Category Archives: Ardbrae 2018


Dances for December 10, 2018



1 – 2 2nd and 3rd couples dance into the centre of the set with two skip-change and face diagonally in.

3 – 4 They set, turning right about on the second step to face the corners of the set, men facing men, women facing women. 2nd and 3rd couples are hereafter referred to as “centres,” 1st and 4th couples as “corners.”

5 – 6 Passing right shoulder with two skip-change, centres change places with their corners, who face diagonally in.

7 – 8 All set, corners turning right about.

9 – 10 Passing right shoulder again, corners dance out and centres dance in to face diagonally in.

11 – 12 All set, centres turning right about, and

13 – 16 Centres turn their corners by the right hand once round and

17 – 20 Dance left hands across once round, finishing facing their corners again.

21 – 32 Double diagonal reels of four: to begin, centres pass their corners right shoulder. As the dancers pass in the middle they give left hands across for two steps, half round. Corners finish in their original places, but

33 – 34 Centres, giving left hand to partner, change places (2nd woman and 3rd man doing a “polite” turn) to finish back to back in the middle of the set, facing their partner’s original corner.

35 – 36 All set.

37 – 40 Each turns the person he is facing by one hand so that centre couples begin by going between corner couples (left hand for 2nd woman and 1st man, 3rd man and 4th woman: right hand for 2nd man and 1st woman, 3rd woman and 4th man).

41 – 48 Centres, facing diagonally in, set, with two pas de basque and four points, twice.

49 – 52 Centres dance between corner couples and cast into the middle again, facing diagonally in, and

53 – 56 Set, with two pas de basque and four points, once.

57 – 64 With 3rd couple making an arch and 2nd dancing under it, 2nd dance down and, together, cast up round 4th woman and dance up the middle to the top of the set, while 3rd couple dance up and, together, cast off round 1st man and dance down the middle to the bottom of the set, After casting, 2nd man and 3rd woman pass left shoulder. On 63-64 1st couple move down and 4th move up.

Repeat once more with new centres and new corners.

Dance devised by Alex. T. Queen, of the R. S. C. D. S., Southport Branch, Pipe Major Clan MacLeod Band.

Snow on the Mountain
32-bar jig for 3 couples in a 4-couple longwise set

1-4 1st couple giving right hands, cross over and cast to second place (2nd couple stepping up on bars 3-4).
5-8 1st couple dance half a figure of eight, 1st woman up around 2nd woman, 1st man down around 3rd man, turning right about at the end to finish back-to-back in the middle of the set facing out own side.

9-16 Petronella double triangles: 1st couple dance as regular double triangles, but on bars 15-16, they swivel to their right to finish 1st woman facing up, 1st man facing down.
2nd and 3rd couples dance as follows:
1-2 Set as in double triangles
3-4 Petronella turn moving one place counter clockwise / to their right around the rectangle (2nd man to 3rd man’s place, 3rd man to 3rd woman’s place, etc.)
5-8 Repeat bars 1-4 to finish in the diagonally opposite position.

17-20 1st woman with top couple (3rd couple), and 1st man with bottom couple (2nd couple), dance right hands across once round in four bars, 3rd man and 2nd woman finish facing out.

21-24 3rd man, followed by 3rd woman and 1st woman, and 2nd woman, followed by 2nd man and 1st man, chase clockwise half way around the set and continuing to move in a clockwise direction, flow directly into

25-32 2nd couple, 1st couple, and 3rd couple dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Music: “​ Return to Eilean Dubh​ ,” by Sherry W. Ladig. Suggested alternate is “Miss Grace Hey’s Delight”
or other jigs with a 16-bar B part.
Devised 2003 by Lara Friedman-Shedlov for Audrey McClellan’s novel “The White Rose of Scotland,” the
second in her trio of romance novels about life on the fictional island of Eilean Dubh.
I believe the original deviser of the formation “petronella double triangles” was John Bowie Dickson, in
the dance “Pinewoods Reel.”

