Dances for March 6, 2023


Video: Mrs Stewart of Fasnacloich

Mrs Stewart of Fasnacloich
RSCDS Leaflet – No. 18

Figure 1 - Bar 9
Figure 1 – Bar 9

Figure 2 – Bar 28

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples petronella turn into centre to face partners and set.

5 – 6 1st and 2nd couples turn partners by right hand three-quarters way round, then, retaining partners’ hands.

7 – 8 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across halfway round to finish, 2nd couple in first place and 1st couple in second place, on own sides.

9 – 16 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. To begin, 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over to third place. (Fig. 1). 1st couple finish facing second corners; 2nd and 3rd couples dance the long way round into place.

17 – 20 1st couple dance half a diagonal reel of four with second corners. Then 1st couple turn each other by the left hand to face first corners.

21 – 24 1st couple dance half a diagonal reel of four with first corners, passing left shoulders. Then 1st couple pass each other by the left to finish back to back in the centre, 1st man facing up, 1st woman facing down.

25 – 27 1st man dances three hands round with 3rd couple, while 1st woman dances three hands round with 2nd couple.

28 – 30 Releasing left hand, 1st man leads his circle down the women’s side, while 1st woman leads her circle up the men’s side to form a large circle. Six hands round to the left. (Fig. 2).

31 – 32 All 3 couples set.

19-20 1st cpl dance a wide LH turn instead of passing L shoulder.
24 1st cpl pass L shoulder.
25-30 Controlled slip steps. If 1st cpl release LH in the small circles at end of bar 27, then large circle may be formed by end of bar 28.

John Drewry, Bankhead Part 5
Strathspey – 3 couples – 32 bars

Tune “Mrs Stewart of Inverugie”
by William Marshall 1st Collection page 35
see also The Athole Collection page 107

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples dance petronella turns into the middle to face partners and set to partners.

5 – 6 1st and 2nd couples turn partners with the right hand three quarters round and retain hold of hands.

7 – 8 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across half way round to finish on own sides having changed places. 2nd couple stay facing out.

9 – 16 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides.
To begin, 2nd couple dance out and down,

1st couple, giving right hands, dance down crossing over to reel on opposite sides,

3rd couple dance out and up.

At the end, 1st couple dance in to finish back to back facing second corners and 2nd and 3rd couples dance the long way round into place.

17 – 20 1st couple dance half a reel of four with second corners. At the end, 1st couple pass each other by the left to face first corners.

21 – 24 1st couple dance half a reel of four with first corners. At the end, 1st couple pass each other by the left to finish back to back in the middle with the man facing up and the woman facing down.

25 – 26 3rd and 2nd couples face diagonally in and 3rd, 1st. and 2nd couples set.

27 – 29 3rd couple and 1st man, and 1st woman and 2nd couple, dance three hands round to the left. At the end, 1st man, releasing his left hand, leads his string down the women’s side, while 1st woman, similarly, leads her string up the men’s side.

30 – 32 Six hands round to finish on own sides in the order 2,1,3.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

NOTE This dance, devised in 1973, was used by the Publications Committee in that year as the basis for the reel “Mrs Stewart of Fasnacloich” – a dance which has always disappointed me – I do not like left shoulder reels of four and I think that setting should come at the beginning of a phrase rather than at the end. My feeling, for a long time, has been that Mrs Stewart was never the same woman again after she was interfered with by the committee!

I am publishing the dance in its original form in the hope that dancers will enjoy it this way.

Video: Follow Me Home

Follow Me Home
RSCDS Book 38 – No. 3
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple set and, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place on opposite sides. 1st couple, giving left hands, turn to join right hands with first corners in balance in line position. 2nd couple step up on bars 5-6.

9 – 10 1st couple and first corners balance in line.

11 – 16 Releasing left hands with partner, 1st couple turn first corners halfway. 1st couple, followed closely by first corners, dance clockwise halfway round the set, passing behind second corners. 1st couple dance in to join right hands with partner and left hands with second corners. 3rd woman finishes in 1st man’s place and 2nd man finishes in 3rd woman’s place.

17 – 18 1st couple and second corners balance in line.

19 – 24 Releasing left hands with partner, 1st couple turn second corners halfway. 1st couple, followed closely by second corners, dance anticlockwise halfway round the set, passing behind 1st corners. 1st couple pass each other by the left to finish in second place on opposite sides facing out. 3rd man finishes in 1st woman’s place and 2nd woman finishes in 3rd man’s place. All are on opposite sides in the order 3, 1, 2.

25 – 28 3rd , 1st and 2nd couples dance half reels of three on the sides, 3rd and 1st men and 1st and 2nd women passing by the left to begin.

29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set and, giving right hands to partners, cross over.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Ellie Briscoe, Alexandria, Virginia.
Original tune: Miss Catherine Stewart, Pettyvaich (William Marshall)

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 11-16 The half turns should be completed in one bar to ensure the corners finish in new place. Similarly for bars 19-24.

11-16 1st cpl half turn corners, on bar 11, & release hands. Corners follow closely without going back through corner position.
19-24 Bar 19 as well as bar 11 above.

Video: The Deil amang the Tailors

The Deil amang the Tailors
RSCDS Book 14 – No. 7
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set to partners and dance right hands across halfway round.

5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples set to partners and dance left hands across halfway round to original places.

9 – 16 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in the middle of the set facing up. 2nd couple step in.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Dale’s Collection of Reels and Dances c. 1799.
Original tune: The Deil amang the Tailors (Gow)

Video: Rabbie’s Reel

Rabbie’s Reel
RSCDS Book 40

1 – 8 1st woman, followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th women, dances across the top of the set, down behind the men and back to place.

9 – 16 1st man, followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th men, dances across the top of the set, down behind the women and back to place.

17 – 20 All four women dance round their partners, passing right shoulders, and back to place.

21 – 24 All four men dance round their partners, passing right shoulders, and back to place.

25 – 28 1st couple lead down to fourth place. 2nd, 3rd and 4th couples step up on bars 27 – 28.

29 – 32 All clap (eight claps).

Repeat with a new top couple.

Devised by members of Fife Council Physical Education Visiting Teacher Service for The
Fife Scottish Country Dance Festival, 1996.

