Category Archives: Summer 2014

Dances done in the summer of 2014


Dances for June 12, 2014

32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set by Barbara Anglin

1–8         1st couple, giving right hands, cross to opposite sides and cast off behind 2nd couple who step up on bars 3-4. 1st couple cross down between 3rd couple and cast up behind them to second place on own sides.

9–12    1st couple dance right hands across with the couple on their right; i.e. 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple. 1st couple finish in the middle, left shoulder to left shoulder.

13–16    1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a snake pass, as follows:
1st man, followed by 3rd couple, dances out to the women’s side and up, across the top of the set, and down to second place on his own side.  Meanwhile, 1st woman, followed by 2nd couple, dances out to the men’s side and down, across the bottom of the set, and up to second place on her own side. The two ‘snakes’ pass by the left.  All finish on own sides in order 3, 1, 2 with women facing up and men facing down.

17–24    All chase counter clockwise round the set. On bar 24, all dance into the middle to take promenade hold, facing up.

25–32    3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance allemande.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

As I was walkin’ doon yon hill, O but she was neatly dressed,
It was on a summer’s evening, She neither needed hat nor feather,
T’was there I met a bonnie lass, She was a queen amang them a’,
Skippin’ barfit throw the heather. Skippin’ barfit throw the heather.

“Skippin’ Barfit Thro’ the Heather”, traditional Scottish folk song

While the traditional song tune is not a jig, I thought that jig tempo better suited my image of
“skipping barefoot through the heather.”   BA

RASCAL FAIR (S6x32) 2C (3C set)
G Thomas From the Redwood Forest
1-4        1s cross RH and cast off 1 place to face up with NH joined, while 2s set and dance up 1 place to face down with NH joined
5-6        1s+2s set
7-8        1s+2s change places with partner, W turning counterclockwise under arm on bar 7; change to RH in RH and turn 1⁄2 way on bar 8, 1M face down and 1W face up
9-10    W turn LH 3⁄4 to end 1 place clockwise (1W face up, 2W down) while M dance 1 place clockwise
11-12     M turn LH 3⁄4 to end 1 place clockwise and face in while W dance one place clockwise
13-16     Repeat bars 5-8 to end in a line in the middle 1s above 2s women in the middle
17-24     1⁄2 reel of 4, set and 2s turn RH to own sides while 1s turn LH to own sides
25-32     2s+1s poussette

Barren Rocks of Aden, 32R 3C (4C Set)
J. MItchell, Wheatherly Book 15
1-2        1st couple cast off into second place
3-4        1st couple cross giving left hand to face 1st corners.
5-6        1st couple change places with their 1st corners giving right hand
7-8        2nd man & 3rd woman (1st corners) turn 3/4 with the left hand to face their partners

9-10    2nd and 3rd couples change places with partner giving right hand
11-12    2nd woman & 3rd man turn (2nd corners) turn with the left hand 3/4 to face the 1st couple
13-14    1st woman with 3rd man & 1st man with 2nd woman, change places givign right hand.
15-16    1st couple turn with the left hand to finish back to back, 1st woman facing up, 1st man facing down, 2nd & 3rd men face down, 2nd & 3rd woman face up.

17-24    Ruptured Triangles:
17-18    All join nearer hands in triangle formation and set
19-22    1st woman dances up and casts off into 2nd place on own side, whilst the 1st man dances down and casts up into 2nd place on own side, they pass by the left to finish to finish back to back in the center of the set, 1st man facin gthe women’s side and 1st woman facing the men’s side; At the same time 2nd and 3rd couples dance half right and lefts giving right hands on teh sides to commence;
23-24    1st man joins hands with the 3rd couple on the women’s side and 1st woman joins hands with 2nd couple on the men’s side in triangle formation.

25-28    1st couple dance a hlaf reel of four with the 2nd woman & 3rd man, who are in 1st corner positions; 1st couple finish in 2nd place on own side facing out.

29-32    half reels of three on own side of the set, to commence the 1st and 3rd man pass by the right, as do the 1st and 2nd women; 1st coupel finish in 2nd place facing out ready to start again.

Repeat from 2nd place, the 1st coupel finish in 2nd place facing out and cast to the foot as the next couple starts.

