Video: The Ferry Louper
The Ferry Louper
24 GRADED and SOCIAL DANCES, Devised by Roy Goldring, Leeds Branch R.S.C.D.S.
32 bar jig for 3 couples
1 – 8 First, second and third couples dance clockwise (chase) round to places.
9 – 16 First and second couples dance right hands across and back with left hands. First couple finish facing out.
17 – 24 First couple cast off two places, dance up the middle and cast off one place. Second couple step up on bars 23 – 24.
25 – 28 Second, first and third couples advance and retire.
29 – 32 Second, first and third couples turn partners with right hands once round.
Repeat having passed a couple.
Recommended tune:- Castle Hill (M.A.J.)
NOTE: The term ‘Ferry Louper’ is an Orkney expression which refers to someone who lives of the Orkney Islands but who was not born there – i.e. someone who just jumped (or ‘louped’) onto the ferry and came over.
Video: Up in the Air
Up in the Air
RSCDS Book 20 – No. 2
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set
1 – 8 1st couple cast off, dance down behind own lines and cast up to original places. On bar 8, 1st , 2nd and 3rd couples dance in to meet partners and face up.
9 – 16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a promenade. On bars 15-16, 1st couple cast off one place to finish facing first corners while 2nd couple dance up to first place.
17 – 20 1st couple set to first corners and then to second corners, finishing between them.
21 – 24 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands once round to the left.
25 – 28 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples advance and retire.
29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, giving both hands, turn partners to own sides, 1st couple turning one and a half times.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
W Boag: A Collection of Favourite Reels & Strathspeys by the Most Eminent Composers, 1797.
Original tune: Sir George Clark of Pennycuik (Nathaniel Gow)
The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bar 20 1st couple, pulling back right shoulder, turn between corners ready to begin the circle.
8 All 3 cpls dance into position for promenade (2nd & 3rd cpls, L foot).
20 1st cpl use last setting step to turn R about into sidelines.
Video: The Pawling Porch
The Pawling Porch
Moments in Time, 21 Scottish Country Dances devised by Elaine Brunken
32 Bar Reel for 3 couples
1 – 4 1st couple Set and cast off one place. (2nd couple step up on bars 3-4)
5 – 8 1st couple Dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to second place.
9 – 12 1st couple and 1st corners Advance and Retire.
13 – 16 1st couple and 1st corners Turn with the Right Hand.
17 – 20 1st couple and 2nd corners Advance and Retire.
21 – 24 1st couple and 2nd corners Turnwith the Right Hand. (1st couple pass Right shoulder to own side.)
25 – 32 2nd, 1st , and 3rd couple dance Circle Round and Back.
Repeat having passed a couple
Devised May 2005, at the Pawling Weekend in Sylvan Lake, New York.
Muriel (Johnstone) and I had a small porch off our cabin, which seemed to become the place everyone stopped for a drink after classes, before lunch, after lunch, before dinner…….. (now there’s a surprise!)
Pawling Weekend (run by the New York Branch) and situated 45 miles north of ‘the City’ is a brilliant weekend. The New York Branch is one of the friendliest, most welcoming groups that I have met in my many travels.
Suggested Tune: The Merrymaking (Traditional)