Dances for February 27, 2023


Video: The Trysting Place

The Trysting Place
RSCDS Book 35 – No. 6
32-bar strathspey for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set and link.

5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples set and link.

9 – 12 1st woman and 2nd man set and, giving right hands, change places. At the same time, 1st man and 2nd woman, giving right hands, change places and set.

13 – 16 Repeat bars 9-12 back to original places.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across and left hands back to finish in a line of four up and down the middle of the set, women facing down and men facing up.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a Highland schottische poussette.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Iain Boyd, New Zealand Branch, 1985.
Original tune: The Duchess of Gordon’s New Strathspey (Robert Mackintosh)

Inscribed to Mary Murray of Vancouver, BC, whose home in Tryst Road, Falkirk was opposite the traditional site of the Falkirk Tryst, where cattle drovers from the Highlands, Lowlands and the north of England met to buy and sell their livestock and produce.

31-32 On bars 7-8 of poussette figure, cpls turn 2H, using travelling steps – all starting on R foot.

Video: Follow Me Home

Follow Me Home
RSCDS Book 38 – No. 3
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st couple set and, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place on opposite sides. 1st couple, giving left hands, turn to join right hands with first corners in balance in line position. 2nd couple step up on bars 5-6.

9 – 10 1st couple and first corners balance in line.

11 – 16 Releasing left hands with partner, 1st couple turn first corners halfway. 1st couple, followed closely by first corners, dance clockwise halfway round the set, passing behind second corners. 1st couple dance in to join right hands with partner and left hands with second corners. 3rd woman finishes in 1st man’s place and 2nd man finishes in 3rd woman’s place.

17 – 18 1st couple and second corners balance in line.

19 – 24 Releasing left hands with partner, 1st couple turn second corners halfway. 1st couple, followed closely by second corners, dance anticlockwise halfway round the set, passing behind 1st corners. 1st couple pass each other by the left to finish in second place on opposite sides facing out. 3rd man finishes in 1st woman’s place and 2nd woman finishes in 3rd man’s place. All are on opposite sides in the order 3, 1, 2.

25 – 28 3rd , 1st and 2nd couples dance half reels of three on the sides, 3rd and 1st men and 1st and 2nd women passing by the left to begin.

29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set and, giving right hands to partners, cross over.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Ellie Briscoe, Alexandria, Virginia.
Original tune: Miss Catherine Stewart, Pettyvaich (William Marshall)

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 11-16 The half turns should be completed in one bar to ensure the corners finish in new place. Similarly for bars 19-24.

11-16 1st cpl half turn corners, on bar 11, & release hands. Corners follow closely without going back through corner position.
19-24 Bar 19 as well as bar 11 above.


David Queen, The Queen Collection

32 Bar Strathspey for a 3 couple set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd men and 1st and 2nd ladies, set and ‘mirror link’ ie. ladies pulling back right shoulders and men pulling back left shoulders.

5 – 8 1st couple dance half a figure of eight round 2nd couple, crossing up to begin.

9 – 12 1st and 3rd couples set and ‘mirror link’ ie.1st man and 3rd lady pulling back right shoulders, 1st lady and 3rd man pulling back left shoulders.

13 – 16 1st couple dance half a figure of eight round 3rd couple, crossing up to begin.

17 – 20 All 3 couples petronella turn into the centre of the set and set to partners.

21 – 24 All turn partners halfway with both hands and damce a petronella turn back out to own sidelines.

25 – 32 All 3 couples flow into a circle round and back.

Start again with a new couple at the top.

For my wife Cathy.



(N.B. Dancing couple passing left shoulder in centre.)

1 – 4 First couple turn with right hand and cast one place on own side. (Second couple move up.)

5 – 8 Then turn with left hand to corners.

9 – 12 First couple dance half reel of four with first corners. (The corners changing places.)

13 – 16 First couple dance half reel of four with second corners.

17 – 20 First couple dance half reel of four with first corners, (Who are now on the other side.)

21 – 24 First couple dance half reel of four with second corners.

25 – 32 Reels of three across, the woman with second couple and the man with third couple.

33 – 40 Six hands round and back.


RSCDS Book 40

1 – 8 4st woman, followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th women, dances across the top of the set, down behind the men and back to place.

9 – 16 1st man, followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th men, dances across the top of the set, down behind the women and back to place.

17 – 20 All four women dance round their partners, passing right shoulders, and back to place.

21 – 24 All four men dance round their partners, passing right shoulders, and back to place.

25 – 28 1st couple lead down to fourth place. 2nd, 3rd and 4th couples step up on bars 27 – 28.

29 – 32 All clap (eight claps).

Repeat with a new top couple.

Devised by members of Fife Council Physical Education Visiting Teacher Service for The
Fife Scottish Country Dance Festival, 1996.

Dances for February 13, 2023


Video: Miss Catherine Ann

Miss Catherine Ann
David Queen, The Queen Collection
32 Bar Strathspey for a 3 couple set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd men and 1st and 2nd ladies, set and ‘mirror link’ ie. ladies pulling back right shoulders and men pulling back left shoulders.

5 – 8 1st couple dance half a figure of eight round 2nd couple, crossing up to begin.

9 – 12 1st and 3rd couples set and ‘mirror link’ ie.1st man and 3rd lady pulling back right shoulders, 1st lady and 3rd man pulling back left shoulders.

13 – 16 1st couple dance half a figure of eight round 3rd couple, crossing up to begin.

17 – 20 All 3 couples petronella turn into the centre of the set and set to partners.

21 – 24 All turn partners halfway with both hands and damce a petronella turn back out to own sidelines.

25 – 32 All 3 couples flow into a circle round and back.

Start again with a new couple at the top.

For my wife Cathy.

Video: The Ratcatcher’s Reel

The Ratcatcher’s Reel
David Queen, The Queen Collection, Vol. 1
32 bar Reel for 3 couples in a 4 couple set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set and mirror link, ie. Men link by the left and Ladies link by the night.

5 – 8 1st, 2nd & 3rd couples dance half a reel of three on the sides, 1st couple dancing in and down to begin, 2nd couple out and down and 3rd couple out and up.

9 – 12 3rd and 1st couples set and mirror link ie. Men link by the left and ladies link by the right.

13 – 16 1st, 3rd & 2nd couples dance half a reel of three on the sides, 1st couple dancing out and down to begin, 3rd couple in and down and 2nd couple out and up.