Dances for December 3, 2018

Video: Old and Dangerous

Old and Dangerous
San Andreas Collection
32 bar strathspey for 2 couples in a 4-couple

1-4 1st & 2nd couples set, 1st woman cast down, 2nd man cast up as 1st man and 2nd woman pass LEFT shoulders to face partners on the 1st corner diagonal

5-8 1st & 2nd couples dance half reel of four

9-16 Revolving chain:

Bar 1 1st and 2nd couples turn partner with RIGHT hand half way
Bar 2 1st woman and 2nd man turn LEFT hand as 1st man and 2nd woman travel 1/8 on outside (line is up and down the set)
Bars 3-6 Repeat bars 1-2 twice more (end of bar 4 – line is on 2nd corner diagonal; end of Bar 6 – line is across the set)
Bars 7-8 Men turn with RIGHT hands ¾ to progressed positions while women do the same, 1st man and 2nd woman remain facing out

17-24 1st man cast up and 2nd woman cast down, dance back to back and set while: 1st woman & 2nd man dance back to back, then set twice advancing, passing retiring 2nd woman and 1st man respectively, then passing each other to face partner, still on the diagonal

25-32 1st & 2nd couples turn partner two hands once round (2 bars), half poussette (4 bars), and set (2 bars)

Repeat having passed a couple

Devisor: Gary Thomas, 2007
Music: “Old and Dangerous” by Gary Thomas

The dance is named after the windows in the building where we practice. There are signs that
say not to use them as they are “old and dangerous”. Sometimes we feel the same way.

No Video

THE GREENBURN BOOK, A Collection of Scottish Country Dances by JOHN DREWRY, 1997 – 1998
Jig – 2 couples – 32 bars

1–4 1st couple, joining nearer hands, dance down between 2nd couple and then cast up back to place.

5–8 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across.

9–16 1st couple dance a figure of eight round 2nd couple’s places. At the same time, 2nd couple set to each other, cross giving right hands, set on opposite sides and cross back to own sides giving right hands. 2nd couple stay facing out.

17–20 1st couple lead down the middle and 2nd couple dance up on the sides to first place and then follow 1st couple down the middle.

21–24 2nd couple, followed by 1st couple, lead up the middle and stay in the middle ready for : –

25–32 2nd and 1st couples dance a two-couple promenade.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

devised in September 1997
for Campbell and Isobel Barclay of Kippford and for the dancers in Korea

Dances for November 26, 2018

Video: At the Summit

Video: At the Summit

At the Summit

32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

Bars Description

1 – 4 1st couple turn once round with both hands to face up and cast off one place on own sides as 2nd couple step up.

5 – 8 1st couple cross, giving right hands, cast round first corners by the right and finish back to back in the middle, facing their first corners.

9 – 12 1st couple set to their first corners. 1st couple then cast around each other by the right to finish in their partner’s first corner position, while their corners dance into the middle and, pulling back right shoulders, finish back to back, facing their original positions.

13 – 16 1st couple and first corners set to each other. First corners cast round each other by the right to finish on the opposite sides in each other’s original positions, while 1st couple dance into the middle and, pulling back right shoulders, finish back to back, facing their second corners.

17 – 24 1st couple repeat bars 9–16 with second corners but pass by the right on bars 23-24 to finish in second place on opposite sides. Second corners finish on the opposite sides in each other’s original positions.

25 – 32 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples set and link twice to finish on their own sides in the order 2, 1, 3.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Tune: The Anglins of Ottawa by Muriel Johnstone

Devised by Craig and Jody Williams

This dance was devised for Bob and Barbara Anglin in appreciation of their support and encouragement as we began teaching in Ottawa and running the Ottawa Valley workshop.
We had an exceptional day with Bob & Barbara at the summit of Whistler before the TAC AGM in July, 2009.

Note: The movement described in bars 9-24 was first devised by the late Alex Hay and published in his dance “Peter White”.


