Video: The Trysting Place
The Trysting Place
RSCDS Book 35 – No. 6
32-bar strathspey for two couples in a four-couple longwise set
1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set and link.
5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples set and link.
9 – 12 1st woman and 2nd man set and, giving right hands, change places. At the same time, 1st man and 2nd woman, giving right hands, change places and set.
13 – 16 Repeat bars 9-12 back to original places.
17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across and left hands back to finish in a line of four up and down the middle of the set, women facing down and men facing up.
25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a Highland schottische poussette.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Devised by Iain Boyd, New Zealand Branch, 1985.
Original tune: The Duchess of Gordon’s New Strathspey (Robert Mackintosh)
Inscribed to Mary Murray of Vancouver, BC, whose home in Tryst Road, Falkirk was opposite the traditional site of the Falkirk Tryst, where cattle drovers from the Highlands, Lowlands and the north of England met to buy and sell their livestock and produce.
31-32 On bars 7-8 of poussette figure, cpls turn 2H, using travelling steps – all starting on R foot.
Video: Follow Me Home
Follow Me Home
RSCDS Book 38 – No. 3
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set
1 – 8 1st couple set and, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place on opposite sides. 1st couple, giving left hands, turn to join right hands with first corners in balance in line position. 2nd couple step up on bars 5-6.
9 – 10 1st couple and first corners balance in line.
11 – 16 Releasing left hands with partner, 1st couple turn first corners halfway. 1st couple, followed closely by first corners, dance clockwise halfway round the set, passing behind second corners. 1st couple dance in to join right hands with partner and left hands with second corners. 3rd woman finishes in 1st man’s place and 2nd man finishes in 3rd woman’s place.
17 – 18 1st couple and second corners balance in line.
19 – 24 Releasing left hands with partner, 1st couple turn second corners halfway. 1st couple, followed closely by second corners, dance anticlockwise halfway round the set, passing behind 1st corners. 1st couple pass each other by the left to finish in second place on opposite sides facing out. 3rd man finishes in 1st woman’s place and 2nd woman finishes in 3rd man’s place. All are on opposite sides in the order 3, 1, 2.
25 – 28 3rd , 1st and 2nd couples dance half reels of three on the sides, 3rd and 1st men and 1st and 2nd women passing by the left to begin.
29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set and, giving right hands to partners, cross over.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Devised by Ellie Briscoe, Alexandria, Virginia.
Original tune: Miss Catherine Stewart, Pettyvaich (William Marshall)
The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 11-16 The half turns should be completed in one bar to ensure the corners finish in new place. Similarly for bars 19-24.
11-16 1st cpl half turn corners, on bar 11, & release hands. Corners follow closely without going back through corner position.
19-24 Bar 19 as well as bar 11 above.
David Queen, The Queen Collection
32 Bar Strathspey for a 3 couple set
1 – 4 1st and 2nd men and 1st and 2nd ladies, set and ‘mirror link’ ie. ladies pulling back right shoulders and men pulling back left shoulders.
5 – 8 1st couple dance half a figure of eight round 2nd couple, crossing up to begin.
9 – 12 1st and 3rd couples set and ‘mirror link’ ie.1st man and 3rd lady pulling back right shoulders, 1st lady and 3rd man pulling back left shoulders.
13 – 16 1st couple dance half a figure of eight round 3rd couple, crossing up to begin.
17 – 20 All 3 couples petronella turn into the centre of the set and set to partners.
21 – 24 All turn partners halfway with both hands and damce a petronella turn back out to own sidelines.
25 – 32 All 3 couples flow into a circle round and back.
Start again with a new couple at the top.
For my wife Cathy.
(N.B. Dancing couple passing left shoulder in centre.)
1 – 4 First couple turn with right hand and cast one place on own side. (Second couple move up.)
5 – 8 Then turn with left hand to corners.
9 – 12 First couple dance half reel of four with first corners. (The corners changing places.)
13 – 16 First couple dance half reel of four with second corners.
17 – 20 First couple dance half reel of four with first corners, (Who are now on the other side.)
21 – 24 First couple dance half reel of four with second corners.
25 – 32 Reels of three across, the woman with second couple and the man with third couple.
33 – 40 Six hands round and back.
RSCDS Book 40
1 – 8 4st woman, followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th women, dances across the top of the set, down behind the men and back to place.
9 – 16 1st man, followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th men, dances across the top of the set, down behind the women and back to place.
17 – 20 All four women dance round their partners, passing right shoulders, and back to place.
21 – 24 All four men dance round their partners, passing right shoulders, and back to place.
25 – 28 1st couple lead down to fourth place. 2nd, 3rd and 4th couples step up on bars 27 – 28.
29 – 32 All clap (eight claps).
Repeat with a new top couple.
Devised by members of Fife Council Physical Education Visiting Teacher Service for The
Fife Scottish Country Dance Festival, 1996.