17 – 18 1st man and 3rd man dance half a turn with the right hand, while 1st lady and 3rd lady dance half a turn with the left hand.

19 – 20 1st man and 2nd man dance half a turn with the left hand, while 1st lady and 2nd lady dance half a turn with the right hand.

21 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance half a figure of eight, 1st couple casting down and 2nd couple crossing up to begin.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande starting by dancing a right hand turn into allemande hold facing up using the first two bars (as in the knot) and continuing to dance a normal two couple allemande.

This dance was devised for David Rye from West Wales who lists among his many talents and professions, the role of Ratcatcher.

Video: It’s all right

It’s all right
RSCDS Second Book of Graded Scottish Country Dances
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set and, giving right hands, cross over to finish facing clockwise.

5 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples chase halfway to finish in the order 3,2,1 on own sides.

9 – 16 3rd, 2nd and 1st couples repeat bars 1-8 to finish in original places.

17 – 24 1st couple lead down the middle and up.

25 – 32 1st couple set and, giving right hands, cross over, cast off one place and, giving right hands, cross to second place on own sides. 2nd couple step up on bars 29-30.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Devised by Elma See.
For those who forget which is their ‘right’ hand.

No Video

Longtown Rant
Evelyn Ramwell, The Second Kirkbrae Collection
A 32 bar reel for 3 couples in a 4 couple set.
Tune: ‘Bill & Betty Galbraith’ (Donald Ridley) or any good reel.

1 – 4 1st couple dance down the middle for two steps, release hands & set to partner.

5 – 8 1st couple dance up and cast to corners. 2nd couple step up on bars 7 & 8.

9 – 12 1st couple turn 1st corner by the Right hand, pass partner by the Right shoulder to face 2nd corner. (Corners dance four bar turns.)

13 – 16 1st couple turn 2nd corner by the Right hand, (corners dance four bar turns), 1st couple cross to 2nd place own side, passing Right shoulder, and face out, ready for:

17 – 24 Reels of 3 on own sides, 1st lady dancing down, 1st man up, passing Right shoulders to begin.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st & 3rd couples dance six hands round & back.

Repeat having passed a couple.

No Video

Raccoon Ramble
Susie Langdon Kass, Let’s All Dance, Too
32/R/3 couple set by Susie Langdon Kass (1996)
San Francisco Branch

1 – 8 1st couple dance a figure of eight around 2nd couple, crossing down to begin.

9 – 16 1st couple cross with right hands and cast off one place; cross with left hands and cast off to 3rd place. 2nd couple move up on bars 3-4 and 3rd couple move up on bars 7-8 of the phrase.

17 – 24 3rd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

25 – 32 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples circle 6 hands round and back.

Repeat from new places.

Music: Any good reel

Notes: An easy dance for 3 couples in which only the 1st couple start, and the dance ends with a circle. For teaching purposes, the rights and lefts in bars 17-24 may be replaced with right hands across and left hands back, set and cross right and set and cross back for 3 couples, or promenade for 3 couples or any other appropriate, non-progressive, formation. If there is a 4th couple the last circle is 8 hands round and back.

The name of the dance came to mind one night when some raccoons came into my back yard while I was preparing the lesson for my class. (SLK)

Dances for February 6, 2023


Video: Maxwell’s Rant

Maxwell’s Rant
RSCDS Book 18 – No. 10
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 16 1st couple, with 2nd and 3rd couples, dance reels of three on opposite sides and then on own sides. 2nd and 3rd couples remain on own sides throughout.

17 – 20 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.

21 – 24 1st couple dance a half figure of eight round 2nd couple.

25 – 28 1st couple dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to second place on own sides.

29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn once round.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Rutherford: Compleat Collection of 200 of the most celebrated Country Dances both old and new… Vol 1, London, c. 1755 as Maxwill’s Rant.

Original tune: Maxwell’s Rant (Traditional)

Video: Hooper’s Jig

Hooper’s Jig
Miss Milligan’s Miscellany of Scottish Country Dances

32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 All clap and 1st couple, passing right shoulders, cross over and cast off one place on opposite sides. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 1st and 3rd couples dance right hands across once round.

9 – 12 All clap and 1st couple, passing by the right, cross over and cast up to original places. 2nd couple step down on bars 11-12.

13 – 16 1st and 2nd couples dance left hands across once round.

17 – 18 1st man and 3rd woman, giving right hands, change places.

19 – 20 1st woman and 3rd man, giving right hands, change places, while 1st man and 3rd woman dance round ready to cross back.

21 – 22 1st man and 3rd woman, giving right hands, change places and 1st man faces out. At the same time, 1st woman and 3rd man dance round ready to cross back.

23 – 24 1st woman and 3rd man, giving left hands, cross over with 3rd man guiding 1st woman into second place while 1st man casts off to second place. 2nd couple step up.

25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Rutherford, D: Compleat collection of 200 of the most celebrated country dances, both old and new, c. 1756, London
Customary tune: Peter’s Peerie Boat (Tom Anderson)

Video: Fair Donald

Fair Donald
RSCDS Book 29 – No. 4
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st couple dance down between 2nd couple and cast up to meet in the middle of first place, facing down.

5 – 8 1st couple dance down between 3rd couple and cast up to face 1st corners. 2nd couple step up on bars 7-8.

9 – 16 1st couple dance a reel of four with first corners. 1st couple pass each other by the left to face second corners.

17 – 24 1st couple dance a reel of four with second corners. 1st couple finish between 2nd couple facing up.

25 – 26 1st couple cast off one place on own sides.

27 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set and, giving both hands, turn once round.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Original tune: Lady Dick Lauder’s Strathspey (James Taylor, A Collection of Strathspeys and Reels, Volume 2, 1845).

Video: Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan

Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan
14 Social Dances for 2000, by Roy Goldring
32 bar reel for 5 couples

1 – 4 1st couple set and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3 – 4.

5 – 8 1st couple, followed by 3rd couple, dance up between 2nd couple and cast off. 1st couple finish in 3rd place, 3rd couple finish in 2nd place.

9 – 16 1st, 4th and 5th couples dance reels of three on the sides. To begin:- 1st couple cross down to 4th place, 4th couple dance out and up, 5th couple dance in and up.

