Video: Wells House
Wells House
Roy Goldring, Auld Friends Meet, 1981
32 bar strathspey for 3 couples
1 – 2 1st couple cross down to 2nd place on opposite sides. 2nd couple step up.
3 – 4 1st woman and 3rd man, 1st man and 3rd woman, set to each other on the side lines.
5 – 6 1st couple set to each other across the dance.
7 – 8 2nd man and 1st woman, 2nd woman and 1st man, set to each other on the side lines.
9 – 12 2nd and 1st couples dance half figures of eight.
1st couple cross up to begin and 2nd couple dance down to begin.
13 – 16 1st and 3rd couples dance half figures of eight.
1st couple cross down to begin and 3rd couple dance up to begin. (All are now on opposite sides).
17 – 20 All three couples petronella to the centre and set, moving slightly to the left on the last step.
21 – 24 2nd woman, followed by 1st and 3rd women, dances across and down own side (finishing in 3rd place) while 3 man, followed by 1st and 2nd men, dances across and up own side (to top place).
25 – 32 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance the three couple Knot.
Repeat having passed a couple.
Tune: Miss Margaret Anderson (Muriel Johnstone)
Video: The Button Boy
The Button Boy
The Allanton Collection, 9 New Dances
32 bar Reel
1 – 8 First couple dance reels of three on their own sides first and second men giving right shoulder, first and second ladies giving left shoulder to begin.
9 – 16 First couple dance reels of three on opposite sides, first man giving right shoulder to third lady, first lady giving left shoulder to third man to begin. Second couple finish the reels in first place, first couple in the middle of the set back to back, facing the opposite side.
17 – 24 Double Triangles, first couple finish facing the bottom of the set with nearer hands joined, first man with his partner on his right.
25 – 32 First couple dance down the middle, change sides at the end of bar 28 (lady dancing under her partner’s arm), and back into second place.
Repeat having passed a couple.
Dance devised by Bill Zobel
The nautical flavour of the tune gave rise to the title “The Button Boy”. In the Naval tradition of manning the mast, the button boy is the seaman chosen to climb all the way to the top and stand on the button. This is deemed to be a high accolade.
This tune is a favourite of Bill’s who could also be described as the “button boy” when sitting at the sound desk in our recording studio at Allanton.
Video: Ecclefechan Feline
Le Petit Chat Celtique
32 bar Jig for 3 couples – McMurtry – 2006
1 – 8 1st couple dance a figure of eight on their own side. 1st couple dance between the 2nd couple to begin, taking nearer hands briefly wherever possible.
9 – 16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a mirror reel of three on the sides, 1st couple dancing in and down, 2nd couple up and out and 3rd couple in and up to begin.
17 – 24 1st couple dance down for three steps, back for three steps and cast off one place, 2nd couple stepping up on bars 23 & 24.
25 – 28 1st man with 3rd couple and 1st woman with 2nd couple dance right hands across, passing right shoulders on the last bar to change places.
29 – 32 1st man with 2nd couple and 1st woman with 3rd couple dance left hands across. 1st couple finish in second place on own sides.
Repeat having passed a couple.
Dance Notes: 1st couple phrase step to finish on the sidelines at the end.
Recommended Recording: Track #8 Just in Time on CD, Campbell’s Birl with Muriel Johnstone and Keith Smith
Try to say the title quickly, 3 times in a row.
Video: The Black-Haired Lassie
The Black-Haired Lassie
Let’s All Dance, Too
32/R or S/3
by Carolyn Hunt (1993)
San Francisco Branch
1 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance mirror reels of three on the sides. To begin, 1st couple dance in and down, 2nd couple dance out and up, and 3rd couple dance in and up.
9 – 12 1st couple cross over with right hands and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4 of the phrase.
13 – 16 1st couple dance a half figure of eight crossing up between 2nd couple to begin.
17 – 20 1st couple turn 1st corners with right hands, then pass partners with right shoulders to approach 2nd corners. Corners use all four steps.
21 – 24 1st couple turn 2nd corners with right hands, then pass partners with right shoulders to own sides of the dance in 2nd place. Corners use all four steps.
25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples circle 6 hands round and back.
Repeat from new places.
Music: Any good ree] or strathspey
Note: As a new 1st couple begins at the top, 3rd couple dance up into the reel from 4th place and the former 1st couple step to the bottom.
The black-haired lassie is Julie Osborne, who was in the Stockton beginners’ class. (CH)
Video: The Highland Rambler
The Highland Rambler
Roy Goldring, Leeds Branch, Silver Jubilee.
(a 40 bar reel for 3 couples)
1 – 4 1st couple dance towards each other then cast to 2nd place; 2nd couple steps up.
5 – 8 1st and 3rd couples dance Right Hands Across once around; 1st lady remains facing out.
9 – 12 1st and 2nd couples dance Left Hands Across once around; 1st lady remains facing out.
13 – 16 1st lady followed by her partner casts up around 2nd lady and dances down the middle to finish 1st lady between 3rd couple and 1st man between 2nd couple; all facing down.
17 – 24 In lines of three, all dance down the set, turn (pulling back right shoulders) and dance up again; 1st couple remains facing up.
25 – 28 1st man followed by his partner casts off one place on the ladies’ side and dances across the set to 2nd place on his own side; 1st lady finishes on her own side.
29 – 32 1st couple turns by the Right Hand.
33 – 40 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance Six Hands Round and back.
Repeat, having passed a couple.