Video: The White Cockade

Video: The White Cockade

The White Cockade
RSCDS Book 5 – No. 11
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set and, giving right hands, cross over. They repeat back to places.

9 – 16 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in first place in the middle of the set.

17 – 20 1st couple cast off to second place on own sides. 2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.

21 – 24 1st and 3rd couples dance four hands once round to the left.

25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

William Campbell: 3rd Book of New and Favourite Country Dances and Strathspey Reels, London c.1782. Original tune: The White Cockade (Traditional, earliest version Aird 1782 as The Ranting Highlandman)

Dances for November 19, 2018

No Video for this dance

Snow on the Mountain
32-bar jig for 3 couples in a 4-couple longwise set

1-4 1st couple giving right hands, cross over and cast to second place (2nd couple stepping up on
bars 3-4).
5-8 1st couple dance half a figure of eight, 1st woman up around 2nd woman, 1st man down around
3rd man, turning right about at the end to finish back-to-back in the middle of the set facing out
own side.

9-16 Petronella double triangles:
1st couple dance as regular double triangles, but on bars 15-16, they swivel to their right to
finish 1st woman facing up, 1st man facing down.
2nd and 3rd couples dance as follows:
1-2 Set as in double triangles
3-4 Petronella turn moving one place counter clockwise / to their right around the rectangle
(2nd man to 3rd man’s place, 3rd man to 3rd woman’s place, etc.)
5-8 Repeat bars 1-4 to finish in the diagonally opposite position.

17-20 1st woman with top couple (3rd couple), and 1st man with bottom couple (2nd couple), dance
right hands across once round in four bars, 3rd man and 2nd woman finish facing out.
21-24 3rd man, followed by 3rd woman and 1st woman, and 2nd woman, followed by 2nd man and
1st man, chase clockwise half way around the set and continuing to move in a clockwise
direction, flow directly into

25-32 2nd couple, 1st couple, and 3rd couple dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Music: “​ Return to Eilean Dubh​ ,” by Sherry W. Ladig. Suggested alternate is “Miss Grace Hey’s Delight”
or other jigs with a 16-bar B part.

Devised 2003 by Lara Friedman-Shedlov for Audrey McClellan’s novel “The White Rose of Scotland,” the
second in her trio of romance novels about life on the fictional island of Eilean Dubh.
I believe the original deviser of the formation “petronella double triangles” was John Bowie Dickson, in
the dance “Pinewoods Reel.”

Video: Balmoral Strathspey

Balmoral Strathspey
Book 22 – No. 3

1 – 8 First couple with second, and third couple with fourth, dance right and left.

9 – 12 First couple with second, and third couple with fourth, set and dance right hands across half way round.

13 – 16 All set, and, giving right hands in passing, cross to own sides. (The order is now 2, 1, 4, 3.)

17 – 24 Reels of four at the sides, second couple facing first, and fourth couple facing third. (Fig. 1.)

25 – 32 First, fourth and third couples allemande to finish, first couple at bottom, fourth couple in third, and third couple in second place. (Fig. 2.)

Repeat, with a new couple leading.

Devised by John A. Charles, Kawerau, New Zealand.

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 17-24 1st, 4th and 3rd couples should complete the reel in seven steps using the eight to dance towards partner for the allemande.
17-24 1st, 4th & 3rd cpls dance reel in 7 bars &, on bar 24, dance into position for allemande.

Dances for November 12, 2018

The dance in the video has been modified from the original for demonstration
Video: Angus MacLeod

Angus MacLeod

1 – 2 2nd and 3rd couples dance into the centre of the set with two skip-change and face diagonally in.

3 – 4 They set, turning right about on the second step to face the corners of the set, men facing men, women facing women. 2nd and 3rd couples are hereafter referred to as “centres,” 1st and 4th couples as “corners.”

5 – 6 Passing right shoulder with two skip-change, centres change places with their corners, who face diagonally in.

7 – 8 All set, corners turning right about.