17 – 24 1st, 3rd and 2nd couples dance reels of three on the sides. To begin:- 1st couple cross up to second place on own side, 3rd couple dance out and down, 2nd couple dance in and down.

25 – 28 1st couple set and cast off one place. 4th couple step up on bars 27 – 28.

29 – 32 1st couple, followed by 5th couple, dance up between 4th couple and cast off. 1st couple finish in 5th place, 5th couple finish in 4th place.

Repeat from new positions

Note: 1st couple should begin and end each reel in 3rd place in the sidelines.
For Muriel
Tune: The Ardrossan Hornpipe by Muriel Johnstone

Dances for January 30, 2023


No Video

The Three Creeks Shore
Aye Afloat, The Portknockie Collection of Scottish Country Dances, devised by Margaret Zadworny
8 x 32 – 3 Couple Jig

1 – 4 1st couple set and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3 and 4.

5 – 8 1st lady dance right hands across with 2nd couple while 1st man dance right hands across with 3rd couple to finish in 2nd place; 1st lady facing in and down and 1st man facing in and up.

9 – 16 1st couple figure of eight on own sides. 1st lady pass 3rd lady left shoulder and 1st man pass 2nd man left shoulder to begin.

17 – 20 1st lady dance left hands across with 3rd couple while 1st man dance left hands across with 2nd couple. First couple finish in the middle with right hands joined.

21 – 24 1st couple turn with right hand once round.

25 – 32 1st lady with 3rd couple and 1st man with 2nd couple dance reels of three across. 1st lady pass 3rd man with right shoulder, while 1st man pass 2nd lady with right shoulder to begin. 1st couple finish in 2nd place.

Repeat from second place.

No Video

Swirling Waters
John Drewry, Greenburn Book
Strathspey – 3 couples – 32 bars

for the dancers in Edmonton.

1 – 4 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples, joining nearer hands, set on the sides and then, giving right hands to partners, cross to opposite sides. 1st couple stay facing out.

5 – 8 1st couple cast off to third place on opposite sides and then turn with the right hand half way round to finish facing up with hands in promenade hold. 2nd and 3rd couples step up on Bars 5-6.

9 – 12 1st couple, dancing together, dance half a reel of three across the dance with 3rd couple. They begin by giving right shoulder to 3rd man. At the end, 1st couple finish in the middle facing up while 3rd couple dance down to third place on own sides.

13 – 16 1st couple, still dancing together, dance half a reel of three across the dance with 2nd couple. They begin by giving left shoulder to 2nd woman. At the end, 1st couple finish in the middle in first place facing up while 2nd couple dance down to second place and in to meet each other below 1st couple ready for allemande. Hands should be raised into allemande position on the last beat of Bar 16.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples allemande. On Bars 23-24, 2nd couple retire in the usual way into first place, but 1st couple turn with the left hand one and a quarter times to finish in the middle with 1st man below his partner.

25 – 28 1st woman dances right hands across with 2nd couple, while lst man dances right hands across with 3rd couple. 1st couple finish in second place on own sides.

29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples turn partners TWICE with both hands.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

NOTE The North Saskatchewan River flows through Edmonton. Further downstream it unites with the South Saskatchewan to form the Saskatchewan, which flows into the north end of Lake Winnipeg and then, via the Nelson River, into Hudson Bay – a very long journey.

I was told that the name “Saskatchewan” means “Swirling Waters” in the language of the local natives.
The double turning on bars 29-32 was suggested by Avis Harrison of Leeds. It enhances the swirling effect.

Video: The Kissing Bridge

The Kissing Bridge
RSCDS Book 47
32 bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1-8 1st couple cast off, dance down behind own lines and cast up to original places.

9-16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. To begin 1st couple cross down, 1st woman passing 3rd man by the left and 1st man passing 3rd woman by the right while 2nd couple dance out and up. 1St couple finish in partner’s place.

17-24 1st couple lead down the middle. On bar 20, 1st couple change to own sides, 1st woman dancing under her partner’s right arm. 1st couple lead up to the top to finish facing partner with both hands joined. 2nd couple step in.

25-32 1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette.

Repeat having passed a couple

Devised by Romaine Butterfield, New Zealand Branch
A “kissing bridge” is another name for a North American “covered bridge”.

No Video

There Cam’ a Young Man
Let’s All Dance, by Iain Boyd
32 / J / 3

1 – 4 1st couple dance down between 2nd couple with nearer hands joined and cast up round 2nd couple on own sides.

5 – 8 1st and 2nd couples turn partner with right hands once round to finish beside partner, facing up in promenade hold.

9 – 16 1st and 2nd couples dance a promenade.

17 – 24 1st couple dance down between 2nd and 3rd couples with nearer hands joined, cast up round 3rd couple on own sides, dance up between 2nd couple with nearer hands joined and cast down round 2nd couple on own sides. 2nd couple move up on bars 7 and 8 of the phrase.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance 6 hands round and back.

Repeat from new places.

Music: “There Cam’ a Young Man” played ABAB (Kerr’s First Collection, page 31, tune 3): recorded music: “Miss Nancy Frowns” Bobby Crowe and his SCD Band Music for 8 SDC from Bk. 13 & 14 (RSCDS 34)

Note: Devised by Iain Boyd during March and April 1980 and modified on Friday, June 21st, 1991.

Video: The White Cockade

The White Cockade
RSCDS Book 5 – No. 11
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples set and, giving right hands, cross over. They repeat back to places.

9 – 16 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in first place in the middle of the set. (Fig.)

17 – 20 1st couple cast off to second place on own sides.
2nd couple step up on bars 19-20.

21 – 24 1st and 3rd couples dance four hands once round to the left.

25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

William Campbell: 3rd Book of New and Favourite Country Dances and Strathspey Reels, London c.1782.
Original tune: The White Cockade (Traditional, earliest version Aird 1782 as The Ranting Highlandman)

Dances for January 23, 2023


Video: The Kissing Bridge

The Kissing Bridge
RSCDS Book 47
32 bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1-8 1st couple cast off, dance down behind own lines and cast up to original places.

9-16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. To begin 1st couple cross down, 1st woman passing 3rd man by the left and 1st man passing 3rd woman by the right while 2nd couple dance out and up. 1St couple finish in partner’s place.