The Black Craig of Dee, 32R 2C (4C Set)
H. Foss

1-4        1st woman casts off one place and crosses to below 2nd man, while 1st man follows, crossing, casting off and ending below 2nd woman (2nd couple step up on 3-4)

5-8        1st man casts off one place and crosses to below 3rd man, while 1st woman follows, crossing, casting off and ending below 3rd woman (3rd couple move up on 7-8)

9-14    All six dancers follow each other round once counter-clockwise to where the started

15-16    1st couple lead up to face 1st corners (3rd couple move down)

17-24    1st couple set to and turn corners, ending between them.

25-26    Taking hands at the sides, all set.

27-28    1st couple turn each other half way round by the right hand, while 2nd and 3rd set again.

29-32    1st couple continue their turn and 2nd and 3rd couples taking partners by the right hand all turn once ot own sides.

Dances for June 5, 2014

The Maryland Strathspey, 32S 2C (2C RR)
Jackie Johnstone, Loreburn Dances, Vol. 3

1-4        With nearer hands joined, set to the opposite couple and turn them with both hands, maintaining nearer hands to face partners

5-8        Set and turn partners with both hands

9-16    Two couples give right hands across (4 steps) and back by the left hand

17-24    Ladies Chain

25-32    Couple facing clockwise: Set to partner (2) turn partner right hands (2) lead through oncoming couple (2) and turn each other right hands (2) finish facing new couple. Couple facing anti-clockwise: lead through opposite couple (2) turn partner right hands (2) set to partner (2) turn partner right hands

Burnt Potato, 40J 3C (4C Set)
W. Mitchell, Whetherly SCD Sheets

1-2        1st couple cross over giving right hand
3-4        1st couple cast off into 2nd place; the second couple step up.

5-8        The 1st lady dances up to the top between the 2nd couple crossing back to her own side, cast off behind the 2nd lady and dances in to pass her partner by the left shoulder and finish facing the second man. At the same time the 1st man crosses over and casts up to the top behind the 2nd man; he then dances in to pass his partner by the left shoulder and fin ish facing the 2nd lady.

9-16    The 1st and second couples dance a reel of four across the set. 1st couple finish in the middle of the set, on the wrong side, facing down.

17-24    1st couple dance down the middle and back.

25-32    1st and 2nd couples dance a double figure of eight. To start the first couple lead up crossing over to own side, whilst the 2nd couple cast off. The 1st couple finish in 2nd place on opposite sides, facing in, and the 2nd couple finish in top place on own side, facing out.

33-38    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. The first couple dancing down between the 3rd couple to start

39-40    1st couple cross back to own side giving right hand in passing.


Mrs. Jappy’s Measure
32 bar Strathspey for 3 couples

1-4        1st and 2nd couple set, 1st and 2nd ladies, taking nearer hands dance between the men and cast into their partner’s place while the 1st and 2nd men dance across the set and curve towards each other into their partner’s place

5-8        1st couple turn with right hand 1 1/2 times, moving down the set to finish on own sides in 2nd place while the 2nd couple cross with left hand and cast up one place.

9-12    All 3 couples advance one step and retire one step. 1st couple turn two hands just over half a turn and both pulling right shoulder back finish facing 1st corners

13-14    1st couple dance round 1st corners to finish man between 3rd couples facing up, lady between 2nd couple facing down while 2nd man and 3rd lady advance one step and retire one step on the diagonal

15-16    All three couples set in lines across the dance.

17-20    All 3 couples advance one step and retire one step. 1St couple turn two hands just over half a turn and both pulling right shoulder back finish facing 2nd corners.

21-22    1st couple dance around 2nd corners to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides while 3rd man and 2nd lady advance one step and retire one step on the diagonal.

23-24    All three couples set on the sidelines.

25-30    1st man dances a reel of three across with 3rd couple, 1st lady dances a reel of three across with 2nd couple.

31-32    1st couple cross giving left hand to finish on own sides in 2nd place.

Repeat having passed a couple

Tune: Muriel Johnstone’s Compliments to Ruth Jappy (Muriel Johnstone)

Dance devised by Bill Zobel as a tribute to Ruth Jappy of Delta, Vancouver, who has for decades been one of the world’s leading ambassadors for Scottish Country Dancing and its music.


