Ardbrae Dancers of Ottawa
Video: General Stuart’s Reel
General Stuart’s Reel or
The New Way of Gildon (Reel)
RSCDS Book 10 – No. 3
1 – 4 1st man sets to 2nd woman and casts off one place. 2nd man steps up on bars 3–4.
5 – 8 1st woman sets to 2nd man and casts off to second place. 2nd woman steps up on bars 7–8.
9 – 12 1st couple turn first corners with the right hand then, passing each other by the right shoulder, face second corners.
13 – 16 1st couple turn second corners with the left hand then, passing each other by the right shoulder, face first corners.
17 – 24 1st couple set to first corners, set to each other across the dance, set to second corners, then set to each other up and down the dance and finish man facing up and woman facing down the dance. 1st couple turn by the right throughout.
25 – 30 1st couple dance reels with their corners. 1st couple begin the reels by giving right shoulders to second corners.
31 – 32 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over to own sides in second place.
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Source: The Register of Dances at Castle Menzies, 1749.
Music: The Stuarts’ Rant, Bremner, 1768.
The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 9-16 Corners dance two steps when turning.
9-16 Corners must dance into middle to meet 1st cpl on bars 9 & 13 then out to places on bars 10 & 14 releasing 1st cpl to face up & down the set.
Video: The Wind on Loch Fyne
The Wind on Loch Fyne
A 32-bar strathspey for three couples in a three-couple triangular set
1 – 8 1st woman dances a figure of eight round 2nd couple, passing right shoulder with 2nd man to begin, while 1st man dances similarly round 3rd couple, passing left shoulder with 3rd woman to begin. 1st couple take nearer hands briefly on bar 4, and right hands on bar 8 to finish facing each other.
9 – 16 All dance interlocking reels of four, passing right shoulders with partners to begin. All acknowledge partners on bar 12 while turning away to complete the reels. All give right hands to partners on bar 16 to turn the men into the centre.
17 – 18 Men dance left hands across to move two places, while women dance clockwise around one place.
19 – 20 All turn partners once round, giving right hands.
21 – 24 Repeat bars 17-20 to finish one place to the right of original positions.
25 – 26 All set, joining nearer hands with partner.
27 – 28 All dance six hands round to the left halfway.
29 – 30 All turn partners once round, giving both hands.
31 – 32 All dance six hands round to the left halfway.
Repeat from new positions.
Devised by John Bowie Dickson.
Original tune: Scotch Mist – Traditional.
Source: Dunedin Dances – 11 Scottish Dances Book 1.