turn 1 ½ times with the left hand. 1st woman with 2nd woman turn 1 ½ times with the right hand

21 – 24 1st man with 3rd man turn once round with the right hand. 1st woman with 3rd woman turn once round with the left hand

25 – 32 2nd, 1st & 3rd couples dance a 3 couple knot

Video: The Northern Lights

TAC Silver Anniversary
3 x 32 Bar Strathspey

1 – 4 1st Man and 2nd Lady set to each other advancing, then turn each other with both hands (3/4 turn) to finish back to back in the centre, Man facing down, Lady facing up (they release hands and pivot right about on Bar 4 – i.e. Bob Campbell’s “Birl” from Frae A’ The Airts) Meanwhile: 2nd Man and 1st Lady dance around anticlockwise to finish facing their partner in a line up & down in the centre of the dance

5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples set to partners and turn with both hands to finish on own side of the dance, 1st couple now in 2nd place, 2nd couple in 1st place

9 – 16 1st couple repeat Bars 1 – 8 with 3rd couple. On bars 15 and 16 they turn with both hands finishing in position ready for Allemande. On bar 16, 2nd couple (at top) dance in to position for Allemande.

17 – 24 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples dance Allemande

25 – 28 1st and 2nd couples (top and bottom) dance Half Rights and Lefts; WHILE the 3rd couple (in 2nd place) set and cross over giving Right hands

29 – 32 All 3 couples set and cross to own sides giving Right hand to partner

Repeat with new top couple

Dedicated to the Ladies of Prince George, B.C.
Devised by Chas. F. Dobie of Carisbrooke S.C.D.C.

NOTE: The following note appears in the back of Glasgow Assembly and other Scottish Country Dances by Bob Campbell (Fifth Printing, 1990):

This progression, first used in Campsie Glen, also appears in The Northern Meeting and Frae A’ The Airts and was originally known as the Birl. As birling, in its strict sense, does not occur in our dancing the term Bourrel has been substituted.”

Video: Rivendell

Iain Boyd, The Lord of the Rings Coll.
A three couple, 32 bar reel.

1 – 4 First couple cross over giving right hands and cast down round second couple on opposite sides. Second couple move up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 First couple cross over giving left hands and cast down round third couple on own sides. Third couple move up on bars 7-8 and finish facing down.

9 – 16 Second, third and first couples dance reels of three on the sides. Second couple dance in and down, third couple dance out and down while first couple cross up between third couple to begin. First couple finish on opposite sides in third place.

17 – 18 Second, third and first couples set with nearer hands joined on the sides.

19 – 20 Second couple cross over giving right hands while third couple lead down with right hands and cross over between first couple while first couple cast up one place.

21 – 22 Second, first and third couples set with nearer hands joined on the sides.

23 – 24 Second couple lead down with left hands and cross over between first couple to finish facing out while first couple cast up one place while third couple cross over giving left hands.

25 – 28 First and second couples dance a half double figure of eight. First couple cross down while second couple dance up the side-lines to begin. Second couple finish on opposite sides facing out.

29 – 32 First couple turn with right hands once round down between second couple while second couple dance up the side-lines to top place and cross over giving right hands.

Repeat having passed a couple.

Dances for June 26, 2024

No Video

a 32-bar strathspey for 3 couples in a 3-couple set

1 – 8 First and second couples set and rotate.

9 – 10 All three couples turn partners with the right hand three-quarters of the way round into a line up and down the middle of the set, women facing down, men facing up.
11 – 16 All dance a half reel of six. (As in a reel of four, on odd bars, all pass right shoulders. On even bars, dancers at the ends of the reel dance a small loop while the others pass the dancer they face by left shoulders. After 6 bars, all will be facing their partners.)

17 – 18 All three couples turn partners with the right hand three-quarters of the way round to finish on own sides ready to flow into…

19 – 24 All dance six hands once round to the left. Order is now 3,1,2.