The Radical Road (new dance)
Dancers stand facing partner, each couple on one side of a square. A’s with partners on right
1st couple with back to the music others numbered clockwise round the set
Taking 32 walking steps, A’s dancing anti-clockwise, B’s clockwise, pass partner right shoulder, next
person left shoulder, and continue weaving until you meet partner on opposite side of the square. Turn
partner right hand once round and face them. Passing partner right hand, next person left shoulder,
continue weaving until you meet partner back in place and turn into waltz hold facing across.
1st and 3rd couples dance eight slip steps to change places the A’s passing back to back.
1st and 3rd couples dance eight slip steps to change back the B’s passing back to back.
Side couples repeat this crossing and back
1st and 3rd A’s step into middle and dance their own style of dance for 8 bars of music, while others
circle to the left for 6 slip steps, cross right foot over left to pivot facing back and chase back to place
1st A’s with partner, 2nd B’s and 4th A’s dance a left hand wheel then a right hand wheel while at the
same time 3rd A’s with partner, 2nd A’s and 4th B’s dance a left hand wheel then a right hand wheel
and finish with 2nd and 4th middle
2nd and 4th A’s dance their own style of dance for 8 bars of music, while others circle to the left for
6 slip steps, cross right foot over left to pivot facing back and chase back to place
4th A’s with partner, 1st B’s and 3rd A’s dance a left hand wheel then a right hand wheel while at the
same time 2nd A’s with partner, 1st A’s and 3rd B’s dance a left hand wheel then a right hand wheel
and finish 1st and 3rd B’s in middle
Repeat with 1st and 3rd B’s in middle
Repeat with 2nd and 4th B’s in middle and all finish in waltz hold facing centre
1st and 3rd couples dance eight slip steps to change places the A’s passing back to back. 1st and 3rd couples dance eight slip steps to change back the B’s passing back to back. Side couples repeat this crossing and back Taking 32 walking steps, A’s dancing anti-clockwise, B’s clockwise, pass partner right shoulder, next person left shoulder, and continue weaving until you meet partner on opposite side of the square. Turn
partner right hand once round and face them. Passing partner right hand, next person left shoulder, continue weaving until you meet partner back in place and turn into waltz hold facing across


Los Molinos – The Windmills, 40R 3C (4C Set)
J. Drewry, The Stoneywood Coll. Vol. 2

1-4        1st couple dance down crossing over towards second place on opposite sides, while 2nd couple dance out and up towards first place on own sides. 1st man and 2nd woman join left hands as soon as convenient and continue turning just over once round, until 2nd woman finishes in first place on her oen side and 1st man finishes in second place on the women’s side. 1st woman and 2nd man, similarly, join right hands and turn until 2nd man finishes in first place on his own side and 1st woman finishes in second place on the men’s side. At the end, 1st couple stay facing out.

5-8        1st man turns 3rd woman with the right hand one and a half times, while 1st woman turns 3rd man with the left hand one and a half times. At the end 3rd couple stay facing out in second place and 1st couple face in in third place.

9-12    1st couple cross up to second place on own sides, while 3rd couple danc eout and down back to original places. 1st and 3rd men turn with the left hand, while 1st and 3rd woman turn with the right hand to bring 1st cople back to second place on own sides, where they face out, and 3rd couple back to original places.

13-16    1st and 2nd men turn with the right hand on and a half times, while 1st and 2nd women turn with the left hand one and a half times to brin gall back to original places.

17-20    1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off to second place on opposite sides. 2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.

21-24    1st woman dances up between 2nd couple crossing over and casts off to second palce on her own side, while 1st man dances down between 3rd couple crossing over and casts up to second place on his own side.

25-28    1st woman dances right hands across with 2nd couple, while 1st man dances right hands across with 3rd couple.

29-32    1st woman dances left hands across with 3rd couple, while 1st man dances left hands across with 2nd couples. At the end, 2nd woman stays facing out ready to dance down to enter the reel with 1st woman, while 3rd man similarly, stays facing out ready to danc eout and up to enter the reel with 1st man.

33-40    1st woman dances a reel of three across the dance with 2nd couple beginning by giving left shoulder to 2nd man, while 1st man dances a reel of three across the dance with 3rd couple beginning by giving left shoulder to 2rd woman.

Dances for May 22, 2014


The Leccamore Jig, 32J 3C (4C Set)
Janet Brayson, The Leeds Golden Coll.

1-8        1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance reel of three on own sides. 1st and 2nd men pass right shoulders to begin whilst 1st and 2nd women pass left shoulders. All giving nearer hands to partners whenever possible.

9-12    1st man dances across and down behind 2nd woman as she steps up on bars 11-12, whilst 1st woman dances diagonally down between 2nd couple, and cast up round 2nd man.
13-16    1st and 2nd couples set diagonally and dance half right hands across

17-20    1st man dances diagonally down between 2nd couple’s place and cast up to 1st woman’s place as 2nd man steps down whilst 1st woman now in second placecrosses over and cast up to 1st man’s place.
21-24    1st and second couple set diagonally and dance half right hands across.

