Category Archives: Ardbrae 2019


Dances for December 2, 2019

Video: The Munro Rant

The Munro Rant
Miss Milligan’s Miscellany of Scottish Country Dances
32-bar strathspey for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple cast off one place and, giving right hands, cross and cast up to partner’s place.

9 – 16 1st and 2nd couples dance rights and lefts.

17 – 24 1st man with 2nd woman followed by 2nd man with 1st woman lead down the middle. They turn to face up and, as the 1st and 2nd women dance up, the 2nd man casts off to join 2nd woman and 1st man dances up to join 1st woman. Both couples dance up to original places.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a tournée.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Customary tune: John Munro Sturrock (Muriel A. Johnstone)
The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
1-8 Careful phrasing required (acknowledge partner on bar 1). Crossing is with RH.
17-24 On bar 17, 2nd man dances up & in to meet 1st woman. Both cpls turn inward to face up on bar 20,
then 2nd man casts off to meet partner while 1st man dances up to join his partner, ready to lead up

No Video

The Flitting of Lorn
Jean Attwod – Alexander Dances Book 8
Reel – 4 Couples – 32 Bars.

1 – 4 1st and 4th couples set and cast, 2nd couple moving up and 3rd couple moving down.

5 – 8 1st man dances right shoulder round 2nd lady and faces down on ladies’ side, while 4th lady dances similarly round 3rd man and faces up on men’s side. AT THE SAME TIME 1st lady and 4th man dance across the set, cast to the right and face each other up and down, 1st lady between 2nd couple and 4th man between 3rd couple.

9 – 16 1st man dances reel of three with 2nd and 3rd ladies, while 4th lady dances reel of three with 2nd and 3rd men, passing LEFT shoulders to begin. AT THE SAME TIME 1st lady and 4th man set and cross with the right hand, then repeat, ending with 1st lady facing 2nd lady, 4th man facing 3rd man.

17 – 24 1st lady and 4th man dance reels of three across, passing by-the right to begin, WHILE 1st man and 4th lady set and cross with the right, then set and TURN 3/4 WITH THE RIGHT.

25 – 28 1st lady, followed by 4th lady, dances up and round 2nd lady to 3rd and 2nd places respectively, while 4th man, followed by 1st man, dances round 3rd man to 2nd and 3rd places respectively.

29—32 All four couples turn once round with the right hand.

Repeat with a new top couple.

When the lands of Lorn fell to Clan Campbell, the inhabitants left in great numbers. The event became known as “The Great Flitting of Lorn”.

Dances for November 25, 2019

Video: Linnea’s Strathspey

Linnea’s Strathspey
RSCDS Book 47
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st couple set and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 1st couple cross over, passing each other by the left, and dance round first corners by the right. 1st couple finish back to back facing first corners.

9 – 14 1st couple set to corners and partner to face each other up and down the set.

15 – 16 1st couple, passing by the right, finish in second place on own sides facing out.

17 – 24 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance a chain progression for three couples.

17 – 18 2nd and 3rd couples, giving right hands to partners, turn three quarters round. At the same time, 1st couple dance clockwise one quarter round. (Fig. 1) 19 – 22 2nd man and 3rd woman, giving left hands, turn one and a half times. At the same time, 1st man and 2nd woman, and 3rd man, with 1st woman on his left, taking promenade hold, dance clockwise halfway round. (Fig. 2) 23 – 24 3rd and 2nd couples, giving right hands to partners, turn three quarters round and remain in the middle of the set, facing up. At the same time, 1st couple dance clockwise one quarter round the set to second place, in the middle, facing up.

25 – 32 3rd, 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Tim Wilson, San Francisco Branch.

For Linnea Johnson, a valued member of the Branch class held in San Francisco, on her birthday. With thanks to Tom Winter for suggesting that all three couples dance the chain progression.

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Sunrise on Dean’s Bay
32 bar strathspey for 3 couples in a 4 couple set
Craig Williams — July 2019

1 – 4 1st couple cross giving right hands and cast off one place. 2nd couple stepping up on bars 3 – 4.
5 – 8 1st couple, giving nearer hands, dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to 2nd place on opposite sides

9 – 12 1st & 2nd couples right hands across

13 – 16 1st & 3rd couples left hands across

17 – 24 1st, 2nd & 3rd couples half turn, set, pull back right shoulders and cast to opposite sides and cross giving right hands. 1st couple finish facing out

25 – 30 1st couple dance a reel of three on opposite sides, giving right shoulder to 1st corner to begin.

31 – 32 1st couple turn 3/4 by the right hand to finish in 2nd place on own sides

Dances for November 18, 2019

No Video

The Flitting of Lorn
Jean Attwod – Alexander Dances Book 8
Reel – 4 Couples – 32 Bars.