25 – 28 First couple (in second place), followed by second couple, dance up between the standing third couple at the top and cast off to finish in the order 3,2,1. (First and second couples dance straight down behind the lines and turn into place together on bar 28.)

29 – 32 Second couple, followed by third couple, dance down between first couple, (now at the bottom), and cast up to finish the dance in order 2, 3, 1. (The pattern is continuous for 2nd couple who turn in on bar 28 and dance down immediately, followed by 3rd couple. As in the previous four bars, the dancers casting up dance in a straight line and turn in together on bar 32.)

Suggested music: October in Rechberg, Muriel Johnstone, Dancing on Air

This dance was written to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Ardbrae – the half reel of six and the circle represent 60. The first classes in 1964 were held at Ridgemont High School. Hence, the Scottish group name, Ardbrae – high or top (ard) hill (brae).
The pattern of the last 8 bars appears in the dance, Seagreen, by John Drewry.

Devised by Barbara Anglin

No Video

Madge Wildfire’s Reel
RSCDS Sir Walter Scott, The Heart of Midlothian

The Dance – 1820 and 2021
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple set

1820 Instructions

1st & 2d Cu: hands across, back again,
down the middle, up again,
set cross corners & turn

2021 Reconstruction

1 – 8 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across and left hands back.

9 – 16 1st couple dance down the middle, and up again to second place. (2nd couple step up on bars 11 and 12)

17 – 20 1st couple set to first corners, then set to second corners.

21 – 24 Giving right hands,1st couple turn one and a half times.

25 – 32 1st couple dance reels of three on the opposite side, passing first corner right shoulder to begin. All dance the full 8 bars. 1st couple dance to 2nd place own sides on the final bar, 1st man crossing down from the top and 1st woman crossing up from the bottom.

Repeat having passed a couple.


  1. In this dance we have the instruction ‘set cross corners & turn’ while in two of the other dances in the leaflet it is simply ‘set cross corners’.
  2. There is no evidence of 6-bar reels from the early 19th century. Starting the reels passing first corner by the right allows all three couples to dance for the full 8 bars.

No Video

Ann’s Recess Time
32 bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set
1-81st couple half figure eight around 2nd couple, cross giving RIGHT hands and
cast off one place as 2nd couple steps up.
9-161st couple half figure eight around 3rd couple, cross giving LEFT hands and cast
left, man down to finish between 3rd couple, woman up to finish between 2nd
17-241st couple petronella turn to end second place opposite, then petronella turn
again to finish facing up and down, giving RIGHT hands, change places and
chase clockwise to own side second place.
2nd and 3rd couples set and rotate.
25-323rd, 1st and 2nd couples circle six hands round halfway, giving RIGHT hands,
cross with partner, and set.
Repeat having passed a couple.

NOTE: In Bars 21-22, all three couples are changing places with partner, giving right
hands, up and down the set before the chase.

Deviser: Gary Thomas, 2014

Music: “Ann’s Jig” by Ron Wallace, 2014
Devised for Ann Glenn to celebrate her 2014 retirement from years of service as a schoolteacher.

© Gary Thomas and Ron Wallace

Video: The Black-Haired Lassie

The Black-Haired Lassie
Let’s All Dance, Too
32/R or S/3
by Carolyn Hunt (1993)
San Francisco Branch

1 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance mirror reels of three on the sides. To begin, 1st couple dance in and down, 2nd couple dance out and up, and 3rd couple dance in and up.

9 – 12 1st couple cross over with right hands and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4 of the phrase.

13 – 16 1st couple dance a half figure of eight crossing up between 2nd couple to begin.

17 – 20 1st couple turn 1st corners with right hands, then pass partners with right shoulders to approach 2nd corners. Corners use all four steps.

21 – 24 1st couple turn 2nd corners with right hands, then pass partners with right shoulders to own sides of the dance in 2nd place. Corners use all four steps.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples circle 6 hands round and back.

Repeat from new places.

Music: Any good reel or strathspey

Note: As a new 1st couple begins at the top, 3rd couple dance up into the reel from 4th place and the former 1st couple step to the bottom.