25-28    1st couple dance up between 2nd couple now at the top and cast into second place.
29-32    1st man turns 3rd man with right hand as 1st womanturns 3rd woman eith the left hand once round.


Quidenham, 32S 5C (5C Set)
Roy Goldring, Auld Friends Meet

1-4        1st and 3rd couples dance in, touch nearer hands as they face up and cast off one place. 2nd and 4th couples step up on bars 3-4.
5-8        Right hands across: 1st woman with 2nd couple, 1st man and 3rd woman with 4th couple, 3rd man with 5th couple. 1st and 3rd couples finish in the centre of the dance facing their 1st corners.

Modified Corner Chain with 1st corners
9-10    1st and 3rd couples change places with their 1st corners passing by the right.
11-12    1st and 3rd couples set to partner as 1st corners turn once round wiht left hands.
13-14    1st and 3rd couples repeat bars 9-10 (and corners return to places).
15-16    1st and 3rd couples turn partner with left hands to finish facing their 2nd corners.

Modified Corner Chain with 2nd corners
17-22    1st and 3rd couples repeat bars 9-14 with 2nd corners.
23-24    1st and 3rd couples turn partners with left hands to finish in the opposite sidelines, women facing down and men facing up.

25-26    1st and 3rd couple set to 2nd corners, pulling back left shoulders on bar 26.
27-28    1st and 3rd coules set to 1st corners.
29-32    1st and 3rd couples cross giving right hands and cast off one place. 4th and 5th coule step up on bars 31-32.


City of Sterling Reel, 32R 3C (4C set)
Roy Goldring, Auld Friends Meet

Pick-up of snowball chain
1-2        1st & 2nd women (also 1st & 2nd men) change places with right hands
3-4        1st & 3rd women (also 1st & 3rd men) change places with left hands. 2nd couple cross giving left hands and face down.
5-6        1st couple cross giving right hands and face up. 2nd woman & 3rd man (also 2nd man & 3rd woman) change places with right hands.
7-8        1st & 2nd women (also 1st & 2nd men) change places with left hands. 3rd couple at the top, cross giving left hands.
Order now 3, 1, 2 all on opposite sides. No polite turn by 1st woman on bar 8.

9-10    1st couple cross to own sides passing right shoulders to face out.
11-12    1st man & 3rd woman (also 1st woman & 2nd man) turn halfway with right hands. 1st couple face each other on the diagonal (no interweaving)
13-14    1st couple followed by 1st corners, pass by the left on the diagonal (no interweaving).
15-16    1st couple curve into 2nd place on opposite sides. 2nd man & 3rd woman finish in own corner places.

Similar to bars 9-16
17-18    1st couple cross to own sides passing left shoulders to face out.
19-20    1st woman & 3rd man (also 1st man & 2nd woman) turn halfway with left hands. 1st couple face each other on the diagonal.
13-14    1st couple followed by 2nd corners, pass by the right on the diagonal.
15-16    1st couple curve into 2nd place on opposite sides. 2nd woman & 3rd man finish in own corner places.

25-28    All turn partners once round with right hands.
29-32    1st couple dance half figures of eight; 1st woman crossing up between 2nd couple, 1st man crossing down between 3rd cople. Finish in 2nd place on own side.


Toad of Toad Hall, 32R 3C (4C Set)
Tom Winter, Dunsmuir Dances

1-8        1st couple set, dance down the middle, cast up around 3rd couple, and turn with right hands a little more that 1/2 way to finish in the middle retaining right hands. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4

9-12    1st couple balance in line with 1st corners. 1st couple turn 1st corners with left hands and advance to finish between 2nd corners, left hands joine with partner.

13-16    1st couple balance in line with 2nd corners. 1st couple turn 2nd corners with right hands to finish in second place on opposite sides.

17-24    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples reels of three. 1st couple give left shoulders to 1st corners to begin. 1st couple cross over with right hands to open sides on bars 23-24.

25-32    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples six hands round and back.



I’ll mak’ ye fain to follow me, 32J 3C (4C Set)
RSCDS Book 6

1-4        1st woman, followed by 1st man, casts off twoplaces and crosses over o 3rd man’s place, with 1st man in 3rd woman’s place. 2nd and 3rd couples step up on bars 3-4

5-8        1st man, followed by 1st woman, casts up behind 3rd and 2nd woman, and crosses to original place: 1st woman finishes in her place. 2nd and 3rd couples step down on bars 7-8

9-12    1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up.

