Dances for November 12, 2018


The dance in the video has been modified from the original for demonstration
Video: Angus MacLeod

Angus MacLeod

1 – 2 2nd and 3rd couples dance into the centre of the set with two skip-change and face diagonally in.

3 – 4 They set, turning right about on the second step to face the corners of the set, men facing men, women facing women. 2nd and 3rd couples are hereafter referred to as “centres,” 1st and 4th couples as “corners.”

5 – 6 Passing right shoulder with two skip-change, centres change places with their corners, who face diagonally in.

7 – 8 All set, corners turning right about.

9 – 10 Passing right shoulder again, corners dance out and centres dance in to face diagonally in.

11 – 12 All set, centres turning right about, and

13 – 16 Centres turn their corners by the right hand once round and

17 – 20 Dance left hands across once round, finishing facing their corners again.

21 – 32 Double diagonal reels of four: to begin, centres pass their corners right shoulder. As the dancers pass in the middle they give left hands across for two steps, half round. Corners finish in their original places, but

33 – 34 Centres, giving left hand to partner, change places (2nd woman and 3rd man doing a “polite” turn) to finish back to back in the middle of the set, facing their partner’s original corner.

35 – 36 All set.

37 – 40 Each turns the person he is facing by one hand so that centre couples begin by going between
corner couples (left hand for 2nd woman and 1st man, 3rd man and 4th woman: right hand for 2nd man and 1st woman, 3rd woman and 4th man).

41 – 48 Centres, facing diagonally in, set, with two pas de basque and four points, twice.

49 – 52 Centres dance between corner couples and cast into the middle again, facing diagonally in, and

53 – 56 Set, with two pas de basque and four points, once.

57 – 64 With 3rd couple making an arch and 2nd dancing under it, 2nd dance down and, together, cast up round 4th woman and dance up the middle to the top of the set, while 3rd couple dance up and, together, cast off round 1st man and dance down the middle to the bottom of the set, After casting, 2nd man and 3rd woman pass left shoulder. On 63-64 1st couple move down and 4th move up.

Repeat once more with new centres and new corners.

Dance devised by Alex. T. Queen, of the R. S. C. D. S., Southport Branch, Pipe Major Clan MacLeod Band.


Video: Balmoral Strathspey

Balmoral Strathspey (Strathspey)
Book 22 – No. 3

1 – 8 First couple with second, and third couple with fourth, dance right and left.

9 – 12 First couple with second, and third couple with fourth, set and dance right hands across half way round.

13 – 16 All set, and, giving right hands in passing, cross to own sides. (The order is now 2, 1, 4, 3.)

17 – 24 Reels of four at the sides, second couple facing first, and fourth couple facing third.

25 – 32 First, fourth and third couples allemande to finish, first couple at bottom, fourth couple in third, and third couple in second place.

Repeat, with a new couple leading.

Devised by John A. Charles, Kawerau, New Zealand.

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 17-24 1st, 4th and 3rd couples should complete the reel in seven steps using the eight to dance towards partner for the allemande.
17-24 1st, 4th & 3rd cpls dance reel in 7 bars &, on bar 24, dance into position for allemande.