The black-haired lassie is Julie Osborne, who was in the Stockton beginners’ class. (CH)

Dances for June 19, 2024

No Video

Rideau River Reel
Lindsay Clark
32 bar reel for 3 couples in a 3 couple set
The 2s are the dancing/active couple.

1-8 2W and 2M dance mirror figures of eight on their own sides, dancing up and out to begin. They finish in the centre in 2nd position ready for…

9-16 Hands across on both sides, right hand on the ladies’ side, left hand on the men’s side, the 2s passing right shoulder to dance hands across on the opposite side. The 2s end facing their own first corner.

17-24 2s and dancers on 1st corner diagonal dance Corners pass and twirl, the corners ending in opposite position and the 2s passing right shoulder to face their own 2nd corners. Repeat Corners pass and twirl with 2nd corners, the corners ending in the opposite position, and the 2s in 2nd place on opposite sides.[Order is now 3,2,1 with all dancers on the opposite side]

25-32 All chase ½ way round clockwise. [1,2,3] 1s change places with the 2s, left hand on the ladies’ side, right hand on the men’s side (i.e. 1s dance in and down); 1s change places with the 3s, right hand on the ladies’ side, left hand on the men’s side (1s dance out and down). [2,3,1]

Video: Reuben Butler

Reuben Butler
SCDS Sir Walter Scott, The Heart of Midlothian
The Dance – 1820 and 2021
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple set

1820 Instructions

1st Cu: lead down the middle, up again _
3 hands round with 2d Lady, same with Gent.
right and left.

2021 Reconstruction

1 – 8 1st couple dance down the middle and back to second place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

9 – 12 Using skip change of step, 1st couple and 2nd woman, dance three hands round to the left.

13 – 16 1st couple and 2nd man, dance three hands round to the left. 2nd and 1st couples finish in sidelines.

17 – 24 2nd and 1st couples dance a waltz poussette.

25 – 32 1st and 3rd couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat having passed a couple.


  1. Hands round in the early 19th century would most likely have used a chassé step, hence
    the skip change of step in bars 9 to 16.
  2. The poussette is a full poussette all round, starting from sidelines, and in waltz hold, not
    using pas de basque. See page 61.
  3. The original instructions do not stipulate whether the rights and lefts is danced with the
  4. 2nd or 3rd couple. As the poussette was with the 2nd couple, it would have been acceptable
  5. to dance the rights and lefts with third couple, thus making the dance a three-couple jig.

4, Although there were different versions of rights and lefts in 1820, the version adopted is
the Quadrille rights and lefts, as we do it today.

The Waltz Poussette

Starting from sidelines and using waltz turns throughout the dancers should follow the general pattern below:

Bar 1 Dance in and meet in waltz hold (two hand hold may also be used).

Bar 2 – 4 Dance out to the sides (couple in second place to woman’s side and couple in 1st place to men’s side) and continuing dancing waltz turns round other couple and back into centre in progressed position.

Bar 5 – 7 Repeat bars 2 – 4 to finish in centre in original positions

Bar 8 Retire

No Video

Lady Charlotte Bruce
Miss Milligan’s Miscellany of Scottish Country Dances
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples advance one step and retire one step, twice. To finish, 1st couple face each other, 2nd couple face down and 3rd couple face up.

5 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a half grand chain.

9 – 12 3rd, 2nd and 1st couples repeat bars 1-4 to finish 3rd couple facing down, 2nd couple facing up, and 1st couple facing each other.

13 – 16 3rd, 2nd and 1st couples dance a half grand chain, to finish in original places.

17 – 24 1st couple lead down the middle and up and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 23-24.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Customary tune: Lady Charlotte Bruce (William Shepherd)

5-8 1st woman & 2nd man finish with polite turns.
13-16 Half grand chain begins with RH – 3rd cpl to 2nd cpl & 1st cpl to partner. 1st woman and 2nd man again finish with polite turns.