17-24 1st couple lead down the middle. On bar 20, 1st couple change to own sides, 1st woman dancing under her partner’s right arm. 1st couple lead up to the top to finish facing partner with both hands joined. 2nd couple step in.

25-32 1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette.

Repeat having passed a couple

Devised by Romaine Butterfield, New Zealand Branch
A “kissing bridge” is another name for a North American “covered bridge”.

No Video

Megan’s Favourite
David Queen, The Queen Collection, Vol. 1

32 Bar Jig for 3 couples in a 4 couple set

1 – 4 All clap as 1st couple cross passing right shoulder and cast into 2″ place, 2nd couple stepping up on bars 3 & 4.

5 – 6 1st couple dance a petronella turn so that the 1st man is between the 2nd couple facing down and the 1st lady is between the 3rd couple facing up.

7 – 8 All set.

9 – 14 All dance right shoulder reels of three across with the 1st couple dancing to their right to begin.

15 – 16 All clap as the 1st couple dance a petronella turn onto their own sides in 2nd place.

17 – 24 1st couple dance down the middle and up finishing ready for an allemande, 2nd couple step down on bars 19 & 20 and step in behind the 1st couple ready for a poussette.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a two couple allepousse ie. 1st couple dance an allemande while the 2nd couple dance a poussette.

This dance is dedicated to Miss Megan Thomas, whose favourite figure is a poussette, she also likes to clap a lot!

Video: Lady Auckland’s Reel

Lady Auckland’s Reel
RSCDS Book 18 – No. 2
32-bar strathspey for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st and 2nd women dance between 1st and 2nd men, cast round partners and, giving both hands, turn once round to face partners. 1st and 2nd couples, giving both hands, turn once round to original places.

9 – 16 1st and 2nd men repeat bars 1-8, dancing between partners to begin.

17 – 24 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in the middle of the set facing up. 2nd couple step in.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Wm. Campbell’s 8th Book of New and Favourite Country Dances, & Strathspey Reels c. 1787.
Original tune: Lady Auckland’s Reel (Traditional)

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 1-8 The phrasing of bars 1-8 needs care. 1st and 2nd women lead through between 1st and 2nd men for two bars, cast round their own partner for two bars and face each other. They must be well over to their own side before they turn each other on bars 5-6 and the men dance forward to turn partners on bar 7 in the middle of the set before all dance back to places. On bar 8 the men must be right back into the line before they begin to dance on bar 9.

1-8 We suggest that 1st & 2nd women meet in middle of set at end of bar 4, ready to turn each other on bars 5-6. Their partners dance in on bar 7 to begin turn, & all finish on sidelines on bar 8.
9-16 Turns take place in middle of set as in bars 1-8.

Video: Collie Law

Collie Law
A 32 bar jig for 2 couples
R Goldring
24 Graded & Social Dances

1- 4 1st and 2nd couples, joining nearer hands on the sides, advance and retire
5-8 1st and 2nd couples turn partner once round with right hands finishing in the center, facing up, ready for: –

9-16 1st and 2nd couples dance Allemande

17-24 1st couple, crossing up to begin, dance a figure of eight round 2nd couple.

25-32 2nd and 1st couples dance right hands across & left hands back

Video: Flowers of Edinburgh

Flowers of Edinburgh
RSCDS Book 1 – No. 6
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 6 1st woman casts off two places, crosses to the opposite side and dances up behind 2nd and 3rd men to her partner’s original place. 1st man follows his partner, crossing over and dancing behind 2nd and 3rd women, and up the middle to his partner’s original place.

7 – 8 1st couple set to each other.

9 – 14 1st couple repeat bars 1-6, with 1st man casting off and 1st woman following. 1st couple finish in original places.

15 – 16 1st couple set to each other.

17 – 24 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish facing each other in the middle of the set with both hands joined. 2nd couple step in.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Kate Hughes’ Dancing Book (MS), Dundalk 1867.
Original tune: Flowers of Edinburgh (Traditional)

Dances for January 16, 2023


Video: Lady Auckland’s Reel

Lady Auckland’s Reel
Book 18 – No. 2
32-bar strathspey for two couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 8 1st and 2nd women dance between 1st and 2nd men, cast round partners and, giving both hands, turn once round to face partners. 1st and 2nd couples, giving both hands, turn once round to original places.

9 – 16 1st and 2nd men repeat bars 1-8, dancing between partners to begin.

17 – 24 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in the middle of the set facing up. 2nd couple step in.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Wm. Campbell’s 8th Book of New and Favourite Country Dances, & Strathspey Reels c. 1787.
Original tune: Lady Auckland’s Reel (Traditional)

The Manual of Scottish Country Dancing:
Bars 1-8 The phrasing of bars 1-8 needs care. 1st and 2nd women lead through between 1st and 2nd men for two bars, cast round their own partner for two bars and face each other. They must be well over to their own side before they turn each other on bars 5-6 and the men dance forward to turn partners on bar 7 in the middle of the set before all dance back to places. On bar 8 the men must be right back into the line before they begin to dance on bar 9.

1-8 We suggest that 1st & 2nd women meet in middle of set at end of bar 4, ready to turn each other on bars 5-6. Their partners dance in on bar 7 to begin turn, & all finish on sidelines on bar 8.
9-16 Turns take place in middle of set as in bars 1-8.

Video: The Abbot of Unreason

The Abbot of Unreason
The Tin Woodman and Other Dances, by Milton Levy

dance devised by Milton Levy, 1982

Jig – 3 couples – 32 bars

Tune – “Away To Chincoteague”

1 – 4 1st couple, with nearer hands joined, dance down the middle. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 1st man dances round below his partner, who dances under his arm, and they dance up to finish back to back facing second place on opposite sides.

9 – 16 “Balance and Turn Corners”
9 – 10 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set as in double triangles.
11 – 12 1st couple turn first corners with the right hand once round.
13 – 14 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples set as in double triangles.
15 – 16 1st couple turn second corners with the left hand once round.

17 – 24 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. To begin, 1st couple pass their first corners by the right. On bars 23-24, 1st couple dance from second corner position to second place on own sides.

25 – 28 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples, with nearer hands joined, dance one pas de basque to the right and then dance six hands round to the left and remain in the circle.