9 – 10 Passing right shoulder again, corners dance out and centres dance in to face diagonally in.

11 – 12 All set, centres turning right about, and

13 – 16 Centres turn their corners by the right hand once round and

17 – 20 Dance left hands across once round, finishing facing their corners again.

21 – 32 Double diagonal reels of four: to begin, centres pass their corners right shoulder. As the dancers pass in the middle they give left hands across for two steps, half round. Corners finish in their original places, but

33 – 34 Centres, giving left hand to partner, change places (2nd woman and 3rd man doing a “polite” turn) to finish back to back in the middle of the set, facing their partner’s original corner.

35 – 36 All set.

37 – 40 Each turns the person he is facing by one hand so that centre couples begin by going between
corner couples (left hand for 2nd woman and 1st man, 3rd man and 4th woman: right hand for 2nd man and 1st woman, 3rd woman and 4th man).

41 – 48 Centres, facing diagonally in, set, with two pas de basque and four points, twice.

49 – 52 Centres dance between corner couples and cast into the middle again, facing diagonally in, and

53 – 56 Set, with two pas de basque and four points, once.

57 – 64 With 3rd couple making an arch and 2nd dancing under it, 2nd dance down and, together, cast up round 4th woman and dance up the middle to the top of the set, while 3rd couple dance up and, together, cast off round 1st man and dance down the middle to the bottom of the set, After casting, 2nd man and 3rd woman pass left shoulder. On 63-64 1st couple move down and 4th move up.

Repeat once more with new centres and new corners.

Dance devised by Alex. T. Queen, of the R. S. C. D. S., Southport Branch, Pipe Major Clan MacLeod Band.


Video: Balmoral Strathspey

Balmoral Strathspey (Strathspey)
Book 22 – No. 3

1 – 8 First couple with second, and third couple with fourth, dance right and left.

9 – 12 First couple with second, and third couple with fourth, set and dance right hands across half way round.

13 – 16 All set, and, giving right hands in passing, cross to own sides. (The order is now 2, 1, 4, 3.)

17 – 24 Reels of four at the sides, second couple facing first, and fourth couple facing third.

25 – 32 First, fourth and third couples allemande to finish, first couple at bottom, fourth couple in third, and third couple in second place.

Repeat, with a new couple leading.

Devised by John A. Charles, Kawerau, New Zealand.

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 17-24 1st, 4th and 3rd couples should complete the reel in seven steps using the eight to dance towards partner for the allemande.
17-24 1st, 4th & 3rd cpls dance reel in 7 bars &, on bar 24, dance into position for allemande.

Dances for November 5, 2018

Video: Old and Dangerous

Old and Dangerous
San Andreas Collection
32 bar strathspey for 2 couples in a 4-couple

1-4 1st & 2nd couples set, 1st woman cast down, 2nd man cast up as 1st man and 2nd woman pass LEFT shoulders to face partners on the 1st corner diagonal

5-8 1st & 2nd couples dance half reel of four

9-16 Revolving chain:

Bar 1 1st and 2nd couples turn partner with RIGHT hand half way
Bar 2 1st woman and 2nd man turn LEFT hand as 1st man and 2nd woman travel 1/8 on outside (line is up and down the set)
Bars 3-6 Repeat bars 1-2 twice more (end of bar 4 – line is on 2nd corner diagonal; end of Bar 6 – line is across the set)
Bars 7-8 Men turn with RIGHT hands ¾ to progressed positions while women do the same, 1st man and 2nd woman remain facing out

17-24 1st man cast up and 2nd woman cast down, dance back to back and set while: 1st woman & 2nd man dance back to back, then set twice advancing, passing retiring 2nd woman and 1st man respectively, then passing each other to face partner, still on the diagonal

25-32 1st & 2nd couples turn partner two hands once round (2 bars), half poussette (4 bars), and set (2 bars)

Repeat having passed a couple

Devisor: Gary Thomas, 2007
Music: “Old and Dangerous” by Gary Thomas

The dance is named after the windows in the building where we practice. There are signs that
say not to use them as they are “old and dangerous”. Sometimes we feel the same way.

