Dances for January 15, 2024


Video: Huntly Castle

Huntly Castle
John Drewery, The Canadian Book of Scottish Country Dances

Huntly Castle, now a ruin, was formerly
the seat of the Earls, lator the Marquises
of Huntly – the chiefs of Clan Gordon.

Strathspey – 3 couples – 32 bars,

Tune – “My Only Jo and Dearie O’ Gow’s Repository , 3rd Part, Pace 12, This is the tune to which Bum!s song “I goed a waeful gait yestreen” is usually set,

1 – 6 1st and 2nd couples set on the sides, then circle to the left once round to finish with 1st couple in top place,with nearer hands still joined, facing down. and 2nd couple in second place facing up.

7 – 8 1st and 2nd couples set,

9 – 16 1st and 2nd couples dance a Rondel to change places, 1st couple finish in second place facing out.

17 – 24 Reels of three on the sides.

To begin: – 1st couple dance out and down;
3rd couple, joining nearer hands, dance in and up;
2nd couple, joining nearer hands, dance in and down. |

All join inside hands with partners where possible in the reels.

At the end: – 2nd couple dance in to join nearer hands facing down;
1st couple dance to second place on own sides;
3rd couple dance in to join nearer hands facing up.

25 – 26 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set,

27 – 30 Six hands round to the left. On Bar 30, all dance into the centre, pulling right shoulders back to face out.

31 – 32 All spiral out clockwise (in a chase) to own sides,

Repeat, having passed a couple,

Video: Beach Dancer

Beach Dancer
A 32 bar Jig for 3 couples in a 4 couple longwise set
For Margaret Blackhall, a teacher at Kamo Club who lives on the coast at Ngunguru.
Devised by Eddy West 2003.
1-4 First couple set and cross giving right hand.
5-8 First couple set to second couple and change places on the side giving left hands (men remain facing out).
9-16 Second and first couples dance a ladies chain, first man finishes facing out. First couple must continue into the next figure without hesitation.
17-20 First man casts down round third lady and crosses to third place, own side then casts up behind third man to second place, first lady follows to own side third place then dances up the middle to second place on own side.
21-24 First and second ladies, and at the same time first and second men, turn giving left hands.
25-32 Second, first and third couples dance reels of three on the sides, first couple passing third couple right shoulder to start.

Repeat having passed a couple
Suggested recorded music “Over the Pond II” – Sound Company CD “On Track”.