1 – 4 1st and 4th couples set and cast, 2nd couple moving up and 3rd couple moving down.

5 – 8 1st man dances right shoulder round 2nd lady and faces down on ladies’ side, while 4th lady dances similarly round 3rd man and faces up on men’s side. AT THE SAME TIME 1st lady and 4th man dance across the set, cast to the right and face each other up and down, 1st lady between 2nd couple and 4th man between 3rd couple.

9 – 16 1st man dances reel of three with 2nd and 3rd ladies, while 4th lady dances reel of three with 2nd and 3rd men, passing LEFT shoulders to begin. AT THE SAME TIME 1st lady and 4th man set and cross with the right hand, then repeat, ending with 1st lady facing 2nd lady, 4th man facing 3rd man.

17 – 24 1st lady and 4th man dance reels of three across, passing by-the right to begin, WHILE 1st man and 4th lady set and cross with the right, then set and TURN 3/4 WITH THE RIGHT.

25 – 28 1st lady, followed by 4th lady, dances up and round 2nd lady to 3rd and 2nd places respectively, while 4th man, followed by 1st man, dances round 3rd man to 2nd and 3rd places respectively.

29—32 All four couples turn once round with the right hand.

Repeat with a new top couple.

When the lands of Lorn fell to Clan Campbell, the inhabitants left in great numbers. The event became known as “The Great Flitting of Lorn”.

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Mount Maxwell Strathspey — Saltspring Island
Wes Clindinning – Canada’s Irish Rover 2007
32 bar Strathspey for three couples

1 – 8 1st, 2ncl and 3rd couples reel of three on the sides, 1st lady giving left shoulder to 2nd lady and 1st man giving right shoulder to 2nd man

9 – 16 All couples set, then turn partners with both hands twice, set

17 – 24 1st couple, followed by 2nd couple, lead down the middle. 2nd couple divide and follow 1st couple back to top. Both couples finish in the middle ready for

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance allemande. On bars 31 & 32, 1st couple casts to 3rd place, 3rd couple dance up into 2nd place

For the Saltsprihg Island Club, especially Laura and Harvey Moore.With thanks for
all their generous hospitality and friendship. – HISCD

Dances for November 11, 2019

Video: The Munro Rant

The Munro Rant
Miss Milligan’s Miscellany of Scottish Country Dances
32-bar strathspey for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple cast off one place and, giving right hands, cross and cast up to partner’s place.

9 – 16 1st and 2nd couples dance rights and lefts.

17 – 24 1st man with 2nd woman followed by 2nd man with 1st woman lead down the middle. They turn to face up and, as the 1st and 2nd women dance up, the 2nd man casts off to join 2nd woman and 1st man dances up to join 1st woman. Both couples dance up to original places.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a tournée.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Customary tune: John Munro Sturrock (Muriel A. Johnstone)
The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
1-8 Careful phrasing required (acknowledge partner on bar 1). Crossing is with RH.
17-24 On bar 17, 2nd man dances up & in to meet 1st woman. Both cpls turn inward to face up on bar 20, then 2nd man casts off to meet partner while 1st man dances up to join his partner, ready to lead up

Crickets by Moonlight
Ardbrae Celebrates
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st couple set and cast off to second place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 1st couple turn with the left hand one and a half times to finish in second place on opposite sides facing out.

9 – 16 Reels of three on the sides, 1st couple passing second corners by the left to begin. 1st couple finish in second place on opposite sides, facing out. 2nd and 3rd couples finish in the middle, nearer hands joined facing each other up and down the dance.

17 – 20 1st couple dance counter clockwise half way round the set to second place on own sides while 2nd and 3rd couples advance and retire, finishing on own sides.

21 – 24 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples turn partners with the right hand.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

    Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Brian Mortimer

Dances for November 4, 2019

Video: Memories of Mary Ann

Memories of Mary Ann
RSCDS Book 47, #7
32 bar strathspey for three couples in a three couple longwise set

1-4 1st couple set and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4

5-8 1st woman and 2nd couple, 1st man and 3rd couple dance half reels of three across the set. 1st couple pass first corners by the left to begin. 1st couple finish in second place on opposite sides.

9-12 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance set and link

13-16 1st couple, giving left hands, turn once round to face first corner positions.

17-20 3rd woman, 1st couple and 2nd man dance a half diagonal reel of four, passing by the right to begin. On bar 20, 1st couple pass by the right to face second corners positions

21-24 3rd man, 1st couple and 2nd woman dance a half diagonal reel of four, passing by the right to begin. On bar 24, 1st couple pass each other by the right to finish in second place on own sides.

