Dances for March 31, 2014


Linton Ploughman
Book 5 – No. 6
32-bar jig for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1–8        1st and 2nd couples dance four hands round to the left and back to places.

9–16    1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across and left hands back.

17–24    1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in the middle of the set, facing partner with both hands joined.  2nd couple step in.

25–32    1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Collected in Peebles-shire.

Original tune:
The Muckin’ o Geordie’s Byre (Oswald’s Curious Scots Tunes, 1742)

Davy Nick Nack

A hornpipe for three couples

1–4        First, second and third couples cross over giving right hands to finish a little in front of opposite side lines, and set.

5–8    All cross back to own places, and set.

9–16    First couple turn time and a half with the right hand, cast off one place on opposite sides, then turn with the left hand to finish in a diagonal line with first corners. Second couple step up on bars 13–14.

17–18    First couple turn first corners with the right hand to change places, corners finishing back to back facing first couple.

19–20    First couple set to corners in their new position.

21–24    First couple turn their first corners back into place with the right hand then turn each other with the left hand to finish in a diagonal line with second corners.

25–28    The same as bars 17–20 but with second corners.

29–32    First couple turn second corners back into place with the right hand then, giving left hands briefly in passing, curve into second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

A Little Hush, 32S 3C (4C Set)
Holly Boyd, Here’s to You

1-4 1st couple cross over giving right hands and cast to 2nd place; 2nd couple step up on 3&4
5-8 1st couple turn both hands to face their 1st corners

9-12 1st couple change places right hand with 1st corners.  1st corners change places left hand in the centre, then change places right hand with 1st couple (who have looped around corner’s position). 1st corners finish in the diagonally opposite position, and 1st couple pass right shoulder to face 2nd corners.
13-16 1st couple repeat bars 9-12 with their 2nd corners, passing right shoulders to end in the centre facing their own side.  3s and 2s are now on opposite sides.

17-24 1st couple dance figures of 8 on their own sides of the dance, 1st woman giving a right shoulder to 2nd man to begin, and 1st man giving a right shoulder to 3rd woman to begin.  1st couple end in 2nd place on opposite sides.

25-32 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance set and link for 3 twice to finish 2,1,3.

Corn Rigs
RSCDS Book 4 – No. 12
32-bar reel for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1–8    1st couple cast off and dance down behind their own lines for four steps, turn inwards and dance up to original places.

9–16    1st couple dance a figure of eight round 2nd couple.

17–24    1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in the middle of the set facing partner, both hands joined. 2nd couple step in.

25–32    1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Thomas Wilson:  Companion to the Ballroom, London, 1816.
Tuner:  Corn Rigs (Traditional)