29 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance one pas de basque to the left and then dance six hands round to the right to finish on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Note At the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th centuries, the Abbot of Unreason was master of the Christmas Revels at the court of Scotland.

Video: The “Ballater” Reel

The “Ballater” Reel
Let’s All Dance
32/R or S/32 by John Trew

1 – 8 1st couple lead down the middle and up; staying in the middle ready for…

9 – 16 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance rights and lefts.

25 – 32 1st couple dance a figure of eight around the 2nd couple.

Repeat from new places.

Music: Any good reel or strathspey

Note: This dance was devised for use with a very senior group of adults. In reel time, this dance would be suitable for young children. The dance could be amended to include more advanced figures. Ballater is a Scottish town

No Video

There Cam’ a Young Man
Let’s All Dance
32 / J / 3 by Iain Boyd

1 – 4 1st couple dance down between 2nd couple with nearer hands joined and cast up round 2nd couple on own sides.

5 – 8 1st and 2nd couples turn partner with right hands once round to finish beside partner, facing up in promenade hold.

9 – 16 1st and 2nd couples dance a promenade.

17 – 24 1st couple dance down between 2nd and 3rd couples with nearer hands joined, cast up round 3rd couple on own sides, dance up between 2nd couple with nearer hands joined and cast down round 2nd couple on own sides. 2nd couple move up on bars 7 and 8 of the phrase.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance 6 hands round and back.

Repeat from new places.

Music: “There Cam’ a Young Man” played ABAB (Kerr’s First Collection, page 31, tune 3): recorded music: “Miss Nancy Frowns” Bobby Crowe and his SCD Band Music for 8 SDC from Bk. 13 & 14 (RSCDS 34)

Note: Devised by Iain Boyd during March and April 1980 and modified on Friday, June 21st, 1991.

Video: The Old Man of Hoy

The Old Man of Hoy
Let’s All Dance
32/H/2 by Iain Boyd

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set twice with nearer hands joined on the sides.

5 – 8 1st and 2nd couples dance right hands across once round to finish beside partner – 1st couple facing down and 2nd couple facing up.

9 – 12 st and 2nd couples set twice with nearer hands joined with partner.

13 – 16 st and 2nd couples dance right hands across once round to finish beside partner facing up in promenade hold.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat from new places.

Music: Any good hornpipe |

Note: Devised by Iain Boyd on Tuesday, July 24th, 1969 while cycling home after taking the Upper Hutt Methodist Girls’ Brigade Group. “I devised the dance as I needed something with setting plus a new formation other than rights and lefts which the group had already done in square dancing.” I.B.

Dances for January 9, 2023


Video: The “Ballater” Reel

The “Ballater” Reel
Let’s All Dance
32/R or S/32 by John Trew

1 – 8 1st couple lead down the middle and up; staying in the middle ready for…

9 – 16 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance rights and lefts.

25 – 32 1st couple dance a figure of eight around the 2nd couple.

Repeat from new places.

Music: Any good reel or strathspey

Note: This dance was devised for use with a very senior group of adults. In reel time, this dance would be suitable for young children. The dance could be amended to include more advanced figures. Ballater is a Scottish town.

Video: The Kissing Gates

The Kissing Gates
A Strathspey for 3 couples in a three-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples dance half rights and lefts. All finish facing diagonally to the centre, 1st man and 2nd woman having made polite turns.

5 – 6 1st man and 2nd woman set, whilst 1st woman and 2nd man change places diagonally, giving right hands.

7 – 8 1st and 2nd couples chase clockwise one place. 2nd couple are now in top place and 1st couple in second place.

9 – 12 2nd and 1st couples dance right hands across once round. 1st man finishes facing out on his own side in second place, ready for:

13 – 16 1st and 3rd couples dance left hands across once round to finish facing partners across the dance.

17 – 24 1st and 3rd couples repeat bars 1 – 8.

25 – 32 2nd, 3rd and 1st couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, with a new top couple.

Suggested music:

‘The Silver Star’ recorded by Rob Gordon and his Band, on The Complete Caledonian
Ball, LCOM9007 Track 8.

Dance devised by Ken Jones.

Note: A kissing gate is a gate which allows people to pass through, one at a time, but not livestock. The gate “kisses” the enclosure either side rather than needing to be securely latched. However, some people use the name as an excuse to kiss the following person before letting them through.

Video: Lady Catherine Bruce’s Reel

Lady Catherine Bruce’s Reel
RSCDS Graded Book

1 – 8 First couple lead down the middle for 4 skip change of step and lead up for four. Finish ready for allemande, second couple coming in behind first couple on last bar.
9 – 16 First and second couples allemande to change places.
17 – 24 First couple dance the figure of eight round the second couple who stand still.
25 – 32 First and second couples dance four hands round and back to places – 8 slip steps to left and 8 to right.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Video: Collie Law

Collie Law
A 32 bar jig for 2 couples
R Goldring
24 Graded & Social Dances

1- 4 1st and 2nd couples, joining nearer hands on the sides, advance and retire
5-8 1st and 2nd couples turn partner once round with right hands finishing in the center, facing up, ready for: –

9-16 1st and 2nd couples dance Allemande

17-24 1st couple, crossing up to begin, dance a figure of eight round 2nd couple.

25-32 2nd and 1st couples dance right hands across & left hands back

Video: The Deil amang the Tailors

The Deil amang the Tailors
RSCDS Book 14 – No. 7
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set to partners and dance right hands across halfway round.

5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples set to partners and dance left hands across halfway round to original places.

9 – 16 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in the middle of the set facing up. 2nd couple step in.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Dale’s Collection of Reels and Dances c. 1799.
Original tune: The Deil amang the Tailors (Gow)

Dances for December 12, 2022 – Ardbrae Christmas Social


Video: The Bramble Circle

The Bramble Circle
Let’s All Dance
32/R or J/single circle by Elinor M. Vandegrift

All face the center of the circle. Men have their partner on their right.

1 – 8 All circle round and back

9 – 12 All advance (2 steps) and retire (2 steps).

13 – 16 Repeat bars 9-12. Finish facing partner.

17 – 20 Turn partner right hand once round and finish facing the dancer behind (woman face the man who was originally on her right and man face the woman who was originally on his left).