Video: The White Cockade

The White Cockade
RSCDS Book 5 – No. 11
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set and, giving right hands, cross over. They repeat back to places.

9 – 16 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in first place in the middle of the set. (Fig.)

17 – 20 1st couple cast off to second place on own sides. 2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.

21 – 24 1st and 3rd couples dance four hands once round to the left.

25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

William Campbell: 3rd Book of New and Favourite Country Dances and Strathspey Reels, London c.1782.

Original tune: The White Cockade (Traditional, earliest version Aird 1782 as
The Ranting Highlandman)

Dances for October 29, 2018

Video: The Last of the Lairds

The Last of the Lairds
Book 22 – No. 5
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 16 1st couple and 2nd and 3rd couples dance reels of three on opposite sides and then on own sides. To begin, 1st couple cross to the middle of the opposite side followed, in turn, by 2nd and 3rd couple as they reach first place and repeat to finish in original places.

17 – 20 1st couple set and, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.

21 – 28 1st couple lead down, cross below 3rd couple and cast up to meet in the middle, dance up between 2nd couple and cast off to second place.

29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands to partners, turn once round.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Hugh A Thurston, Bristol (later Vancouver).
Original tune: The Stool of Repentance (Neil Gow)

The first edition of Book 22 included the following note:
“Those who have used this dance from Dr. Thurston’s Booklet will like to know that he has agreed that the ending shown above is more satisfactory.”
The original ending was:

17 – 20 The first couple cross over, giving right hands, and cast off one, the second couple moving up to first place.

21 – 24 All six turn partners once round with both hands (using pas de basque).

25 – 32 1st couple lead down one, crossing over as they do so; cast up one (the man round 3rd man, the woman round 3rd woman); lead up one; and cast off one (round 2nd couple).

21-28 We suggest that 2nd cpl step up on bars 27-28, rather than on bars 19-20 as stated in book instructions.



Video: The Merchant City

The Merchant City
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a three-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st and 2nd couples dance ’The Espagnole’ as follows

1 – 2 1st and 2nd women, joining right hands, dance towards the opposite side passing between their partners. On the second step, 1st woman crosses 2nd woman over in front of her, so that 2nd woman dances out and up towards first place while 1st woman dances out and down towards second place. At the same time 1st and 2“d men cross to opposite side passing on either side of their partners.

3 – 4 1st and 2nd man, joining right hands, dance back towards their own side passing between their partners. On the fourth step, 1st man crosses 2nd man over in front of him, so that 2nd man dances up and out towards first place while 1st man dances out and down towards second place. At the same time 2nd and 1st women cross back to their own side passing on either side of their partners.

5 – 8 2nd couple turn with right hands while 1st couple turn with left hands.

9 – 12 1st man with 3rd couple, 1st woman With 2r101 couple, dance right hands across once round, 1st couple pass by the right

13 – 16 1st man with 2nd couple, 1st woman with 3rd couple, dance left hands across once round, 1st couple finish in second place.

17 – 24 1st and 3rd couples dance ’The Rosette’ as follows

17 – 20 1st and 3rd couples, with nearer hands joined, set, turn partner right hands halfway round and, staying close together, face partner, release hands and cast by the right towards partner’s place

21 – 24 Dance clockwise halfway round to new positions.

25 – 32 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat from new positions.

The Espagnole and The Rosette are progressions devised by John Drewry.

Devised by Anne Thorn for the 90th anniversary of Glasgow Branch of the RSCDS.

The figures in the dance reflect the continental trade routes in the city which prospered
due to the Glasgow Merchants and Tobacco Lords.

Tune: Jessie Smith (Trad)


Video: The Reel of the 51st Division

Video: The Reel of the 51st Division

The Reel of the 51st Division
Book 13 – No. 10
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple set to each other and cast off two places, meet below 3rd couple and lead up the middle to face first corners. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

9 – 12 1st couple set to and turn first corners with the right hand, finishing in a diagonal line by joining left hands with partner.