25-32 1st and 3rd couples dance a knot.

Devised by Pam Stephens, Washington DC.

In memory of Mary Ann Williamson, and elegant dancer and much loved teacher in Washington DC.

Video: The Reel of the 51st Division

The Reel of the 51st Division
Book 13 – No. 10
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple set to each other and cast off two places, meet below 3rd couple and lead up the middle to face first corners. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

9 – 12 1st couple set to and turn first corners with the right hand, finishing in a diagonal line by joining left hands with partner.

13 – 14 1st couple and first corners balance in line.

15 – 16 1st couple, releasing right hands with corners, turn each other one and a quarter times to face second corners.

17 – 22 1st couple repeat bars 9-14 with second corners.

23 – 24 1st couple cross to second place on own sides.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

    Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Jimmy Atkinson, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, and Peter Oliver, Seaforth Highlanders (London Scottish), with advice from Tom Harris-Hunter, Royal Army Service Corps while all were interned in the Prisoner of War camp at Laufen in Germany.

Original tune: The Drunken Piper or Highland Rory
Alex. McLeod, c. 1880

The original instructions in the form of notes, written by Tom Harris-Hunter on a scruffy piece of paper when he was a prisoner of war, clearly show that the dance was intended for a five couple set as it is still danced in Perthshire.

1-8 Set (no stealing) bars 1-2, cast bars 3-5, dance in to meet on bar 6, lead up on bar 7 to face corners on bar 8.

Dances for October 28, 2019

Video: Johnnie’s Welcome Hame
Video: Johnnie’s Welcome Hame

Johnnie’s Welcome Hame
Book 32 – No. 1
40-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set and, giving right hands, cross over.

5 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples repeat bars 1-4.

9 – 20 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance rights and lefts for three couples.

21 – 24 1st couple cast off one place to finish left hands joined in balance in line position with first corners. 2nd couple step up on bars 21-22.

25 – 32 1st couple with 2nd and 3rd couples dance the spoke.

33 – 36 1st couple dance half figures of eight, 1st woman round 2nd couple, passing 2nd man by the left to begin, and 1st man round third couple, passing 3rd woman by the left to begin.

37 – 40 1st couple, giving left hands, turn one and a half times.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Neil M Grant, Forres, 1982.

Original tune: John Mortimer (Drummond Cook)

To mark John Mortimer’s visit to Forres after 16 years in New Zealand.

9-20 The diagonal crossing in this figure is always from 1st woman’s to 3rd man’s position.
19-20 1st man does not dance a polite turn at end of bar 20, but phrases last LH pass to partner’s diagonal change, both to finish facing out for cast (bar 21). 3rd woman does make a polite turn.
25-32 1st cpl pas de basque on R foot, advance on L foot & so on until partner’s 2nd corner is reached, when they set (R & L) before moving into bar 33.

No Video

Sunrise on Dean’s Bay
32 bar strathspey for 3 couples in a 4 couple set
Craig Williams — July 2019

1 – 4 1st couple cross giving right hands and cast off one place. 2nd couple stepping up on bars 3 – 4.
5 – 8 1st couple, giving nearer hands, dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to 2nd place on opposite sides

9 – 12 1st & 2nd couples right hands across

13 – 16 1st & 3rd couples left hands across

17 – 24 1st, 2nd & 3rd couples half turn, set, pull back right shoulders and cast to opposite sides and cross giving right hands. 1st couple finish facing out

25 – 30 1st couple dance a reel of three on opposite sides, giving right shoulder to 1st corner to begin.

31 – 32 1st couple turn 3/4 by the right hand to finish in 2nd place on own sides

Dances for October 21, 2019

The intermediate class that evening will be held at Fisher Park Community Centre, located within Fisher Park School at 250 Holland Ave., just north of the Queensway.

Video: The Glasgow Highlanders

The Glasgow Highlanders (Strathspey)
RSCDS Book 2 – No. 3

On the second chord, 1st woman crosses over to the right hand side of her partner. 2nd man takes his partner’s place while she moves up to the top. Fig. 1.

1 – 8 1st and 2nd couples right and left, giving right hand to dancer opposite to begin.On bar 7, 2nd man gives his left hand to his partner and dances diagonally down into the middle, offering his right hand to 1st woman, who has been handed over to him by 1st man.

9 – 12 2nd man between 1st and 2nd women, with hands joined, dance down the middle followed by 1st man. Fig. 2. Release hands, all turn to face top, 2nd man turning 1st and 2nd women towards him, while 1st and 2nd men turn right about.