21 – 24 Turn the new partner left hand 1 1/4 times, finishing in promenade hold facing counterclockwise, women on the right of their new partner.

25 – 32 Promenade, finishing in single circle ready to repeat the dance.

Repeat with new couples.

Music: Any good reel or jig 4 times through

Note: Audience participation or 1st night dance. “Written in honour of Seattle’s Bramble Band members who give generously of their time to play for many ‘audience participation’ events.” E.M.V.

Video: A Wee Nothin’

A Wee Nothin’
32 Bar jig for 2 couples

1 – 8 1st and 2nd couples dance Right Hands across and Left Hands back to place.

9 – 14 1st Lady followed by the 2nd Lady dance across the top of the set, behind the men’s line, 1st Lady dances below the 2nd man, and 2nd Lady dances between the two men, and across to their own side, both pull LEFT shoulders back.

15 – 16 1st and 2nd ladies join hands and Set. (Men do not set back)

17 – 22 1st Man followed by the 2nd Man dance across the top of the set, behind the ladies’ line, 1st Man dances below the 2nd lady’s position, 2nd Man dances between the two ladies, and across to their own side, both pull RIGHT shoulders back.

23 – 24 1st and 2nd Men join hands and Set. (Ladies do not set back)

25 – 32 2nd and 1st couples dance Rights and Lefts.

Devised by Elaine Brunken as a wee warm up dance. Note: Please include the polite turns at the end of Rights and Lefts, prior to entry to the wheels.

Suggested tune: Miss Hannah of Elgin

Video: The Birks of Invermay

The Birks of Invermay
Book 16 – No. 2
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st man and 2nd woman, giving both hands, turn once round.

5 – 8 1st woman and 2nd man, giving both hands, turn once round to places. On bar 8, 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance into the middle of the set to join both hands and face up.

9 – 16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a promenade.

17 – 24 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place, lead up between 2nd couple, cross over to own sides and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 23-24.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Skillern’s compleat Collection of Two Hundred & four Reels and Country Dances c. 1789 as Birks of Endermay.

Original tune: The Birks of Invermay (Surenne)

Video: Flowers of Edinburgh

Flowers of Edinburgh
RSCDS Book 1 – No. 6
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 6 1st woman casts off two places, crosses to the opposite side and dances up behind 2nd and 3rd men to her partner’s original place. 1st man follows his partner, crossing over and dancing behind 2nd and 3rd women, and up the middle to his partner’s original place.

7 – 8 1st couple set to each other.

9 – 14 1st couple repeat bars 1-6, with 1st man casting off and 1st woman following. 1st couple finish in original places.

15 – 16 1st couple set to each other.

17 – 24 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish facing each other in the middle of the set with both hands joined. 2nd couple step in.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance a poussette.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Kate Hughes’ Dancing Book (MS), Dundalk 1867.
Original tune: Flowers of Edinburgh (Traditional)

Video: The Braes of Tulliemet

The Braes of Tulliemet
RSCDS Book 7 – No. 12
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st couple set and cast off one place on own sides. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off to third place on opposite sides. 3rd couple step up on bars 7-8.

9 – 12 3rd and 1st couples dance four hands once round to the left.

13 – 16 1st couple dance up to the top and cast off one place to face first corners. 3rd couple step down on bars 15-16.

17 – 24 1st couple set to and turn corners and finish facing first corners.

25 – 30 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance reels of three on the sides. 1st couple pass first corners by the left to begin.

31 – 32 1st couple, giving right hands, cross to second place on own sides.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

A Perthshire dance. Collected in the Borders.

Original tune:
The Braes of Tulliemet (Miss Stewart’s Collection, 1761).

9-12 Finish on sidelines.

Video: The Highland Rambler

The Highland Rambler
Roy Goldring, Leeds Branch, Silver Jubilee.
(a 40 bar reel for 3 couples)

1 – 4 1st couple dance towards each other then cast to 2nd place; 2nd couple steps up.

5 – 8 1st and 3rd couples dance Right Hands Across once around; 1st lady remains facing out.

9 – 12 1st and 2nd couples dance Left Hands Across once around; 1st lady remains facing out.

13 – 16 1st lady followed by her partner casts up around 2nd lady and dances down the middle to finish 1st lady between 3rd couple and 1st man between 2nd couple; all facing down.

17 – 24 In lines of three, all dance down the set, turn (pulling back right shoulders) and dance up again; 1st couple remains facing up.

25 – 28 1st man followed by his partner casts off one place on the ladies’ side and dances across the set to 2nd place on his own side; 1st lady finishes on her own side.

29 – 32 1st couple turns by the Right Hand.

33 – 40 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance Six Hands Round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Video: The Findlay’s Jig

The Findlay’s Jig
14 Social Dances for 2000, devised by Roy Goldring
32 bar jig for 3 couples

1 – 8 1st couple lead down the middle and back finishing at the top in the centre.2nd and 3rd couples step in on bar 8.

9 – 16 3 couple allemande.

17 – 20 1st couple dance in, face down and cast up to the top. 3rd and 2nd couples step down on 19-20.

21 – 24 2nd couple repeat bars 17-20. 1st and 3rd couples step down on bars 23-24.

25 – 32 6 hands round and back.

Repeat having passed a couple

For Faustina and Ian Findlay
Tune: The Groom’s Jig by Ian Findlay

Video: The Piper and the Penguin

The Piper and the Penguin
The Scotia Suite of Scottish Country Dances devised by Roy Goldring
(Reel for Four Couples in a Square Set)

1 – 4 The women dance round their corners, passing in front of them to begin.

5 – 8 The women dance right hands across and remain in the centre.

9 – 12 The women dance round their partners, passing in front of them to begin.

13 – 16 The women dance left hands across and finish in original places.

17 – 32 The men repeat bars 1–16, but dance in front of partners before dancing right hands across, and in front of their corners before dancing left hands across.

33 – 36 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn partners one and a quarter times.

37 – 40 1st man, followed by his partner, dances between 4th couple and cast back to place. Similarly, 3rd couple dance between 2nd couple and cast back to place.

41 – 48 1st and 3rd couple dance rights and lefts.

49 – 64 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 33–48, 2nd couple dancing between 1st couple and 4th couple dancing between 3rd couple.