13 – 14 1st couple and first corners balance in line.

15 – 16 1st couple, releasing right hands with corners, turn each other one and a quarter times to face second corners.

17 – 22 1st couple repeat bars 9-14 with second corners.

23 – 24 1st couple cross to second place on own sides.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Jimmy Atkinson, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and Peter Oliver, Seaforth Highlanders (London Scottish), with advice from Tom Harris-Hunter, Royal Army Service Corps while all were interned in the Prisoner of War camp at Laufen in Germany.

Original tune: The Drunken Piper or Highland Rory
Alex. McLeod, c. 1880

The original instructions in the form of notes, written by Tom Harris-Hunter on a scruffy piece of paper when he was a prisoner of war, clearly show that the dance was intended for a five couple set as it is still danced in Perthshire.

1-8 Set (no stealing) bars 1-2, cast bars 3-5, dance in to meet on bar 6, lead up on bar 7 to face corners on bar 8.

Dances for October 22, 2018

Video: Dancing Dolphins

Video: Dancing Dolphins

THE DOLPHIN BOOK, 11 SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCES by Barry Skelton, Auckland, New Zealand, 1994

8 x 32 bar Jig Devised by Barry Skelton 28th October 1993

Suitable Music: The Lantern Of The North
Record: The London Highland Club Diamond Jubilee Andrew Rankin

A jig for three couples danced in longwise four couple sets.

1 – 8 First couple, cross with the right hand and cast off one place. (Second couple step up on bars 3 & 4.) First couple turn each other with the left hand 1 ¼ times. First couple finish facing the lady’s side, the man has his partner on his right. ***

9 – 16 First couple in tandem, dance a right shoulder reel of three with second and third lady. *

17 – 24 First couple in tandem, dance a left shoulder reel of three with second and third men. **

25 – 32 First couple with promenade hold dance out the ladies’ side and down around third lady. First couple dance up the middle, drop hands and cast around second couple to finish in second place.

First couple repeat from second place.

* First lady, followed by her partner, they pass third lady with the right
shoulder to begin. First couple turn by the right to face up the set. First man,
followed by first lady pass second lady with the right shoulder. First man,
followed by first lady pass third lady with the left shoulder. First couple
turning by the left they face down the set. First lady, followed by first man.
Dance across the set to face third man.

** First lady, followed by her partner, pass third man with the left shoulder
to begin. First couple turn by the left to face up the set. First man, followed
by first lady, pass second man by the left shoulder. First man, followed by
first lady pass third man with the right shoulder. First couple turning by the
right they face down the set. First lady, followed by first man, dance across
the set to finish between second and third lady.

*** Note: First couple should begin parallel with the side of the set and
remain parallel with the set throughout the reel. This will require good
covering. First couple must be aware of their partner especially on the turns.
First couple cover with each other not just follow each other. Where the
instructions say follow also read cover.

Video: Neidpath Castle
Video: Neidpath Castle

Neidpath Castle
Book 22 – No. 9
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a three-couple longwise set

1 – 2 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set to partners.

3 – 6 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples, giving both hands, turn twice round.

7 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set to partners.

9 – 16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a grand chain.

17 – 24 1st couple dance figures of eight on own sides, dancing in and down to begin and giving nearer hands when possible. 1st couple finish in the middle and, on bar 24, 2nd couple dance in to form a diagonal line with 1st couple, 1st woman and 2nd man back to back.

25 – 28 1st and 2nd couples dance a half poussette, 2nd couple finishing in top place while 1st couple turn in the middle. On bar 28, 3rd couple dance in to form a diagonal line with 1st couple, 1st woman and 3rd man back to back.

29 – 32 1st and 3rd couples dance a half poussette to finish in the order 2, 3, 1.

Repeat with a new top couple.