13 – 16 1st man gives left hand to his partner and right hand to 2nd woman, all three dance up the middle, 2nd man following. Finish at the top in a line of four across the dance and facing partner, men back to back in the middle, women on the side lines.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples set to partner with simple Strathspey steps.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of four across the dance. On bars 31-32, 1st woman progresses down to third place on men’s side of dance, 1st man follows, progressing to second place, 2nd man dances round 1st man, passing left shoulders, to top place on men’s side of dance, 2nd woman dances to top place on women’s side of dance. 3rd woman steps up to second place and 3rd man moves across to his partner’s original place.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Suggested Strathspey step: – Step forward on right foot and hop; step back on left foot and hop; step behind with right foot; step on left foot, them step slightly forward on right foot and hop.

Note: Each man, having in turn crossed to the side of his partner, stays on the women’s side of the dance until he reaches the top. He and his partner then stand still on their own sides for one turn, at the end of which the woman crosses over to her partner’s right hand side, and they dance all the way down on the men’s side. At the bottom, each couple stands on own sides for one turn before the man crosses over to his partner to progress up to the top again.

Tune: The Glasgow Highlanders

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing Bars 7-8 As 2nd man gives left hand to his partner on bar 7 he must dance diagonally into the centre of the dance, while 2nd woman dances left about to finish facing down the set, her right hand in her partner’s left. At the same time, as 1st couple give left hand, 1st man dances diagonally into the centre to finish behind 2nd man, also facing down. He hands 1st woman in to finish with her left hand in the right hand of 2nd man. Bars 25-32 The reel of four must be completed in six bars to leave the last two bars for the progression. The progression is made by 1st couple dancing down the man’s side ready to face 3rd couple, 3rd man having crossed over and 3rd woman having stepped up. 2nd couple finish in top place on their own sides.

7-8 2nd woman aids partner towards middle & finishes with polite turn, giving her RH to him at end of bar 8.
1st man, giving LH to partner, dances diagonally up into the middle, turning L about to face down & handing prtnr to 2nd man.

13-16 On bar 15, 1st man directs 2nd woman towards 1st place on women’s side. On bar 16 he places partner in 1st place (men’s side) as he & 2nd man finish in middle, each facing own partner.


Answer to Dance Query found on RSCDS website:
How should the dancing couples finish the last turn of the dance? Should everybody progress down/up the sides as though ready to start another turn of the dance, or should the dancing couples finish with the men on the men’s side and the women on the women’s side?
Glasgow Highlanders ends exactly as most 8x dances do, i.e. the finishing order is actually 1, 2, 4, 3, with everyone on their own side.
Only the 2nd and 4th couples contest the last 32 bars. 1C are already back home, own side, at the top, after 7 repetitions, 1W curving left into top place, own side, on the last two bars, 1M pulling L shoulder sharply back after passing 4M L shoulder for the 2nd time, at the end of bar 22. 3C, likewise, are already finished, in fourth place, own side.
At the end of bar 24, 2C and 4C are in a line across the centre of the set, facing partners, men back to back, 2C occupying the “women’s side” end of the line, 4C, the “men’s”. After a 6 bar reel of 4, 2W curves left up to 2W’s place, 4W curves left across the dance to 3W’s place, 4M follows her to 3M’s place, and 2M pulls his LS sharply back immediately after passing 4M LS for the second time, and curves left about into 2M’s place.
The key to everything is that it MUST be a six bar reel of four every time. For the men that is out (1 bar), right about (1 bar), in and pass other man L Shoulder (1 bar), out (1 bar), right about (1 bar), in and pass other man L Shoulder (1Bar). Nothing less will do. Unfortunately, a six bar reel of four is very rare, and most are taken by surprise by the speed necessary. Particularly the “Working Up” woman !! For her, it does not have to be a six bar reel.   A standard 8 bar reel will suffice for her, as she is more or less in the right place after 24 bars.   A majority of  “Working Up” women thus tend to dance a standard 8 bar reel of four, oblivious of the pile up behind them as everyone else scrambles desperately to cover far more ground.

The Glasgow Highlander’s Progression instructions.
2 chords. On the first chord, all honour your partner. On the 2nd chord, 1st man stands as 1st lady crosses diagonally to stand beside her partner, 2nd lady steps up, 2nd man crosses to his partner’s place.
Note: Dancing couples finish each repetition by dancing down the men’s side moving one place on at a time, and then moving up the ladies side. When you are at the bottom or the top of the dance on your own side, you stand for one repetition of the dance.

1st Repetition – (1st & 2nd) Top Couples – Last 2 bars of the dance after the 6 bar Reel:

1st couple dance down the men’s side to 2nd and 3rd place.
2nd couple finish on own side in 1st place.
3rd lady steps up.
3rd man crosses to opposite side.

