Dances for August 7, 2014


Friday Night Reel
32 bar reel for 3 couples

1-8        1st couple lead down the middle for three steps and back for three steps and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 7 & 8

9-16    1st and 3rd couples dance right hands across and left hands back

17-24    1st couple dance a figure of eight by dancing between 2nd couple to begin.

25-32    2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat having passed a couple

Bob McMurtry – Dragonfly

Amhuinnsuidhe Castle
(pronounced ave-an-soo-ee)
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four couples longwise set

1-4        1st and 2nd couples set, with nearer hands joined, then 1st couple  cast off to second place while 2nd couple, giving nearer hands, dance up and cast into top place

5-8        1st couple turn 1-1/2 times with the left hand to face their first corners.

9-10    1st couple set to first corners.

11-14    1st couple pulling right shoulder back, cast through partners’s 1st corner position, then curve to their right, 1st woman dancing up the set between the 3rd couple and 1st man dancing down the set between the 2nd couple. Meanwhile, on bar 11, 2nd man and 3rd woman dance towards each other, on bar 12 they turn each other once round with the right hand, then dance back to 1st corner position.

15-16    1st couple turn once round with the right hand to face their 2nd corners.

17-18    1st couple set to second corners.

19-22    1st couple pulling right shoulder back, cast through partner’s 2nd corner position, then curve to their right, passing through second place on their own side on bar 22. Meanwhile, on bar 19 3rd man and 2nd woman dance towards each other, on bar 20, they turn each other once round with the right hand, then dance back to 2nd corner’s position.

23-24    1st couple, cross giving right hands to finish facing out in second place on the opposite sides of the set

25-32    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance a reel of 3 on the opposite side, with 1st couple passing their first corners by the right shoulder to begin. On bars 31-32, 1st woman crosses up to second place and 1st man crosses down to second place on their own sides, while 2nd and 3rd couples finish the rels.

Devised by Deirre MacCuish Bark, Mississauga, written on the Isle of Harris: October 2012 Amhuinnsuidhe Castle, Isle of Harris, was build in1867 by the Earl of Dunmore.

The Thistle and the Columbine
8×32 Jig

1-8        1st couple set and cast off one place, 2nd couple step up on bars 3 & 4. 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple dance right hands across once round, the first couple finish facing theri first corners

9-16    1st couple dance the track of a reel of four to finish back to back in the center of the dance in second place facing theri own sides while 2nd and 4rd couples dance rights and lefts.

17-24    2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance double triangles, the 1st couple finishing in the centre of the dance facing down on their own side with nearer hands joined.

25-32    1st couple with nearer hands joined down between 3rd couple, cast up one place to meet in the centre of the dance facing up and with nearer hands joined dance up between the 2nd couple and cast off one place.

This dance wasd devised by Miss janet Renton on August 2007 for a forthcomming visit to Colorado, USA. The dance was named after the emblem of Scotland and the Columbine flower with is the stat flower of Colorado, USA

88-bar reel for four couples in a square set

1-8    1st and 3rdc ouples dance rights and lefts. 1st and 3rd men finish facing out.

9-16    1st adn 3rd coupels dance a ladies’ chain

17-32    2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 1-16

33-36    All four women advance and retire.

37-40    All four women dance right hands across, finish facing out.

41-48    All four women dance clockwise all the way rounf the outside of the set, dancing behind partners to begin.

49-52    All four men advance and retire

53-56    All four men dance left hands across, finish facing out.

57-64    All four men dance anti-clockwise all the way round the outside of the set, dancing behind partners to begin.

65-70    1st and 3rd couples, taking promenade hold, dance round the inside of the set to original places, men passing by the left.

71-72    1st and 3rd couples set, facing into the centre.

73-78    2nd and 4th couples taking promenade hold, dance round the inside of the set to original places, women passing by the right.

79-80    2nd and 4th couples set, facing inwards

81-88    All four couples dance eight hands round and back.

Devised by Roy Goldring for Dorothy Leurs
RSCDS 3rd Graded Book