Dances for January 19, 2015 – Churchill Recreation Centre


Best Set in the Hall
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1–8        1st couple set and 1st woman, followed by her partner, casts off two places, crosses over below 3rd couple, casts up and dances in to face first corner. 1st man dances up the middle of the set to face his first corner. 2nd couple step up on bars 7-8.

9–12    1st couple and first corners set and, 1st couple, pulling back by the right, dance around each other and out to finish in partner’s first corner position. At the same time, first corners dance in towards each other and, pulling back by the right, finish back to back in the middle facing own places.

13–16    1st couple and first corners set and first corners, pulling back by the right, dance around each other and out to finish in opposite corner’s position. At the same time, 1st couple dance towards each other and, pulling back by the right, finish back to back in the middle facing second corners.

17–24    1st couple repeat bars 9-16 with second corners and pass each other by the right to finish in second place on opposite sides. 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples face clockwise.

25–28    3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance clockwise halfway round the set.

29–32    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn once round.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Helen Greenwood, Auckland, New Zealand.
Note: the movement in bars 9-24 was devised by the late Alec Hay.

Notes Compiled by teachers, Summer School , St Andrews 2010
15-16    1st couple turn on the spot.
TACNotes:1-8    1st woman dances straight in on bar 8 to face 1st corner.

The Gentleman
RSCDS Book XXXV – No. 5

1–2        1st couple turn once round with both hands to finish in the middle of the dance facing each other. 2nd couple step up.

3–4        1st and 2nd couples set. On bar 4, 1st couple advance, passing each other by the left, to finish back to back with 1st woman facing 2nd man and 1st man facing 2nd woman.

5–8        1st and 2nd couples dance half a reel of four across the dance. On the last bar, 1st couple join left hands as they pass and finish facing down on own sides between 2nd couple.

9–10    1st couple, with nearer hands joined, dance down to finish facing each other between 3rd couple.

11–16    1st and 3rd couples repeat bars 3 – 8. 1st couple finish facing up.

17–20    1st couple, with left hands joined, lead up to the top, cross over and cast to second place on opposite sides. (All three couples are now on opposite sides.)

21–24    1st woman dances half a reel of three across the dance with 2nd couple beginning by giving right shoulder to 2nd man. 1st man, similarly, dances half a reel of three across the dance with 3rd couple giving right shoulder to 3rd woman.

25–32    2nd and 1st couple poussette.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Roz Scott Huxley, 1986, and inscribed to her father, the late Group Captain David Huxley, who was Master of Ceremony for the first-fortnight ceilidhs at St. Andrews Summer School for twenty-six years.

NOTES:     The Strathspey poussette was David Huxley’s favourite formation. Group Captain Huxley initiated moves in 1974 to install a memorial to Mrs Stewart in  the Church of the Holy Cross, Portnacroish, Appin, Argyll.

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 3 and 11 To maintain the correct covering while setting on bars 3 and 11, 1st couple must take small setting steps
3-4    2nd cpl cover with 1st cpl during setting. (Similarly 3rd cpl bars 11-12).