Devised by Derek Haynes, Liverpool Branch.

Original tune: Dr and Mrs Green (K Macaulay-Jones)
25–28 Slow turn for 1st cpl on bars 27-28.


Video: The Thistle and The Columbine

8 x 32 Jig

1 – 8 1st couple set and cast off one place, 2nd couple step up on bars 3 and 4. 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple dance right hands across once round, the first couple finish facing their first corners.

9 – 16 1st couple dance the track of a reel of four to finish back to back in the center of the dance in second place facing their own sides WHILST 2nd and 3rd couples dance rights and lefts.

17 – 24 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance double triangles, the 1st couple finishing in the centre of the dance facing down on their own side with nearer hands joined.

25 – 32 1st couple with nearer hands joined dance down between 3rd couple, cast up one place to meet in the centre of the dance facing up and with nearer hands joined dance up between the 2nd couple and cast off one place.

This dance was devised by Miss Janet Renton in August 2007 for a forthcoming visit to Colorado, USA. The dance was named after the emblem of Scotland and the Columbine flower which is the State flower of Colorado, USA.

Dances for October 15, 2018

No Video

St. John’s Road
The Highland Road, Scottish Country Dances Devised by Sandy Gallamore
32 bar reel for 3 couples

1 – 4: 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place.(2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.)

5 – 8: 1st woman dances ½ figure of eight around 3rd couple, 1st man dances ½ figure of eight around 2nd couple, finish in 2nd place on own side.

9 – 12: 2nd, 1st, and 3rd couple dance ½ reels of three on the side. 2nd and 1st woman, 1st and 3rd men giving right shoulder to begin.

13 – 16: 1st woman with 3rd couple, 1st man with 2nd couple dance ½ reels of three across the dance, 1st woman giving left shoulder to 3rd man, 1st man giving left shoulder to 2nd woman. 1st couple finish facing partner’s first corner position.

17 – 20: 1st couple and first corners set and, 1st couple, pulling back by the right, dance around each other and out to finish in first corner position. At the same time, 1st corners dance in towards each other and, pulling back by the right, finish back to back in the middle facing corner position.

21 – 24: 1st couple and first corners set and first corners, pulling back by the right, dance around each other and out to finish in first corner position. At the same time, 1st couple dance in towards each other and, pulling back by the right, finish back to back in the middle facing partner’s second corner position.

25 – 32: 1st couple repeat bars 17-24 with second corners and pass each other by the right shoulder to finish in 2nd place on own side.

Repeat having passed a couple.

Note: the movement in bars 17-32 was devised by the late Alec Hay.

Video: Neidpath Castle
Video: Neidpath Castle

Neidpath Castle
Book 22 – No. 9
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a three-couple longwise set

1 – 2 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set to partners.

3 – 6 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples, giving both hands, turn twice round.

7 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set to partners.

9 – 16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a grand chain.

17 – 24 1st couple dance figures of eight on own sides, dancing in and down to begin and giving nearer hands when possible. 1st couple finish in the middle and, on bar 24, 2nd couple dance in to form a diagonal line with 1st couple, 1st woman and 2nd man back to back.

25 – 28 1st and 2nd couples dance a half poussette, 2nd couple finishing in top place while 1st couple turn in the middle. On bar 28, 3rd couple dance in to form a diagonal line with 1st couple, 1st woman and 3rd man back to back.

29 – 32 1st and 3rd couples dance a half poussette to finish in the order 2, 3, 1.

Repeat with a new top couple.

Devised by Derek Haynes, Liverpool Branch.

Original tune: Dr and Mrs Green (K Macaulay-Jones)

25–28 Slow turn for 1st cpl on bars 27-28.

No Video

The Isle (Jig)
Graded Book – No. 15

1 – 8 First, second and third couples dance reel of three on own side of dance. (Fig. 1.)

9 -16 First couple cast off round second couple, lead through third couple, and cast up round them to face first corner. (Fig. 2.)

