Dances for April 14, 2014



RSCDS Book 43

Two chords.  On the second chord, 3rd and 4th couples change places with their partners to start the dance on the opposite sides of the set.

1–4    2nd and 3rd couples set to and turn partners with the right hand half way round, retaining hold of hands.

5–8        2nd couple lead up, crossing back to own side, and cast off to original places.3rd couple lead down, crossing back to opposite side, and cast up to original places.

9–16    1st and 2nd couples dance a double figure of eight across the dance, 1st couple casting off to begin, while 2nd couple dance up crossing over. At the same time 3rd and 4th couples dance a double figure of eight, 3rd couple dancing down and crossing over to begin while 4th couple cast up. 1st and 4th couples remain facing out.

17–20    1st and 2nd men and 3rd and 4th men turn with the left hand one-and-a-half times to change places.  Meanwhile, 1st and 2nd women and 3rd and 4th women turn with the right hand one-and-a-half times.

21–24    1st and 4th couples (in second and third places) dance half rights and lefts.  1st and 4th men remain facing out.

25–32    2nd and 4th men and 1st and 3rd women dance a reel of four on the men’s side, while their partners dance a reel of four on the women’s side. On bars 31-32, instead of passing left shoulders, 4th man and 1st woman and 4th woman and 1st man, using skip change of step, turn with both hands half-way round, opening out to face across the dance with nearer hands joined.  2nd and 3rd women complete the reel by curving round to the right to take them into the circle.

33–40    2nd, 4th, 1st and 3rd couples dance eight hands round and back.

The finishing order is 2, 4, 1, 3 with 1st and 3rd couples on opposite sides. Repeat from new positions.

Devised by John Drewry, 2002.

21-24      1st & 4th men finish facing out, omitting polite turns.
25 – 32     Fairly wide 2H turn on bars 31-32.

Scottish Country Dances of the Eighteenth Century by Jack McConachie
(Caber Feidh – Deer’s Antlers)
Longways set in Reel time for 4 (or 5) couples —
3-couple dance —  32-Bar sequence.

1–8        First and second couples dance right Hands Across (round for 4 “Skip Change” steps), and back again with left Hands Across, to places (4 steps).
9–12    First couple dance down between second couple for 1 step, then turning inwards (towards each other), lead up (with nearer hands), to the top and cast off (on own sides) to 2nd place.  Second couple move up on bars 11-12.
13–16    First couple lead down (with nearer hands), between third couple and cast up (on own         sides) round them to finish facing their 1st Corners (passing each other by the left in 2nd place).(First couple make the shape the of Deer’s Antlers on Bars 9-16).
17–20    First couple set to their 1st Corners (with 1 Pas de Basque on the right foot), then, passing by right shoulders, dance round 1st Corners, while the two “Corner dancers” dance a half Reel of Four (passing each other by the left in the middle) to the opposite Corner position.  First couple finish facing their 2nd Corners (3 “Skip Change” steps, beginning with the left foot).
21–24    Repeat Bars 17-20 with 2nd Corners  (Diagram 3), first couple finishing in 2nd place on the opposite side (all three couples are now on opposite sides – first lady between second and third ladies, and first man between second and third men.
25–28    First three couples set to partners (with 1 Pas de Basque on right foot), then dance six Hands halfway Round, to the left, to own sides (6 Slip steps).
29–32    First three couples turn partners (once round) with right hands (4 “Skip Change” steps). First couple repeat from 2nd place (with third and fourth couples), and cast off to the bottom, while fourth couple move up to 3rd place.

Each couple repeat in turn, as first couple.

Notes:  Release right hands and turn inwards, by the right, on Bar 4.  Release left hands on Bar 7 and dance to original places.
First couple dance down in front of second couple on Bar 9, turn sharply inwards (lady to her right, and man to his left), on Bar 10, then lead up the middle and cast off to 2nd place.
Pas de Basque on the right foot on Bar 17, then hop on the right foot with the left foot extended forward (raised), to change into “Skip Change” step.  The same applies on Bar 21, and on Bar 25 but bringing the left foot to the side – ready to step sideways.