2nd Repetition – (1st & 3rd) Middle Couples – Last 2 bars of the dance after the 6 bar Reel:

1st couple dance down the men’s side to 3rd and 4th place.
3rd couple dance up the ladies side to 1st and 2nd place.
2nd man stands in 1st place.
2nd lady crosses to 2nd man’s place.
4th lady steps up.
4th man crosses to opposite side.

3rd Repetition – (1st & 4th, 2nd & 3rd) Top & Bottom Couples – Last 2 bars after the 6 bar Reel:

1st couple finish in 4th place on own side.
2nd couple dance down men’s side to 2nd and 3rd place.
4th couple dance up ladies side to 2nd and 3rd place.
3rd couple finish in 1st place on own side.

4th Repetition – (4th & 2nd) Middle Couples – Last 2 bars after the 6 bar Reel:

2nd couple dance down men’s side to 3rd and 4th place.
1st lady steps up.
1st man crosses to 4th lady’s place.
4th couple dance up lady’s side to 1st and 2nd place.
3rd man stands in 1st place.
3rd lady crosses to 2nd man’s place.

5th Repetition – (3rd & 4th, 2nd & 1st) Top & Bottom Couples – Last 2 bars after the 6 bar Reel:

1st couple dance up lady’s side to 2nd and 3rd place.
2nd couple finish in 4th place on own side.
3rd couple dance down men’s side to 2nd and 3rd place.
4th couple finish in 1st place on own side.

6th Repetition – (3rd & 1st) Middle Couples – Last 2 bars after the 6 bar Reel:

3rd couple dance down men’s side to 3rd and 4th place.
2nd lady step up.
2nd man crosses over.
1st couple dance up ladies side to 1st and 2nd place.
4th lady crosses to 2nd man’s place.

7th Repetition – (4th & 1st, 3rd & 2nd) Top & Bottom Couples – Last 2 bars after the 6 bar Reel:

4th couple dance down men’s side to 2nd and 3rd place.
1st couple finish in 1st place on own side.
2nd couple dance up lady’s side to 2nd and 3rd place.
3rd couple finish in 4th place on own side.

8th Repetition – (4th & 2nd) Middle Couples – Last 2 bars after the 6 bar Reel:

2nd lady finishes in 2nd lady’s place.
2nd man finishes in 2nd man’s place.
4th lady finishes in 3rd lady’s place.
4th man finishes in 3rd man’s place.

Note: at the end of the dance the order is 1, 2, 4, 3 all couples on your own side.

Video: Polharrow Burn

Polharrow Burn
Three Dances by Hugh Foss
32-bar reel for five couples in a five-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place. 2nd and 4th couples step up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple while 3rd couple dance a half figure of eight round 4th couple.

9 – 16 1st and 3rd couples turn with the right hand once round, then with the left hand to finish facing first corner positions. At the same time 2nd couple, giving right hands, cross over and 2nd man, followed by his partner, dances down behind the women’s line and across at the foot of the set to finish in fifth place on own side of the dance. Similarly, 5th couple, giving right hands, cross over and 5th woman, followed by her partner, dances up behind the men’s line and across to finish in first place on own side of the dance.

17 – 20 1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four with the dancers in first corner positions. To finish they pass by the left shoulder to face second corner positions.

21 – 24 1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four with the dancers in second corner positions. To finish, they pass by the left shoulder to face their partners’ first corner positions.

25 – 28 1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four with the dancers in their
partners’ first corner positions and finish, passing by the left shoulder to second and fourth place on own sides of the dance. The order is now 2, 1, 4, 3, 5.

29 – 32 1st and 3rd couples turn with the left hand and cast off one place on own sides. 4th and 5th couples step up on bars 31-32.

Repeat from new posititions.

Originally published as Glendarroch Sheet No. 18
Original tune: Miss Clementina Loughan (Nathaniel Gow)
From Old Scottish Music by Annie Shand

Video: Mairi’s Wedding


(N.B. Dancing couple passing left shoulder in centre.)

1 – 4 First couple turn with right hand and cast one place on own side. (Second couple move up.)

5 – 8 Then turn with left hand to corners.

9 – 12 First couple dance half reel of four with first corners. (The corners changing places.)

13 – 16 First couple dance half reel of four with second corners.

17 – 20 First couple dance half reel of four with first corners, (Who are now on the other side.)

21 – 24 First couple dance half reel of four with second corners.

25 – 32 Reels of three across, the woman with second couple and the man with third couple.

33 – 40 Six hands round and back.

