Dances for November 25, 2024


Ardbrae Dancers of Ottawa

Video: John of Bon Accord

John of Bon Accord

1 – 16 Four progressive half-reels of three across the dance – danced as follows:

1 – 4 1st couple with 2nd woman dance a half-reel of three. 1st woman passes her partner with the right shoulder to begin and finishes in the middle of the set facing her own side of the dance. 1st man finishes in 1st woman’s original place and 2nd woman in 1st man’s original place.

5 – 8 1st couple with 2nd man dance a half-reel of three. 1st woman passes her partner with the left shoulder to begin and finishes in the middle of the set facing the men’s side of the dance. 1st man finishes in 2nd man’s original place and 2nd man in 1st woman’s original place.

9 – 12 1st couple repeat bars 1-4 with 3rd woman who finishes in 2nd man’s original place.

13 – 16 1st couple repeat bars 5-8 with 3rd man, who finishes in 2nd woman’s original place. 1st couple finish in third place in the middle of the set.

17 – 20 1st couple turn with right hands and cast up one place on own sides. 3Rd couple step down on bars 19-20.

21 – 24 1st couple dance half figure of eight round 2nd couple.

25 – 28 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples turn partners with right hands three-quarters round to finish in a line up and down the dance; facing partners and retaining right hands, all set.

29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples turn partners with right hands to finish on own sides and then, joining hands on the sides, set to partners.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Roy Goldring and inscribed to John Drewry of Aberdeen.

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 1-16 In the four progressive half reels across the dance, the 1st woman cuts each reel through the middle giving her partner, successively, right, left, right and left shoulders.

TAC Notes:’
1-16 For the four consecutive half reels of three, 1st woman starts by facing her partner, giving him R, L, R, & then L shouders. Note: support dancers all dance up into their half reels & finish one place up on opposite sides.
29-30 This is a tight turn – do not “steal” on bar 28.

Video: Blue Bonnets

Blue Bonnets
RSCDS Book 3
32-bar jig for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st woman and 2nd man advance and retire.

5 – 8 1st woman and 2nd man dance back to back, passing by the right to begin.

9 – 16 1st man and 2nd woman repeat bars 1-8.

17 – 24 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in the middle of the set, facing partner with both hands joined. 2nd couple step in.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette.

    Repeat, having passed a couple.

Allan’s Reference Guide to the Ball-Room, Glasgow c.1900.

Original tune: Blue Bonnets (Traditional)
17th century tune known as Lesley’s March to Scotland. Published in Watt’s Musical Miscellany 1731 and Oswald 1755. Sir Walter Scot wrote the song Blue Bonnets over the Border to this tune.