Video: Ray Milbourne

Ray Milbourne
Derek Haynes, Carnforth 1

Reel for four-couple sets

On the 2nd chord 2nd and 4th couples change sides

1 – 4 1st and 4th couple, giving right hands, cross over then cast inwards one place. 2nd couple step up and 3rd couple step down on bars 3 – 4.

5 – 8 1st couple dance a half figure of eight around 2nd couple and 4th couple dance a half figure of eight around 3rd couple.

9 – 12 1st and 4th couple dance half rights and lefts. They omit the polite tum on bar 12 and finish with 4th couple facing up and 1st couple facing down ready to give right shoulders into –

13 – 16 Half reels of four on the sides. They finish in the order 3 1 4 2 with the women facing out and the men in, ready to dance into –

17 – 24 3rd with 1st couple, and at the same time 4th with 2nd couple, dance men’s chains across the dance. The men cross over giving left hands to start

25 – 32 3rd, 1st, 4th and 2nd couples dance eight hands round and back.

Repeat three times, each from new positions.

Tune: Ray Milboume by lain MacPhail. Recorded by David Hall on Diamond Jubilee, DIH 001 CD.

First published by Scottish Dance Archives, September 1976.

Dances for June 12, 2024

No Video

32 bar Strathspey for 3 couples in a longwise set

1-8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance Inveran reels, 1s crossing down to begin. Second couple finish facing out.
9-16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance Inveran reels, 3rd couple crossing up to begin; 2nd couple dance out and down and 1st couple dance in and down.
17-20 All 3 couples dance “turn and twirl” to cross to the opposite side.
21-24 1st and 2nd couples chase clockwise 2 places While 3rd couple turn right hand 1 ½ times to own side. [Order now: 2,1,3]
25-28 All 3 couples dance “turn and twirl” to cross to the opposite side.
29-32 1st and 3rd couples chase clockwise 2 places While 2nd couple turn right hand 1 ½ times to own side. [Order now: 2,3,1] Lady dancing into 2nd lady position finishes facing out.*

*At the end of the third and last repetition, lady dancing into 2nd place would face in for bow and curtsey.

Inspiration for dance: Skaters who glide effortlessly and smoothly, without stopping. Therefore all couples keep dancing throughout, hopefully reaching the required spot just in time to glide through without waiting for the music to prompt the next move. On a busy day, skaters would weave around each other, occasionally meeting up with a friend perhaps, for a brief hello.

Submitted by Lindsay Clark

Video:The Laird o’ Dumbiedike’s Favorite

The Laird o’ Dumbiedike’s Favorite
RSCDS Sir Walter Scott, The Heart of Midlothian

The Dance – 1820 and 2021
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple set

1820 Instructions

1st and 2d Cu: 4 hands round, set and back again.

1st Cu: lead 3 outsides opposite, back again to places

_ poussette & right and left

2021 Reconstruction

1 – 8 1st and 2nd couples, with two skip change of step, circle to left, then retaining hands, set.

They repeat to the right back to places, dropping hands at the end of bar 6.
9 – 16 1st man, followed by 2nd and 3rd men, cross over, dance down the opposite side, cross through third couple’s position and back up own side. Meanwhile, 1st woman does the same with 2nd and 3rd women.

The women pass below the men at the top and the bottom of the set. 1st and 2nd couples finish in the middle.
17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette.

25 – 32 1st and 3rd couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat having passed a couple.


A version of this dance has been previously published by the RSCDS in Book 12 – this interpretation is different.
Historic dance manuals provide no help in reconstructing bars 9 – 16. What is clear is that both 1st man and 1st woman are dancing for these 8 bars at the same time.
The progression in this dance can only have taken place during the poussette. It is suggested that the modern RSCDS poussette should be used. Dancers are welcome to try waltzing round one and a half times, as long as both couples are agreed in advance!
The 1820 instructions do not stipulate whether 1st couple dance the rights and lefts with the 2nd or 3rd couples. The dance seems more interesting if the 3rd couple are involved in these bars.