Fig. 1 shows pattern danced by first woman. Fig. 2 shows pattern danced by first man.

Dances for October 7, 2019

Video: Glayva

for Mary Prentice’s Birthday 12 January, 1976, in Ibiza

Jig – 2 couples – 32 bars.

Tune – “Mary Prentice’s Jig” by Bobby Jack.

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples dance half a double figure of eight. To begin:- 1st couple dance down crossing over, while 2nd couple dance up on the sides. At the end:- 2nd couple stay facing out.

5 – 8 1st and 2nd men turn once round by the left hand, while 1st and 2nd ladies turn by the right hand. Again, 2nd couple stay facing out.

9 – 12 1st and 2nd couples dance another half double figure of eight. Again 2nd couple stay facing out.

13 – 16 1st and 2nd men turn once round by the right hand, while 1st and 2nd ladies turn by the left hand. This time 2nd couple finish facing in, with polite turns.

17 – 20 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across – on the last step they dance into the centre, pulling right shoulders back, to finish closely back to back facing out towards own original positions.

21 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance out to original positions (two skip change of step), then set facing diagonally in.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance the “Espagnole” to change places.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

a new method of progression

1 – 2 1st and 2nd ladies, joining right hands, dance towards the men’s side, passing between their partners – on the second step, 1st lady crosses 2nd lady over in front of her, so that 2nd lady dances out and up towards top place, while 1st lady dances out and down towards second place. Meanwhile 1st and 2nd men cross towards the ladies’ side passing on either side of their partners.

3 – 4 1st and 2nd men, joining right hands, dance back towards their own side, passing between their partners – on the fourth step, 1st man crosses 2nd man over in front of him, so that 2nd man dances out and up towards top place, while 1st man dances out and down towards second place. Meanwhile 1st and 2nd ladies cross back towards their own side passing on either side of their partners.

5 – 8 2nd couple turn by the right hand, while 1st couple turn by the left hand.

NOTE – there is no need to dance right into the side lines during Bars 1-6 but both couples must be in the side lines at the end.

No Video

Lady Spencer’s Wedding

32-bar strathspey for four couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple cast off and dance down behind their own lines, meet below 3rd couple and, joining nearer hands, dance back up to the top and cast off to second place. 2nd couple step up on bars 7-8.

9 – 16 2nd and 1st couples dance a non-progressive knot (or “slip knot”), 2nd couple finishing back in first place and 1st couple finishing in the middle of the set, nearer hands joined, facing 2nd woman, 1st woman on her partner’s right.

A non-progressive knot is danced as follows:
Bars 1-6 are danced as in a standard knot; on bars 7-8, instead of partners turning with the left hand to finish in progressed places, both couples dance left hands across halfway round to finish in their original order. (In this particular dance, 2nd couple finishes in first place, but 1st couple finishes in the middle of the set, as explained above.)

17 – 24 1st couple set to 2nd woman and, turning towards one another, face 3rd man. They set to 3rd man and turning to their left face 3rd woman. They set to 3rd woman and turning towards one another face 2nd man. They set to 2nd man and on bar 24, 1st man pulls back right shoulder to face his partner while 1st woman dances a long setting step to her left to finish ready for a half poussette. 3rd couple dance in on bar 24 ready for…

25 – 28 1st and 3rd couples dance a half poussette. 3rd couple finish on the sidelines while 1st couple dance a slow turn in the middle of the set on bars 27-28 and remain in the middle as 4th couple dance in on bar 28 ready for…

29 – 32 1st and 4th couples dance a half poussette.

Repeat from new positions.

Devised by Elaine Hoag and Michael Hoffman in 2001 to celebrate the marriage of Ardbrae members, Michael Hoffman and Rosalind Spencer, and presented by Michael to Rosalind.

Bars 1-8 Courtship; meeting of minds, hearts and hands; walking up the aisle
Bars 9-16 Tying the knot in a nautical fashion (the bride and groom are both very fond of sailing)
Bars 17-24 Greeting guests at the reception
Bars 25-32 Dancing at the reception

Note: The non-progressive knot in bars 9-16 was devised by Mel and Ellie Briscoe in 1990 and is described in the dance, ‘Ellie’s Jig’, published in The Slip Knot Collection of Scottish Country Dances devised by Melbourne G. Briscoe.

Video: Red House

Red House or Where would Bonnie Annie lie?
RSCDS Book 7 – No. 2
40-bar reel for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple set and cast off one place, set and cast up to original places.