65 – 72 The women dance in and pull back right shoulders (2 bars), dance out (2 bars), and cast clockwise half way round the set to opposite woman’s place.

73 – 80 The men repeat bars 65–72, but pull back left shoulders at the end of bar 74, and cast anticlockwise.

81 – 84 All turn partners with the right hand, just over once round, to finish in promenade hold facing anticlockwise.

85 – 88 All promenade halfway round the set. On bar 87, all release right hands and the men lead their partners to original places ready for the bow and curtsey.


The Second Carnforth Collection of Scottish Country Dances devised by Derek Haynes.
Strathspey for three-couple sets

1 – 8 2nd couple dance a diagonal reel of four with first corners. On bar 8 2nd couple dance left shoulder around each other to face second corners, ready to dance into a –

9 – 16 Diagonal reel of four with second corners. All finish on the side lines with 1st woman and 3rd man looping round by their right on bar 16.


17 – 18 1st couple cross over giving right hands.

19 – 20 1st and 2nd couples change places giving left hands.

21 – 22 2nd couple cross over while 1st and 3rd couples change places on the sides, all giving right hands.

23 – 24 2nd and 3rd couples change places on the sides as 1st couple cross to own sides, all giving left hands.

25 – 28 3rd and 2nd couples dance half rights and lefts.

29 – 32 Half figures of eight: 3rd woman crosses down then casts up around 1st woman and 3rd man crosses up then cast off round 2nd man.

Repeat from new places.

Tune: The Smith’s a Gallant Fireman. Recorded on Alastair Hunter’s Lorne Choice, DACD 9716 and also on Deirdre Adamson’s Come Scottish Country Dancing, DACD 9614.

First published on a Glendarroch S.C.D. Sheet in 1966.

Video: The Deil amang the Tailors

The Deil amang the Tailors
RSCDS Book 14 – No. 7
32-bar reel for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st and 2nd couples set to partners and dance right hands across halfway round.

5 – 8 2nd and 1st couples set to partners and dance left hands across halfway round to original places.

9 – 16 1st couple lead down the middle and up to finish in the middle of the set facing up. 2nd couple step in.

17 – 24 1st and 2nd couples dance an allemande.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Dale’s Collection of Reels and Dances c. 1799.
Original tune: The Deil amang the Tailors (Gow)

Dances for December 5, 2022


Video: The Machine Without Horses

The Machine Without Horses
Book 12 – No. 12
32-bar jig for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st couple set and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.

5 – 8 1st and 3rd couples dance right hands across once round.

9 – 12 1st couple set and cast up one place. 2nd couple step down on bars 11-12.

13 – 16 1st and 2nd couples dance left hands across once round.

17 – 24 1st couple, followed by 2nd couple who dance up the sides to begin, dance down between 3rd couple cast up round them, dance up to the top, and cast off into second place, while 2nd couple dance up into top place.

25 – 32 1st and 2nd couples dance rights and lefts.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

John Rutherford: Twelve Selected Country Dances…for the year 1772.
Original tune: The Machine Without Horses (Rutherford, 1772).

Video: The Birks of Invermay

The Birks of Invermay
RSCDS Book 16 – No. 2
32-bar strathspey for three couples in a four-couple longwise set

1 – 4 1st man and 2nd woman, giving both hands, turn once round.

5 – 8 1st woman and 2nd man, giving both hands, turn once round to places. On bar 8, 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance into the middle of the set to join both hands and face up.

9 – 16 1st, 2nd and 3rd couples dance a promenade.

17 – 24 1st couple, giving right hands, cross over and cast off one place, lead up between 2nd couple, cross over to own sides and cast off one place. 2nd couple step up on bars 23-24.

25 – 32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance six hands round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.

Skillern’s compleat Collection of Two Hundred & four Reels and Country Dances c. 1789 as Birks of Endermay.

Original tune: The Birks of Invermay (Surenne)

Video: The Piper and the Penguin

The Piper and the Penguin
The Scotia Suite of Scottish Country Dances devised by Roy Goldring
(Reel for Four Couples in a Square Set)

1 – 4 The women dance round their corners, passing in front of them to begin.

5 – 8 The women dance right hands across and remain in the centre.

9 – 12 The women dance round their partners, passing in front of them to begin.

13 – 16 The women dance left hands across and finish in original places.

17 – 32 The men repeat bars 1–16, but dance in front of partners before dancing right hands across, and in front of their corners before dancing left hands across.

33 – 36 1st and 3rd couples, giving right hands, turn partners one and a quarter times.

37 – 40 1st man, followed by his partner, dances between 4th couple and cast back to place. Similarly, 3rd couple dance between 2nd couple and cast back to place.

41 – 48 1st and 3rd couple dance rights and lefts.

49 – 64 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 33–48, 2nd couple dancing between 1st couple and 4th couple dancing between 3rd couple.

65 – 72 The women dance in and pull back right shoulders (2 bars), dance out (2 bars), and cast clockwise half way round the set to opposite woman’s place.

73 – 80 The men repeat bars 65–72, but pull back left shoulders at the end of bar 74, and cast anticlockwise.

81 – 84 All turn partners with the right hand, just over once round, to finish in promenade hold facing anticlockwise.

85 – 88 All promenade halfway round the set. On bar 87, all release right hands and the men lead their partners to original places ready for the bow and curtsey.

Video: The Highland Rambler

The Highland Rambler
Roy Goldring, Leeds Branch, Silver Jubilee.
(a 40 bar reel for 3 couples)

1 – 4 1st couple dance towards each other then cast to 2nd place; 2nd couple steps up.

5 – 8 1st and 3rd couples dance Right Hands Across once around; 1st lady remains facing out.

9 – 12 1st and 2nd couples dance Left Hands Across once around; 1st lady remains facing out.

13 – 16 1st lady followed by her partner casts up around 2nd lady and dances down the middle to finish 1st lady between 3rd couple and 1st man between 2nd couple; all facing down.

17 – 24 In lines of three, all dance down the set, turn (pulling back right shoulders) and dance up again; 1st couple remains facing up.

25 – 28 1st man followed by his partner casts off one place on the ladies’ side and dances across the set to 2nd place on his own side; 1st lady finishes on her own side.

29 – 32 1st couple turns by the Right Hand.

33 – 40 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance Six Hands Round and back.

Repeat, having passed a couple.