1938 Reconstruction
Video: The Laird of Dumbiedyke’s Favourite

The Laird of Dumbiedyke’s Favourite
RSCDS Book 12 – No. 4
40-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples dance four hands halfway round to the left and set to partners.

5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples dance four hands halfway round to the right and set to partners.

9 – 16 1st couple, followed by 2nd and 3rd couples, cast off to third place, cross over and dance up to partners’ places on opposite sides. (Fig.)

17 – 24 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples repeat bars 9-16 to original places, the women again dancing on the inside. 1st and 2nd couples finish in the middle of the set facing partners with both hands joined.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette.

33 – 40 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

The Heart of Midlothian … Favourite Dances for 1820, printed by John Sutherland, Edinburgh.

Original tune: Johnnie’s friends are never pleased (Niel Gow’s Repository Part 4).

No Video

The Wind’s Twelve Quarters
Kate Nealley, Delaware Valley Gold

a 32-bar Jig for 3 couples in a 4-couple set

1 – 8 1st couple cross by the right hand and cast off one place on opposite sides. 1st couple dance a half figure eight up around 2nd couple. 24 couple step up on bars 3-4.

9 – 12 1st couple cross by the right hand and cast to their right while 2″¢ and 3’4 couples dance as in set & link for three:

9 – 10 2nd and 3rd couples set on the sidelines.
11 – 12 2nd woman and 3rd man cast to the other end of the sideline while 2nd man and 3rd woman dance to their right through the middle of the set to the other end of the sideline, pulling right shoulder back to end in lines of three across the dance, 1st man between the 2nd couple facing up, 1st woman between the 3rd couple facing down.

13 – 16 1st couple change places by the right and cast to their right while 39 and 24 couples dance as in set & link for three:

13 – 14 2nd and 3 couples set facing up and down.
15 – 16 2nd woman and 3 man cast across the dance while 2nd man and 3’¢ woman dance to their right through the middle of the set across the dance, pulling right shoulder back to end on the sidelines. Order is now 3x, 1x, 2x.

17 – 24 Repeat bars 9-16. Order is now 2, 1, 3.

25 – 32 All dance six hands round to the left and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devisor: Kate Nealley, 2019
The title comes from A. E. Housman’s poem “A Shropshire Lad.” Each dancer goes to all the points of
the compass in the course of the dance.

Teaching notes: Bars 9 – 24> Each supporting dancer follows the same path all the way around the set, either casting or dancing through the middle. 1St couple cast to their right around the same person (their 1St corner person in different positions) all four times.

Music: Calliope House, composed D. Richardson, Gilderoy Music MCPS/PRS

No Video

Crum Creek Hornpipe
Becky Birtha, Delaware Valley Gold

a 32-bar Hornpipe for 3 couples in a 4-couple set

1 – 4 1st couple set and cast one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.
5 – 6 1st and 3 couples face each other up and down the dance, nearer hands joined with partner, and set.
7 – 8 1st and 3 couples change places, 3st couple making an arch and 1st couple dancing under it. Order is now 2, 3, 1.

9 – 12 2nd couple set and cast one place. 3rd couple step up on bars 11-12.
13 – 14 1st and 2nd couples face each other, nearer hands joined, and set.
15 – 16 1st and 2nd couples change places, 1st couple making an arch and 2nd couple dancing under it. Order is now 3, 1, 2.

17 – 20 1st couple dance up between 3 couple and cast down one place.
21 – 24 All three couples turn by the right hand into allemande hold.

25 – 32 3rd, 1st, and 2nd couples dance a three-couple allemande.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devisor: Becky Birtha, 2009
Crum Creek, named by early 18″ century settlers, runs through Chester and Delaware Counties, including the woods on the Swarthmore College campus, and eventually reaches the Delaware River.
“Crum” is Dutch for “crooked.”

Music: Crum Hornpipe, by Josh Burdick