9 – 16 1st man casts off below 2nd man, dances up between 2nd couple, round behind 2nd woman and crosses over to own side to finish below 2nd man. 1st woman follows her partner to finish below 2nd woman. (Fig. 1)

17 – 24 1st woman casts up above 2nd woman, dances down between 2nd couple, round behind 2nd man and crosses over to own side to finish in original place. 1st man follows his partner to finish in original place.

25 – 32 1st couple dance a reel of three with 2nd man on the men’s side of the set. 1st and 2nd men pass by the left to begin the reel. 1st woman dances across to enter the reel at 2nd man’s place. On bars 31-32, 1st and 2nd men change places passing by the left and 1st woman dances across to original place. (Fig. 2)

33 – 40 1st couple dance a reel of three with 2nd woman on the women’s side of the set. 1st and 2nd women pass by the right to begin the reel. 1st man dances across to enter the reel at 2nd woman’s place. On bars 39-40, 1st and 2nd women change places passing by the right and 1st man dances to second place on own side. (Fig. 3)

Repeat, having passed a couple.

John Walsh: The Compleat Country Dancing-Master, 1731. Also in Playford: The Dancing Master (9th Edition, 1695).

Original tune: Red House (Walsh’s Country Dances, 1731). 17th Century as The Red House.

Dances for September 30, 2019

Video: Polharrow Burn

Polharrow Burn
Three Dances by Hugh Foss
32-bar reel for five couples in a five-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place. 2nd and 4th couples step up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple while 3rd couple dance a half figure of eight round 4th couple.

9 – 16 1st and 3rd couples turn with the right hand once round, then with the left hand to finish facing first corner positions. At the same time 2nd couple, giving right hands, cross over and 2nd man, followed by his partner, dances down behind the women’s line and across at the foot of the set to finish in fifth place on own side of the dance. Similarly, 5th couple, giving right hands, cross over and 5th woman, followed by her partner, dances up behind the men’s line and across to finish in first place on own side of the dance.

17 – 20 1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four with the dancers in first corner positions. To finish they pass by the left shoulder to face second corner positions.

21 – 24 1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four with the dancers in second corner positions. To finish, they pass by the left shoulder to face their partners’ first corner positions.

25 – 28 1st and 3rd couples dance a half reel of four with the dancers in their
partners’ first corner positions and finish, passing by the left shoulder to second and fourth place on own sides of the dance. The order is now 2, 1, 4, 3, 5.

29 – 32 1st and 3rd couples turn with the left hand and cast off one place on own sides. 4th and 5th couples step up on bars 31-32.

Repeat from new posititions.

Originally published as Glendarroch Sheet No. 18

Original tune: Miss Clementina Loughan (Nathaniel Gow)
From Old Scottish Music by Annie Shand

Video: A Capital Jig

A Capital Jig
RSCDS, 5 Dances 2009
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st and 2nd couples set and rotate. 2nd couple finish in first place facing down and 1st couple in second place facing up.

9 – 16 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on own sides. To begin, 2nd and 1st couples pass by the right.

17 – 20 1st couple set and, giving right hands, turn three quarters to be side by side in the middle of the set facing own sides.

21 – 24 1st woman with 2nd couple and 1st man with 3rd couple dance left hands across. 1st couple finish in second place on opposite sides.

25 – 28 1st couple set and, giving right hands, turn three quarters to be side by side in the middle of the set facing opposite sides.

29 – 32 1st man with 2nd couple and 1st woman with 3rd couple dance left hands across. 1st couple finish in second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Tine E Mackay, Delaware Valley Branch.
Original tune: The Reunion by George M Anderson
Dedicated to the Harrisburg Scottish Country Dancers. Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania.

Video: West’s Hornpipe

West’s Hornpipe
Five Traditional Dances for 1965

1 – 8 First woman dances a reel of three with second and third men
finishing in her partner’s place while first man does same with
second and third women. Fig. 1.

9 – 16 First, second and third couples dance reels of three on own sides.

17 – 24 First couple lead down the middle and up again, turning inwards
on last step to face second couple diagonally. Fig. 2.

25 – 28 First couple set to second couple and, joining nearer hands, dance
down to foot of the set and turn inwards. Second, third and fourth
couples move up.

29 – 32 First and fourth couples dance four hands round.

Repeat with new couple.

Ladies’ Pocket Book 1797
Tune: Robertson’s Hornpipe.

Dances for September 23, 2019

Video: The Glasgow Highlanders

The Glasgow Highlanders (Strathspey)
RSCDS Book II – No. 3

On the second chord, 1st woman crosses over to the right hand side of her partner. 2nd man takes his partner’s place while she moves up to the top. Fig. 1.

1 – 8 1st and 2nd couples right and left, giving right hand to dancer opposite to begin.
On bar 7, 2nd man gives his left hand to his partner and dances diagonally down into the middle,
offering his right hand to 1st woman, who has been handed over to him by 1st man.