17 – 20 First couple set to first corner then set to second corner.

21 – 24 First couple turn each other with the right hand 1½ times to finish on own side one place down.

25 – 32 First and second couples right and left.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 8-9 At the end of the reel, 1st woman continues into the casting movement.
Bar 20 1st couple pull back right shoulders to face each other across the dance.
1-8 1st woman, acknowledging partner in passing, finishes bar 8 in original place facing out & flows on into cast on bar 9.
11-12 1st cpl nearer hand lead.
20 1st cpl pull R shoulder back to finish between corners.

Dances for October 1, 2018

Video: Alltshellach

Video: Alltshellach

Book 23 – No. 2

32-bar strathspey for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set to partners and, giving both hands, turn once round to finish in a diagonal line with 1st woman and 2nd man back to back.

5 – 8 1st and 2nd couples dance a half poussette finishing in the middle of the set facing down.

9 – 16 1st couple, followed by 2nd couple, lead down. On bar 12, 1st couple turn towards each other and lead up. 2nd couple divide and meet to follow 1st couple to finish in original places.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of four across the set, 1st woman and 2nd man passing by the left to begin.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a tournée.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Elizabeth D Gilroy, East Lothian Branch.
Tune: Alltshellach (Violet J C Palmer)

23-24 2nd man passes through 1st man’s position & dances in & down, passing 1st man R shoulder, curving round into 2nd place. Similarly, 1st woman passes through 2nd woman’s position & dances in & up, passing 2nd woman R shoulder, & casting into place.
25-32 Bars 2, 3 & 4 of tournée are continuous (with promenade hold) to finish bar 28 with men facing women’s side & women facing men’s side, in a line in the middle of set, partners with nearer hands joined.



The Scotia Suite of Scottish Country Dances devised by Roy Goldring

(Reel for Four Couples in a Square Set)

Bars Description

1 – 4 The women dance round their corners, passing in front of them to begin.

5 – 8 The women dance right hands across and remain in the centre.

9 – 12 The women dance round their partners, passing in front of them to begin.

13 – 16 The women dance left hands across and finish in original places.

17 – 32 The men repeat bars 1–16, but dance in front of partners before dancing right hands across, and in front of their corners before dancing left hands across.

33 – 36 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn partners one and a quarter times.

37 – 40 1st man, followed by his partner, dances between 4th couple and cast back to place. Similarly, 3rd couple dance between 2nd couple and cast back to place.

41 – 48 1st and 3rd couple dance rights and lefts.

49 – 64 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 33–48, 2nd couple dancing between 1st couple and 4th couple dancing between 3rd couple.

65 – 72 The women dance in and pull back right shoulders (2 bars), dance out (2 bars), and cast clockwise half way round the set to opposite woman’s place.

73 – 80 The men repeat bars 65–72, but pull back left shoulders at the end of bar 74, and cast anticlockwise.

81 – 84 All turn partners with the right hand, just over once round, to finish in promenade hold facing anticlockwise.

85 – 88 All promenade halfway round the set. On bar 87, all release right hands and the men lead their partners to original places ready for the bow and curtsey.



8 x 32 Jig

1 – 8 1st couple set and cast off one place, 2nd couple step up on bars 3 and 4. 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple dance right hands across once round, the first couple finish facing their first corners.

9 – 16 1st couple dance the track of a reel of four to finish back to back in the center of the dance in second place facing their own sides WHILST 2nd and 3rd couples dance rights and lefts.

17 – 24 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance double triangles, the 1st couple finishing in the centre of the dance facing down on their own side with nearer hands joined.

25 – 32 1st couple with nearer hands joined dance down between 3rd couple, cast up one place to meet in the centre of the dance facing up and with nearer hands joined dance up between the 2nd couple and cast off one place.

This dance was devised by Miss Janet Renton in August 2007 for a forthcoming visit to Colorado, USA. The dance was named after the emblem of Scotland and the Columbine flower which is the State flower of Colorado, USA.