RSCDS Book 45. No. 6
1 – 8 1st couple dance a figure of eight round 2nd couple, giving right hands when crossing down from own side and left hands when crossing back.
9 – 16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance reels of three on own sides, joining nearer hands with partner when possible. To begin 1st couple dance in and down, 2nd couple dance out and up and 3rd couple dance in and up. 2nd couple finish facing out.
17 – 20 1st couple turn with both hands once round and, retaining nearer hands, dance down to third place. 2nd couple dance out and up to first place and, joining nearer hands, dance down to second place to finish in the middle behind 1st couple. 3rd couple dance in to give nearer hands (3rd man right hand, 3rd woman left hand) and dance up and out to first place to finish in the middle behind 2nd couple. All three couples are in the middle of the set facing down.
21 – 22 All three couples set.
23 – 24 1st couple cast up to first place, while 2nd couple, following them, cast up to second place and 3rd couple dance down to third place.
25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance the tourbillon as follows:
25-26 1st and 2nd couples turn with both hands halfway round. After one bar, 1st man releases his left hand to dance into 2nd woman’s place while 1st woman dances into her original place. 2nd woman similarly releases her left hand to dance into 1st man’s place while 2nd man dances into his original place.
27-28 1st couple set to 2nd couple.
29-30 1st and 2nd couples turn with both hands halfway round. After one bar, 1st woman releases her left hand to dance into 2nd man’s place while 1st man dances into 2nd woman’s place. 2nd man similarly releases his left hand to dance into 1st woman’s place while 2nd woman dances into 1st man’s place.
31-32 2nd and 1st couples, giving right hands, cross over.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Devised by Barry Priddey, RSCDS Sutton Coldfield Branch and originally published by Glasgow Branch in The Diamond Jubilee Book (1983).
Tune: Pinky House, Traditional
The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 23-24 1st and 2nd couples must cast quickly so that 3rd couple can dance into place by the end of bar 24.
23-24 1st cpl, followed by 2nd cpl, must cast quickly to allow 3rd cpl to dance down & short way into places.
27-28 Retain nearer hands with partner at end of bar 28 ready for 2H turn on bar 29.
29-30 At beginning of bar 30, 1st woman & 2nd man draw partners along sidelines with RH, then release to cross set.
Dance devised by Hugh Foss. (Published in Glendarroch Sheet No. 6)
1 – 4 1st couple cross over, giving right hands, and cast off one place (2nd couple move up on 3–4).
5 – 8 Giving right hands again, they cross back and the man casts up one place to go between 2nd couple and the woman casts off one place to go between 3rd couple.
9 – 16 The three couples dance six hands round to the left and back. They take hands in threes at the end of bar 8 and don’t let go until the end of bar 16. 2nd and 3rd men – and women – let go of each other at bar 15.
17 – 24 1st couple go up and down the dance, giving right hands, and 1st man dances a figure of eight round 3rd couple, passing 3rd man right shoulder to begin, while 1st woman, passing 2nd woman right shoulder, dances a figure of eight round 2nd couple. 1st couple end in 2nd place, ‘wrong’ sides.
25 – 30 Reels of three at the sides: to begin, 1st man passes 2nd woman right shoulder and 1st woman 3rd man right shoulder.
31 – 32 1st couple, giving right hands, cross back to own sides, 2nd place.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Tune: Roaring Jelly, as given in Kerr’s Caledonian Collection, p. 18, but with each 8 bars repeated, and Allan’s Reels, etc. p. 25.