9 – 12 2nd man between 1st and 2nd women, with hands joined, dance down the middle followed by 1st
man. Fig. 2.
Release hands, all turn to face top, 2nd man turning 1st and 2nd women towards him, while 1st and
2nd men turn right about.

13 – 16 1st man gives left hand to his partner and right hand to 2nd woman, all three dance up the middle,
2nd man following. Finish at the top in a line of four across the dance and facing partner, men back
to back in the middle, women on the side lines.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples set to partner with simple Strathspey steps.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a reel of four across the dance.
On bars 31-32, 1st woman progresses down to third place on men’s side of dance, 1st man follows,
progressing to second place, 2nd man dances round 1st man, passing left shoulders, to top place on
men’s side of dance, 2nd woman dances to top place on women’s side of dance. 3rd woman
steps up to second place and 3rd man moves across to his partner’s original place.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Suggested Strathspey step: – Step forward on right foot and hop; step back on left foot and hop; step behind with right foot; step on left foot, them step slightly forward on right foot and hop.

Note: Each man, having in turn crossed to the side of his partner, stays on the women’s side of the dance until he reaches the top. He and his partner then stand still on their own sides for one turn, at the end of which the woman crosses over to her partner’s right hand side, and they dance all the way down on the men’s side. At the bottom, each couple stands on own sides for one turn before the man crosses over to his partner to progress up to the top again.

Tune: The Glasgow Highlanders

The Manual of Scottish Country
Dancing Bars 7-8 As 2nd man gives left hand to his partner on bar 7 he must dance diagonally into the centre of the dance, while 2nd woman dances left about to finish facing down the set, her right hand in her partner’s left. At the same time, as 1st couple give left hand, 1st man dances diagonally into the centre to finish behind 2nd man, also facing down. He hands 1st woman in to finish with her left hand in the right hand of 2nd man. Bars 25-32 The reel of four must be completed in six bars to leave the last two bars for the progression. The progression is made by 1st couple dancing down the man’s side ready to face 3rd couple, 3rd man having crossed over and 3rd woman having stepped up. 2nd couple finish in top place on their own sides.

7-8 2nd woman aids partner towards middle & finishes with polite turn, giving her RH to him at end of bar 8.
1st man, giving LH to partner, dances diagonally up into the middle, turning L about to face down & handing prtnr to 2nd man.

13-16 On bar 15, 1st man directs 2nd woman towards 1st place on women’s side. On bar 16 he places partner in 1st place (men’s side) as he & 2nd man finish in middle, each facing own partner.

Video: The Duke of Atholl’s Reel

The Duke of Atholl’s Reel
Book 16 – No. 3
32-bar jig for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set and dance right hands across halfway round.

5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples set and dance left hands across back to places.

9 – 12 1st man and 2nd woman set advancing and, giving right hands, turn each other once round.

13 – 16 1st woman and 2nd man repeat bars 9-12.

17 – 20 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.

21 – 24 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple.

25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Skillern’s compleat Collection of Two Hundred & four Reels and Country Dances c. 1789.
Original tune: The Athole Highlanders (Traditional)

Video:Red House

Red House or Where would Bonnie Annie lie?
Book 7 – No. 2
40-bar reel for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple set and cast off one place, set and cast up to original places.

9 – 16 1st man casts off below 2nd man, dances up between 2nd couple, round behind 2nd woman and crosses over to own side to finish below 2nd man. 1st woman follows her partner to finish below 2nd woman. (Fig. 1)

17 – 24 1st woman casts up above 2nd woman, dances down between 2nd couple, round behind 2nd man and crosses over to own side to finish in original place. 1st man follows his partner to finish in original place.

25 – 32 1st couple dance a reel of three with 2nd man on the men’s side of the set. 1st and 2nd men pass by the left to begin the reel. 1st woman dances across to enter the reel at 2nd man’s place. On bars 31-32, 1st and 2nd men change places passing by the left and 1st woman dances across to original place. (Fig. 2)

33 – 40 1st couple dance a reel of three with 2nd woman on the women’s side of the set. 1st and 2nd women pass by the right to begin the reel. 1st man dances across to enter the reel at 2nd woman’s place. On bars 39-40, 1st and 2nd women change places passing by the right and 1st man dances to second place on own side. (Fig. 3)

Repeat, having passed a couple.

John Walsh: The Compleat Country Dancing-Master, 1731. Also in Playford: The Dancing Master (9th Edition, 1695).

Original tune: Red House (Walsh’s Country Dances, 1731). 17th Century as The Red House.