13-16    1st couple, giving left hands, cross over cast off one place and lead up to face first corners

17-24    1st couple set to and turn corners to finish between them facing first corners.

25-30    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. 1st couples pass first corners by the left to begin.

31-32    1st couple, giving right hands, cross over to second place on own sides.

Dances for May 15, 2014

The Comeback Jig, 32J 3C (4C Set)
Elaine Brunken, Moments in Time

1-4        1st couple dance a 1/2 figure of eight down around 2nd couple
5-8        1st couple dance a 1/2 figure of eight down around the 3rd couple, end couple step up on bars 7 & 8, 1st couple finifh in 2nd place on own side.

9-12    All 3 couples dance around their partner, passing right shoulder to gypsy right, finish on own side.
13-16    All three couples dance a track, clockwise, 1/2 way around, all finish on opposite side, order 3, 1, 2

17-20    Three hands across, 1st lady down with the 2nd couple (in 3rd place), 1st man up with the 3rd couple (in 1st place).
21-24    Three hands across, 1st lady up with the 3rd couple, 1st man down with the 2nd couple.

25-28    All three couples dance a track, anti-clockwise, 1/2 way, around, all finish on own side, order 2,1,3
29-32    All three couples dance around their partner, passing left shoulder to gypsy left, finish on own side, order 2, 1, 3

The Millville Grange, 32S 3C (4C Set)
Ron Wallace, The San Andreas Collection

1-7        1st couple set advancing, turn two hands once round, dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to 2nd place on own side, 2nd couple step up on bars 5-6
8        All three couples dance into the middle left foot to join right hands with partner and face up.

9-16    3 couple allemande, on bars 7-8 1st couple turn by the right hand to end 1st woman between 3rd couple (in 1st place) facing 3rd woman and 1st man between 2nd couple (in 3rd place) facing 2nd man.

17-22    Right shoulder reels of three across the set, finishing as at the start of the reel.

23-24    1st couple cast right around partners’ 2nd corner position to end back to back, 1st woman facing up and 1st man facing down. While 3rd and 2nd couples advance and retire (1 step each way) with partner

25-32    1st woman with 3rd couple (in 1st place) and 1st man with 2nd couple (in 3rd place) circle 3 hands round to the left, 1st couple release left hands and circle 6 hands round to the left to opposite sides of the set, then all three couples cross over to own side with right hand to partner

Cooper’s Hornpipe, 32R 3C (4C Set)
Wallace Mitchel, Whetherly Book 8

1-4        1st couple set and cross ofer giving right hands
5-8        1st couple cast off into 2nd place on the opposite side and turn with the left hand to finish facing 2nd corners, 2nd couple stepping up on bars 5 & 6

9-16    Corner pass and turn with the left hand
9-12    2nd corners dance in passing the dancing couple by the left, turn with the left hand and dance out to place, meanwhile the 1st couple dance out passing their corners by the left, cast round to the left to meet and give left hands to turn halfway to face their 1st corners
13-16    Repeat with 1st corners, but again finish facing 1st corners

17-22    1st couple dance reels of three on the sides with their corners, passing 1st corners by the left to commence and finishing in 2nd place
23-24    1st couple cross back to own side giving right hands in passing.

25-32    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back

Culloden’s Fancy, 16R 2C (3C Set)
RSCDS Book 5

1-4        1st couple set and, giving both hands, turn once round.
5-8        1st and 2nd couples dance half rights and lefts.

9-12    2nd and 1st couples, giving both hands, turn partners to own sides. 1st coupel finish in the middle of the set, facing up with nearer hands joined.
13-16    1st couple dance up the middle and cast off to second place on own sides

Summer Classes for 2014

The class is intended for dancers of all levels. Drop-ins are welcome! Bring a friend and experience the social dance of Scotland.

We will be running our summer class as usual. The dances planned for each class will be posted here. There can always be last minute changes so please understand if some of the dances listed are not done on a given week.

If you really want to see a dance done please contact us. We will do our best to include it in one of the lessons.

Craig Williams:

Jody Willimas:

The class will run from May 15 – September 4, 2014 Please note that class is canceled on May 29 and August 28. We will be away at the Teachers’ Association (Canada) Summer School on July 24 and July 31. During this time another teacher will take our place

Classes will be held Thursday evening 7:30-9:30pm at the Churchill Recreation Centre.

Price: $6/class or $75 if paid in advance.